
The Secret on How to Write a Good Synthesis Essay

The Secret on How to Write a Good Synthesis Essay

Published by on July 13, 2021

Oh, if only there were one essay type! It seems that those teachers make fun of students intentionally and invent new ways of torturing the learners’ minds. 

But life is life, and it frequently involves learning new things, even when you are not in the right knowledge-acquiring mood. 

So, as a student, you’ve got to constantly master your skill of crafting various essay types, including the synthesis one. There is a big chance you have no idea what this essay type stands for. So, you are wondering how to write a synthesis question so that it amuses your teacher and brings you a good score. 

A synthesis essay has some peculiarities you might not be aware of, so we are here to simplify the writing process so that you do not feel overwhelmed when performing this assignment.

Grasping the Concept of a Synthesis Essay

Not every essay can be called a synthesis one. This piece of writing has some prominent features you should know before initiating the writing process. What is a synthesis essay then? 

This essay type is described as a sort of a written discussion between several viewpoints on the subject matter based on several sources the writer refers to in the paper. The objective of this essay type is to find a connection between multiple works and drive your own conclusions based on the findings.

As you are given a task to compile a synthesis essay, make sure you know which type you are supposed to work on. Even though the general concept of this paper type is common for all variations and you’ll be comparing pieces of data from various sources, the overall vibe of the work will be slightly different. So, here are the common synthesis essay types:

  • explanatory synthesis - the writer presents facts from different sources the way they are, without advocating any point of view. This paper type works great for explaining the topic;
  • argumentative synthesis - the student should structure the essay in the way to review different sources that support the statement or argument made in the introduction;
  • exploration synthesis - the author reviews the previously published materials on the topic with an intent to reveal what aspects of the subject should be studied more thoroughly.

So, as you see, a synthesis essay focuses on evaluating and synthesizing different works or research pieces in order to prove your thesis with the use of arguments from different sources.

General Tips on Crafting a Smashing Essay

The whole process of composing a synthesis paper can be broken down into several steps. First, you do the preparation thing. Then, you make the first draft and edit it till you perfect your paper

It looks really easy at the first sight, but only until you start writing. Especially, when you do not think that you are a creative type and you find it challenging to put the words together in a cohesive written speech.

So, how to write a good synthesis essay if you have trouble crafting A-grade papers? Our first tip is very simple - stop treating the essay creation process as a creative flow. Usually, it has nothing to do with creativity. When you have a strategy and stick with it, you can churn out essays like it’s nothing.

Getting Prepared - Choosing the Topic

The first step in composing the winning synthesis essay is the topic selection. This step is frequently overlooked or ignored as students think that the subject of the essay is not of great importance.

However, that’s where many students fail and turn the writing process into torture because they can hardly find material for the discussion or just are not interested in the subject matter and feel bored.

So, if you are questioning how to write a synthesis essay, here is an answer - start with a topic. It should be:

  • well-researched;
  • relevant;
  • focused on a specific idea;
  • interesting for you.

If you have doubts, you can always spend some time on research. In this way, you’ll compare several subject options and will pick the one that will work better for you.

Getting Prepared - Selecting the Sources

Unlike a traditional essay, you need to rely on different resources to support your own arguments. When you are crafting this essay as a part of your AP test, you’ll be provided with works you can use for your paper. But as you are doing this assignment at home, please pick at least three relevant sources that would match the announced essay topic.

If you have some extra time, you can consider up to five sources and decide which will work better for your essay. But make sure you have studied them all thoroughly to be able to use them in your written piece. We would also recommend annotating the sources or making notes on the margins to keep track of the main ideas. In this way, you’ll be able to compare these sources and make your own statements easier.

Getting Prepared - Deciding on the Key Statement and Arguments

Once you are done with the overview of the sources, you can finally work out a statement of your own. This would be the core idea of the paper you’ll be supporting with the arguments throughout your work.

The thesis should either agree or disagree with the statement expressed in the topic. Also, think of the arguments you’ll be using to express your opinion. Usually, three of them will be enough. But if you feel that you can do more, you can settle on five. More might be too much and will turn your essay into a research paper. Look through the materials you worked on and pick the ideas and quotes you’ll be using for your essay. 

Getting Prepared - Making an Outline

At the preparation stage, you should think of how to structure a synthesis essay. This will allow you to write faster and easier since you will already have a plan you can follow. 

So, plan the whole essay thoroughly. Think about what you are going to say in the first paragraph, which would be the introduction of your work. Then write a plan for the body of the paper, considering the essay type and the subject matter.

Even though essays do not have headlines, you can create a plan with different levels of headings that would help you navigate easier between the ideas and drive you to the right conclusion.

Writing - Creating the Writing Setting

If you want to complete the essay assignment faster, the right environment might facilitate this process. Put all the distractions like your cell phone away to stay focused on the task. You can also ask your relatives not to distract you within two hours to be able to note everything down when you have the flow of thoughts. 

Some students have a special ‘writing’ place where they perform all similar sorts of assignments. If you can’t concentrate in silence, switch the music on. Some wordless tunes can help your mind work harder and generate ideas quicker.

But the route will depend on your individuality and habits entirely. So use the stuff that works for you and enjoy the writing process.

Writing - How to Write an Essay

Use the third person singular when writing your paper. Also, consider using formal speech, but avoid jargon or going too technical. If you want your essay to be easier to read, add transitions between the paragraphs. Stay away from adding any irrelevant information to make the essay look bigger. It will spoil the whole impression of your work. Don’t forget to cite the sources you are using according to the appropriate citation style.

Wrapping It Up - Editing

You should understand that your first draft is just a draft and, most likely, it can’t be submitted right away without any checks and modifications.

Before you start checking the paper, take a break. Take a stroll or go to grab a cup of tea. Relax and watch a movie or do your workout. Come back to editing your work not earlier than 1,5 hours after completing it. 

Read your paper several times and fix all the errors, logical inconsistencies, spelling mistakes, or even structural issues. Read it again and again until you think it’s ready.

If this essay is very important to you and you have volunteers who are able to check your paper and give you constructive feedback, make use of that. Sometimes you become blond to evident mistakes and someone else will easily spot the inaccuracies.

How to Structure High-Grade Synthesis Essay

The winning structure of your essay will help you present your ideas in the most favorable light. If you are writing a classic synthesis essay, it usually has from 5 to 7 paragraphs, depending on the complexity of the topic. But anyway, the structure of the paper will remain the same:

When structuring your essay, you should make sure that your thesis is clearly stated and supported by the arguments. Let us show you how to do this.

How to Write an Introduction for a Synthesis Essay

An introduction is an announcement of what you are going to talk about in your essay. You can start it with a hook that grabs attention and keeps the reader excited about what you are going to present.

Provide the background information by explaining why you think this topic is important, which is the second step in writing a synthesis paragraph. Dedicate at least two sentences to the problem actualization so that the reader understands the point of the whole work.

Then, make your own statement. This is usually a sentence that conveys the whole idea of the synthesis essay. Don’t forget to make a smooth transition to the body of your work.

What Should the Essay Body Be About

The body of the synthesis essay usually has three paragraphs, where you provide evidence to prove or disagree with a statement.

Start every section with an introductory sentence that supports the argument, which is the first step in writing a synthesis paragraph. Then dwell on the idea in detail, explaining what makes you think this or that way. Since this is a synthesis essay, you should use the reviewed resource to back up your argument. Finally, you analyze the importance of the source in relation to the field of your investigation.

Repeat this scheme for the next body paragraphs until you use all the arguments.

The Final Part of Your Essay

A conclusion is a place where you bring all the evidence together and find out if you managed to prove your statement. Speak of the outcomes of your research and sum up the results of the investigation. 

As the synthesis essay involves the reliance on the resources to reveal the depth of the research of the subject matter, you can specify the direction for future investigation.

How to Format Your Synthesis Essay

When you are getting an assignment from your teacher, you are also supposed to get the general formatting requirements for your essay. This will usually involve the citation style (MLA, APA, Chicago, or some other). These styles will define how you should refer to the sources you use for your paper, which include in-text citation and footnotes. Whichever style you are supposed to use, be consistent throughout all papers.

When formatting your paper, use a simple font and a medium-sized font size. The ideal combinations are Times New Roman 12 pt and Arial 11 pt. The margins should be 1 inch on all sides. Do not forget to add an indent for every single paragraph.

What if I Need Some Assistance When Dealing With a Synthesis Essay?

Not all students are created equal. Some have a great talent for writing, others are not made for this activity. Luckily, there is an alternative option for the latter. 

Don’t let the lack of skill ruin your performance. With our writing help, you can have your essay done without any effort from your side. We have a team of highly skilled writers who have great experience in writing synthesis essays on different subjects. They will deliver the ready paper on time and will make the corrections as many times as needed in case you have some recommendations.

If you have a ready paper and need a professional opinion on it, reach our experts and they will give their valuable recommendations that would improve your work. They will also help you create an outline if you would like to write the essay on your own and just need some guidance to push you in the right direction.

No matter what range of services you need - a whole paper or just an outline or a critical review, we have you covered.