
Top 100 Easy Psychology Research Topics and Ideas

Top 100 Easy Psychology Research Topics and Ideas

Published by on July 7, 2021

Psychology remains one of the most popular subjects for thousands of students. The reason is that the human mind and behavior have lots of hidden secrets, making this science a subject of interest for many learners. Of course, you will need to complete many different academic assignments during your studies. Most of them require coming up with complex knowledge in the chosen field, doing advanced research and deep analysis, as well as exploring the correlation between various areas. 

Unfortunately, hundreds of students fail to pick up good research topics for psychology. The reason is that they often stick to the most common topics, like leadership or anxiety. The good news is that there are many more interesting psychology topics to choose from. In this article, you will find a list of the present-day topic ideas along with some basic guidelines on composing a superior paper on psychology

Top Tips for Writing a Winning Paper on Psychology

The main goal of completing assignments on psychology is to demonstrate a deep understanding of a particular field, an ability to collect and process various types of data and make striking conclusions by providing unique and fresh writing. But what factors cause the biggest impact on creating a flawless academic paper? 

  • Choosing a right-on topic;
  • picking up relevant ideas and arguments;
  • doing high-end research;
  • composing a correct outline;
  • being informative and precise;
  • sticking to the proper writing tone;
  • using concepts and professional terms correctly;
  • having a flawless structure;
  • making a good overall impression on the reader. 

Psychology Research Topics: How to Pick Up a Great One? 

If you are searching for some brilliant ideas for your paper, it might be a good idea to explore some red-hot strategies for choosing a nice topic. 

Keep to What You Already Know 

Picking up some completely new ideas for a psychology research paper might sound incredibly inspiring. However, you will likely spend tons of time doing the research and exploring the basics of the chosen niche. This might become a serious issue if you have an urgent deadline. Therefore, it is better to dive into a field where you have at least basic knowledge. 

Pick Up Solutions According to Your Interests 

When composing a paper on an exciting topic, the process of writing usually appears to be much smoother and easier. As a result, you come up with an excellent essay faster and with minimum effort. We recommend choosing sapid topics rather than common ones to boost your productivity. 

Select Several Alternatives 

It might be difficult to pick up the one and only idea for your assignment right at once. However, you can select several topics, do some basic research to find out more information about each one, and then choose the most fitting option from your list. The fact is that some of your ideas might lack relevant information or appear to be too broad for writing an essay. 

Try to Be Precise

Many researchable topics in psychology might turn out to be complex and overwhelming. Avoid choosing tiered solutions so as not to get lost in dozens of arguments and examples. Remember that your paper should be well-structured and concise. Moreover, coming up with too many details might lead to lower grades. 

Look for Samples 

If you don’t know where to start, it will be great to look for some ideas among topics and essay samples. This will help you choose a promising niche to explore and even grab an idea for your academic assignment. By the way, to make your writing easier, we’ve collected some excellent topic ideas that might suit even the most demanding learners. 

How to Choose the Best Researchable Topics in Psychology? 

Choosing a perfect subject for your future coursework can be quite a challenge. It’s not only about how to pick something interesting and valuable to academia. It’s just about how to approach this whole task first. So, we have a solution for those who are wondering who to start your search for a perfect topic. Here are the steps to take when deciding on the subject of your research:

  • check your teacher’s requirements. It’s most likely they have already given you certain instructions on what to choose for your work. Don’t violate those instructions;
  • go with themes that you find interesting. Your interest will be your best motivation in writing a perfect work;
  • narrow down your focus. Pick only one subject for your research. Don’t go with anything too broad;
  • research. See if you can collect enough materials to support your ideas. Learn everything you can about the issue at hand;
  • explore common angles and concepts around your topic. Try to base your research on them, yet add an interesting twist to your work;
  • see what thesis statement fits best to your theme. A thesis must carry a question that is relevant to your field of studies and add valuable insight into the situation;
  • don’t be afraid to change, add, modify your topic along the way. You can build a new understanding of the issue or build a new concept. Change it if you need to. 


You can use this plan when analyzing the lists of topics offered below. 

The Major Branches of Psychology 

You can’t pick a theme and subject of your research until you decide on the area of your study first. Hence, before everything else, you need to think of what areas of this discipline attract you the most. Each of them has very interesting issues to analyze and explore. Hence, it will mostly depend on the classes you take and your personal interest in some of those themes. 

Overall, the major branches of psychology include biopsychology, abnormal, clinical, comparative, counseling, social, cognitive, cross-cultural, educational, experimental, development, health psychology, among many other branches. Let’s see the possible ideas for term papers in some of those branches. 

Social Psychology Research Paper Topics

The given areas explore people’s behavior in regard to other human beings. Hence, it studies how we react, act, and respond when other people are around us. It also studies how we interact with other people and explains the mechanisms behind those interactions. Prejudice, leadership qualities, nonverbal communication, group identities, and behavioral patterns - all of these are the subjects of social psychology. Overall, this area explains how we work as a society, build relationships, and collectively follow social norms. See some ideas for a research paper down below:

  1. Can nonverbal communication have a stronger impact than verbal behavior?
  2. How do advertisements use persuasion in receiving their goals?
  3. People’s reactions to social norm violations.
  4. The changing ways of social interaction with the spread of social media.
  5. The ways in which a halo effect impacts our judgment.
  6. What helps us stay within the socially accepted behavioral norms?
  7. The elements that make group behavior possible. 
  8. What is obedience, and how to explain it?

Research Paper Topics in Cognitive Psychology

This branch is responsible for human cognition, as one may guess. Here scientists research how people receive and work on various mental processes. Hence, it studies such areas as our memory, language, creativity, ability to reason, and more. It is also the branch to explore emotions and feelings and their role in our lives and cognitive abilities. Understanding the issues explored in this branch will help you predict human behavior and explain certain behavior patterns. Let’s see what you can explore in the given branch: 

  1. The difference between individual and collective obedience. 
  2. How does the process of reasoning among children differ from adults? 
  3. The causes behind learning disabilities.
  4. How does motivation work?
  5. How does aging affect our cognitive abilities?
  6. Habit formation in adulthood.
  7. Does culture or social aspect impact one’s cognitive abilities?
  8. The processes behind memory.

Human Development Topics in Psychology

Often, therapy is all about progress. It’s about how you were raised, what major factors played their role, and how you cope with the external influence. Hence, this area often centers around childhood years. It researches the events that made an impact on us as children. Those events often affect the type of adults we become. These are some ideas you can use for your research: 

  1. How does experiencing bullying affect young adults in their personal lives?
  2. Child abuse and trauma that it carries. 
  3. How does early exposure to violence affect children’s mental health?
  4. The damage of enforced gender roles on children. 
  5. The case study of a parental style (pick a style to your liking).
  6. How learning disabilities affect a child's development. 
  7. The two types of reinforcement: tangible and social.
  8. How do social factors affect personal development? 

Abnormal Psychology Research Paper Topics

Abnormal psychology is dealing with any type of behavior that deviates from the established (healthy) norm. Thus, this branch is responsible for studying all types of disorders, mental health issues, disorders, etc. Here, students also study how to treat certain abnormal behavior. It’s hard to overestimate the importance of this branch in science. Hence, the topics that you can pick here will also carry special importance in their meaning and role for human health and wellbeing. Here’s what you can write about within this branch: 

  1. The types of eating disorders and their triggers.
  2. Causes of depression among young people.
  3. How to recognize early signs of schizophrenia?
  4. Personality disorders. Is it nurture or nature?
  5. A profile on cognitive behavioral therapy and the accepted areas of use. 
  6. Why are certain phobias gender-exclusive?
  7. How to treat high-functioning depression? 
  8. The psychoanalytic approach in treating abnormal psychological behavior. 

Psychology Research Paper Topics on Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a major issue in modern society. This type of behavior leads to violations of social norms, domestic abuse, crimes, and the development of various mental disorders. This area of psychology strives to understand the reasons and roots of such behavior. It also explores the possible ways of treatment and prevention of substance abuse. What's more, addiction rarely comes as the sole source or consequence of a problem. Hence, this area is highly interconnected with other areas of studies within the discipline as well as law, sociology, economy, and more. Here are some topic examples for you:

  1. The ancient connection between drugs and religion.
  2. The reasons minors are at higher threat of drug and substance abuse.
  3. How to treat porn addiction?
  4. The connection between child abuse and substance abuse.
  5. The drug choice in different social classes.
  6. Can free access to drugs change people’s addiction?
  7. Debunking the theory of a “gateway drug.”
  8. The ways substance abuse develops mental health disorders. 

100 Easy Psychology Research Topics

Below is the list of the easiest ideas for your academic paper. These are the most popular solutions for hundreds of students. Therefore, you will find tons of relevant information on each topic from the following list: 

  1. The impact of sports activities on your mood.
  2. The psychology of obesity.
  3. Impact on divorce on children and teenagers.
  4. How to get rid of bad habits? 
  5. The main advantages of staying socially active. 
  6. Abuse in modern American families.
  7. Effective methods to stop bullying.
  8. Mental changes caused by aging.
  9. How to establish healthy social connections?
  10. Role of friendship in the life of any individual.
  11. Benefits and side effects of hypnosis.
  12. Most common effects of severe stress on the human body.
  13. Mental changes caused by depression.
  14. The key factors for being sexually attractive.
  15. Are all beautiful people happy?
  16. Happiness: the most important goal for students.
  17. The effects of mental disorders on productivity.
  18. Most common issues for being attractive. 
  19. How to establish a good relationship with your parents? 
  20. Psychology of homeless people. 
  21. How attitude to life impacts on achieving goals.
  22. Reasons for envy.
  23. Falling in love: psychological issue or a play of hormones?
  24. How to choose a partner for building healthy relationships? 
  25. Top signs of toxic relationships.
  26. The consequences of facing violence in childhood. 
  27. Psychological factors that impact on building a successful career.
  28. Top features of successful businessmen.
  29. How to choose a career path according to your individuality?
  30. Psychological issues learners face during their studies. 
  31. How to increase your motivation?
  32. Most common features of leaders.
  33. How to become an influencer in a chosen niche?
  34. High productivity: is it an excellent way to achieve goals?
  35. Law and psychology.

Psychology Research Proposal Ideas: Mental Health 

There is nothing new that mental health is among the most popular topics for thousands of learners. The number of ideas related to this niche is impressive, so you can select the most fitting solution with minimum effort: 

  1. Correlation between physical and mental health.
  2. Impact of homework on students’ mental health. 
  3. The consequences of facing violence in dating.
  4. Common reasons for insomnia.
  5. External factors that might lead to depression. 
  6. Best ways to help people with bipolar disorder.
  7. Role of stress in the development of mental health conditions.
  8. Circadian rhythm disruption: causes and consequences.
  9. Post-traumatic stress disorder: the most promising types of treatment.  
  10. Schizophrenia: famous people who suffered from this condition.
  11. The impact of social factors on mental health. 
  12. ADHD: how to improve the quality of life?
  13. Factors that might cause dementia.
  14. Addiction and mental issues.
  15. Mental disorders of killers.
  16. List of mental disorders that might be dangerous for society. 
  17. How to cope with phobias? 
  18. Midlife crisis and mental health.
  19. How tolerance can improve physical and mental health. 
  20. How ignoring the child’s needs can impact their mental health. 
  21. Eating disorders. 
  22. Parkinson’s disease: reasons and remedies.
  23. Reasons for paranoia. 
  24. Mental diseases and creativity.
  25. Famous poets who suffered from mental health issues. 
  26. Autism: the difficulties of the diagnosis.
  27. Antisocial personality disorders: most important symptoms. 
  28. Most effective ways to preventing suicide. 
  29. Emotional health: basic concepts. 
  30. Severe anger: is it a powerful emotion or a health issue?
  31. Abortion and mental health. 
  32. False memories. 

Excellent Research Topics: Psychology of Love and Relationships 

Building healthy relationships often appears to be not easy. How to avoid abuse when dating? What are the most common issues of couples? You might try to cover any of these topics or choose any other solution from the list below for composing an astonishing essay: 

  1. Common reasons for betrayal.
  2. Why do people break up?
  3. Transgender-specific issues: relationships.
  4. Love and friendship: the main differences.
  5. How to cope with stress after the breakup?
  6. Love and dependency.
  7. Reasons for uncontrolled sexual desires.
  8. What are the differences between love and romance?
  9. How to build successful relationships?
  10. Key emotional needs of couples. 
  11. Reasons for divorce. 
  12. Motherhood: main psychological issues.
  13. Impact of pregnancy on the woman’s mental condition.
  14. Sexual appeal: hormones or feelings?
  15. Psychological changes in elderly couples.
  16. Choosing a perfect partner.
  17. Types of dangerous relationships. 
  18. Is mutual respect the most important feature of successful relationships?
  19. How to quit toxic relationships?
  20. Love and empathy. 
  21. Psychological issues of polygamy.

Treatment of Mental Disorders: Top Ideas for an Essay on Psychology

The ways to treat various mental disorders might be divided into two groups. These are traditional treatments and more innovative alternatives. If you are curious about the newest research and studies in psychology, feel free to pick up one of the solutions below:

  1. Alcoholics Anonymous rehabilitation programs: pros and cons.
  2. Is meditation a good way for managing chronic pain?
  3. Most innovative ways to fight drug addiction.
  4. Reasons why people successfully fight the most severe forms of cancer.
  5. Ways to encourage people to do medical screens regularly.
  6. Physical activities: the best solution to support your mental health.
  7. Can learning foreign languages help people fight dementia?
  8. Newest tools to control stress.
  9. The role of neuromodulators in treating depression. 
  10. The impacts of electroconvulsive therapy.
  11. Role of emotional support in fighting drug addiction. 
  12. Can dreams help people cope with stress?

What Do You Need to Write a Perfect Paper on Psychology? 

Composing a psychology research paper is extremely challenging for many learners. Why is it so difficult to compose a nice essay on this subject? That is because you need to meet dozens of different requirements. Here are just a few of them:

  • show off advanced writing skills;
  • meet the deadlines;
  • do productive research;
  • pick up a new and interesting topic;
  • select the most powerful arguments and examples;
  • cover the chosen topic;
  • deliver ideas in an understandable way;
  • share your thoughts on a particular topic;
  • use statistic data and surveys;
  • explore a wide range of different theories;
  • represent unique writing;
  • follow traditional essay structure;
  • keep informative and diplomatic;
  • write a paper in a correct voice;
  • make your writing readable;
  • avoid any mistakes and typos.

What does it mean? You will need to spend tons of effort and plenty of free time to complete any type of academic assignment on psychology. Moreover, even if you try to do your best, you remain at risk to get a low grade because you fail to meet some of the important requirements. The fact is that even the most diligent learners often make mistakes and might face bad academic performance. Is there any solution to this common issue? Sure!

Top Solution to Writing a Quality Paper on Psychology 

Writing is often a long and complicated path. However, not all students are brilliant writers. If you often face some difficulties completing your academic papers, it’s time to get help. First, you can ask the professor for assistance. However, the college and university experts might often appear to be too busy to help each student. It is also possible to get some advice from your classmates, but many of them could hardly cope with their assignments, too. 

Fortunately, there is a win-win solution you can use during tough learning times. Our professional academic writing service can help each student to overcome academic difficulties. Our skilled writers can create a flawless paper on psychology on psychology for you, the same as well help with other types of assignments. You always have true experts by your side and have an opportunity to order papers online in a matter of moments. 

80 Easy Abnormal Psychology Term Paper Topics for College

Psychology is an interesting subject, but it often requires a lot of effort to cope with. Despite the plethora of research paper topics for psychology, students have trouble writing as many of them seem to be pretty difficult. That’s why let’s take a look at the easiest topics collected here, but first, let’s define what abnormal psychology is and what aspects it includes.

What Is Abnormal Psychology? 

In layman’s terms, this subfield of psychology studies the deviations of emotional and mental health, related disorders, unusual patterns of behavior, and their overall effect on a person’s well-being. The historical development and the current state of abnormal psychology encompass various explanations and reasons why such disorders happen to people:

  • demonological reasons;
  • supernatural traditions;
  • a wide range of biological explanations;
  • sociocultural influences;
  • irrational beliefs;
  • different phobias and diseases, etc.

Naturally, not all explanations are equal and have a scientific rationale behind them. Nevertheless, with the development of psychology, new approaches to the understanding of mental pathologies emerged, and as a result, research paper topics for psychology and its subfields have been changed as well.

If you are one of those students who want to find an interesting and simple topic at the same time, welcome aboard! You’ll definitely find some topics that can inspire you to write a perfect paper. So, let’s dive into this world!

Abnormal Psychology Research Paper Topics to Consider in 2022

  1. Negative parenting and its effects on the child’s psyche.
  2. Is Internet addiction a psychological issue?
  3. Professional burnout as a specific form of destruction.
  4. Psychopathological aspects of anorexia.
  5. The main causes of self-mutilation.
  6. The efficacy of past life regression therapy.
  7. An overview of mood disorders.
  8. Loneliness and mental health.
  9. Xenophobia and its negative effects. 
  10. The common aspects of eating and anxiety disorders.
  11. The efficient prevention of suicidal thoughts.
  12. The similarities and differences between delirium, dementia, and depression.
  13. Being a narcissist: The main aspects of developing the disorder.
  14. Post-traumatic stress disorders.
  15. The applicable therapy for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
  16. Constant lying and its impact on mental health.
  17. The key reasons for antisocial behavior.
  18. Causes and reasons for eating disorders in teenagers.
  19. The psychological aspect of suicide.
  20. Psychological disorders in typical serial killers.
  21. Gender identity in modern psychoanalysis.
  22. Mood disorders in adulthood.
  23. The historical development and current state of psychoanalytic therapy.
  24. Supporting pharmacotherapy for depression.
  25. A psychological profile of a maniac.
  26. Progressive therapy for manic depressive disorder.
  27. Violations of social intelligence.
  28. Deviant behavior at work: Causes and consequences.
  29. Cognitive disorders of endogenous psychoses. 
  30. The main reasons for suicidal thoughts.
  31. A psychological profile of a typical child abuser.
  32. How child traumas can lead to suicide.
  33. The history of abnormal psychology.
  34. The reasons for persistent hallucinations. 
  35. Borderline personality disorder.
  36. The development of the brain and abnormal behavior.
  37. Stalking and mental illness.
  38. Supporting pharmacotherapy for bipolar affective disorder.
  39. Suicide among the elderly.
  40. Causes of personality disorders. 

Easy Research Paper Topics for Psychology Related to Its Historical Development

If you want to find the easiest way to write about abnormal psychology, you should take a look at topics that deal with its history and background. The key factor that makes such topics easy is that the general approach to historical development remains the same, and main facts and dates don’t change.

Another factor presupposes that it’s quite uncommon for some subjects to be improperly researched when it comes to their history. It means that there should be enough literature and sources that can help you write an impeccable paper. Thus, abnormal psychology essay topics based on the history of the subject are not so dim as they may strike. So, let’s read through the following themes, and probably you will select one that suits your needs:

  1. History of abnormal psychology studies in Europe.
  2. Quasi-scientific methods of treating mental disorders in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
  3. History of radical biological treatments.
  4. Bethlem Royal Hospital and its secrets.
  5. Supernatural traditions in abnormal psychology.
  6. Famous scientists and their approaches to mental disorders.
  7. Sociocultural influences and abnormal psychology.
  8. Historical approaches to managing abnormal behavior.
  9. The four humors in the Greek and Roman periods: Prerequisites and consequences.
  10. The historical development of abnormal psychology in the USA.
  11. Parapsychology and paranormal phenomenon.
  12. History of asylums in England.
  13. Stanford prison experiment: Behind the scenes.
  14. Esoteric treatments in abnormal psychology.
  15. Mental disorders of Vincent Van Gogh.

The List of Simple Abnormal Psychology Topics by Common Mental Disorders

It’s no secret that almost every person can name several illnesses related to mental health. The fact is that many research papers and dissertations, thorough analyses on well-known disorders have already been written. What does it mean to you? It means that all information is properly organized and, in some cases, even simplified for a better understanding. The more data you can find, the easier your assignment is.


It is the most common mental disorder in the world and needs no introduction.

  1. Depression in children.
  2. The cognitive treatment of depression.
  3. The impact of maternal depression on children.
  4. The early diagnosis of depression in adults.
  5. The efficient therapy for a person with depression.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety has various forms, such as:

  • OCD;
  • social anxiety disorder;
  • PTSD;
  • a panic disorder;
  • GAD;
  • various phobias.
  1. The key differences between PTSD and PTSS.
  2. Childhood traumas as the reason for the development of phobias.
  3. Separation anxiety in adults.
  4. The effective solutions to post-traumatic stress disorder.
  5. How do phobias affect personality and emotions?


It is probably the most famous mental disorder popularized in books and countless movies. Science knows a lot about its nature, but some of its aspects are yet to be understood.

  1. Suicidal thoughts in people with schizophrenia.
  2. A psychological profile of a typical schizophrenic.
  3. Phobic disorders in a person with schizophrenia.
  4. The diagnosis of schizophrenia.
  5. The connection between schizophrenia and violence.

Sexual Disorders

The number of illnesses here is so big that you’ll find a topic to write about.

  1. Fetishes and sexually deviant behavior.
  2. The way sexual perversion develops.
  3. The roots of sexual masochism and sadism.
  4. The symptoms of exhibitionism.
  5. The diagnosis of gender identity disorder.

A Bipolar Disorder

This disorder moves into top gear nowadays. Lots of celebrities have been diagnosed with this illness, so it shouldn’t be hard to write about it. 

  1. Psychosis in bipolar disorder: Symptoms and strategies to cope.
  2. The early symptoms of bipolar disorder. 
  3. The supporting pharmacotherapy for bipolar disorder.
  4. Causes and treatments for bipolar disorder.
  5. The child and adolescent bipolar disorder.

Wrapping Up

It is clear that writing a paper on such topics as schizophrenia or depression may be quite difficult. Nevertheless, there are common rules that will come in handy despite the subject. First of all, you shouldn’t forget about time management. Naturally, it is beyond the argument that the more time you have, the better your paper can be. In case you feel that you don’t know a subject well, having more time is a real saver because you can read more necessary information.

Secondly, you should select a topic you are interested in. In this case, the chances of writing a good paper are higher. It’s vital to remember that you should aim at writing an interesting paper instead of writing an ideal one. In this case, the selected topic plays a crucial role. Thirdly, in case you need to conduct research, select a topic that has lots of information, and our selection of ideas will definitely be useful, as it has been created for such purposes.

The Bottom Line

Psychology is an incredibly important discipline that helps us understand ourselves and the people around us. Even though it is one of the newest disciplines to study in medicine, it has already become one of the most influential areas in academia. That is why, as a psychology student, you are always expected to give your best to your studies. Writing a perfect term paper is definitely one of those requirements. Hopefully, the given guide will help you choose the right theme for your work and inspire you to do your best.