
30 Interesting Data Security Term Paper Topics

30 Interesting Data Security Term Paper Topics

Published by on August 10, 2021

The level of cybercrime is increasing. So companies care about their cybersecurity and try to protect their online business. There are many methods to protect your data on social media and the Internet on the whole. Owing to the increasing popularity of looking for ways to hack users’ devices and fighting with black hats, it isn’t surprising that students receive paper assignments to write about information assurance. Hence, our article is aimed at helping you in finding computer security topics for your term paper. 

Information Security Research Topics on Areas

Cybersecurity is like digital marketing: there are different areas in this niche; therefore, you can choose what appeals to you most. So, in this section of our article, we’ll list themes of parts of information assurance.

Common Themes

If your deadlines are appealing and you have no time to write, it’s a good idea to consider common topics. They’re abstract and easy. Also, the Internet is full of lots of studies and statistics; hence, you’ll do a good paper quickly and even in one night. So let’s explore ideas:

  1. Is Cybersecurity as Important as It Considered?
  2. Cookies and Cybersecurity. 
  3. What Is Digital Piracy?
  4. The Importance of Cybersecurity in 2021.
  5. The Difference of Cybersecurity Methods in 2011 and 2021.

As an option, you can compare one thing at different times as we did in the fifth example. 

Social Media

Social networks are an essential part of our life, so it isn’t a surprise that they’re the target of black hats. Being aware of what is happening on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms, you can consider the following network security research topics:

  1. Ways to Protect Your Personal Data From Hackers.
  2. The Encryption Technologies of Different Social Media. 
  3. How Does Social Media Encourage Cyberbullying?
  4. What Does Happen to the Victims of Identity Thefts? 
  5. How to Teach Children to Detect Hackers?
  6. How Does Social Media Affect Cybersecurity?
  7. How to Protect Social Network Accounts From Brute Force Attacks? 

As you see, social media is a treasury of ideas for your term paper. So if you’re in a hurry and common themes aren’t your cup of tea, turn to topics related to social networks cybersecurity. 

Computer and Software

In this niche, cyber security topics for research are related to computer programs, browsers, and antiviruses. For instance:

  1. Data Encryption Algorithms. 
  2. Which Browser Is the Safest?
  3. The Security Difference Between Android and iOS. 
  4. The Best Antivirus. 
  5. The Security Difference Between Windows, MacOS, and Ubuntu. 

If you’re still struggling with coming up with the idea for your piece of work, you can compare different desktop and mobile operating systems. For example, you can explore Windows and macOS and do your study on which OS is safer. Also, it’s a good idea to do your own research on the topic: Is Windows 11 More Secure Than Windows 10? Of course, you can draw a conclusion operating on such an OS review on the Internet, but it’s better to wait for the release of Windows 11 to test it on your own. 


Every week news channels tell us about cybercrimes and hacker attacks. There are many kinds of cybercrime in 2021, so there is a sense in exploring them. 

To develop a good idea on this area of cybersecurity, you can watch or read the news about hacker attacks. Then, you can take one of the last attacks as an example. 

Also, you can explore data leaks. For instance, it’s a good idea to analyze Facebook and WhatsApp users’ data breaches and add to this line data leak from Clubhouse accounts. You can try to find reasons why such accidents have happened. And them, you’ll find fabulous information assurance research topics:

  1. What Is Data Breach?
  2. How Can Users Protect Their Personal Data if Its Leak Happens?

So we move to other themes connected with violations on the digital world:

  1. Types of Hacking. 
  2. How to Cope With DDoS Attacks?
  3. The Phases of DDoS Attacks. 
  4. The Greatest Cyberattack in History. 
  5. The Evolution of Online Scams. 
  6. Online Grooming and How to Protect Children From It.
  7. How Big Data Impacts the Rise of Crimes on the Internet. 
  8. How to Cope With Man-in-the-Middle Attacks?
  9. How to Detect Phishing Links?
  10. What is Social Engineering and How Do Hackers Use It? 
  11. Cybercrime in Different Countries. 

Spend time looking for a good idea for your piece of work. The fact is that finding an amazing topic is half of your success. 

A Cyber Security Research Paper Outline

Once you realize which theme is the best for you, it’s time to outline your research paper. This is because when you write the key points of each section of your work, your brain is running through them and thinking about how it can tie them up logically.

For instance, our topic is The Security Difference Between Windows, MacOS, and Ubuntu. Let’s explore its plan. 

Part  What to Write
Title The Security Difference Between Windows, MacOS, and Ubuntu
Abstract We’ve compared three operating systems using each of them. The most security is provided by...
Introduction In 2021, people care about their security on the Internet and search for OS that will protect them from malware and data thefts. 
Main Body In this section, you should mention other researches and analyze them. 
Conclusion According to our study, the most secure OS is...

Of course, an outline isn’t a necessary step in working on your term paper. If you’re good at doing papers without making a plan for them, it’s okay because each student is different. So do as you want. If you feel that you don’t need an outline, skip this step and start writing. 

The Bottom Line

So we hope that the above topics and guide on outlining your term paper topic on data security will help you write a high-quality piece of work and shock professors because of the original theme and strong logical chains. Don’t forget that the best way to do a good paper is to write a lot. So take your time practicing in academic writing, and your piece of work will get only high scores!