
80 Good Topics for Problem Solution Essays for College Students

80 Good Topics for Problem Solution Essays for College Students

Published by on July 7, 2021

Often, the hardest part of any task is to start. Indeed, getting done with the first little steps is a challenge on its own. However, you do need to overcome it eventually, right? When it comes to writing, the first step you take is picking the theme of your writing. You have to decide on what you want to write about, how to approach it, and what new you can bring to the table. The rules are even harder when we talk about problem solving essays. 

For example, when picking the matter of writing, you have to take your interests into account. Often, the part where you need to offer a proper solution is the hardest part of all. Hence, it’s better for you to be familiar with the issue at hand and have some ideas of how it can be solved. Moreover, the problem should be relevant and important. You have to take real-world issues, explain their impact and causes, and state why they have to be addressed. The topics for your essays will also vary depending on the classes you are writing them for. Thus, there are many factors that you have to consider when it comes to finding the subjects for the problem solutions essays. 

So here is the list of 80 good problem solution essay topics you can borrow. 

What Is a Problem Solution Essay?

In order to pick the best problem solution essay topics, you first need to understand the nature and goal of the given paper. So, a problem solution essay is a paper that aims to define a certain issue and offer potential and preferably ideal resolution. Hence, it’s all in the name.

Thus, your paper should have three main parts. It has to have a definition of the issue and an explanation of why it is important. Next, it has to have your suggestions of how the given issue should be resolved. You should start by proposing an answer and arguing why it can be the efficient, practical, or overall doable and affordable way to fix the issue. Hence, here you should provide strong arguments to support your proposal and give specific evidence about why it should work. The evidence can be provided based on similar practices, data, or, for the very least, theoretical approach and speculation on how it can be adapted to the given situation. It’s best to offer several solutions, if possible.

During the third and last part of your work, you should compare your propositions and argue which one of them can work best here and why. You can also point out how the current strategy (if there is any) doesn’t work and give examples of why it is so. Overall, by the time you conclude your work, your readers should have a clear idea of what you are proposing, why, and how it can help the situation. 

Social Studies

Social issues come in all kinds of sizes and importance. It seems that as long as we live in society, there will be issues to solve. Fortunately for you, this field also gives you a large area of issues to pick from and seek ultimate solutions. On the other hand, so many social issues last for decades and often have their roots coming almost from ancient history (like racism) or even from human nature itself (racism again), and so it makes it hard to seek potential ways to resolve conflict resolutions. However, difficult doesn’t mean impossible. This is what makes those topics both interesting and challenging:

  1. How to end poverty?
  2. Racism in modern American society.
  3. Internet safety and children's online presence.
  4. How to put a stop to police brutality?
  5. How to decrease the wealth disparity growth?
  6. Alcohol and drug abuse among teens. How to tackle the issue?
  7. Ways to prevent homelessness.
  8. How to handle the rising number of high school dropouts?
  9. Missifornation on the Internet and its effect on relationships with truth.
  10. Increased divorce rates. 


There are dozens of law ingredients available. Each student who comes to study law wants to bring more justice to the world. However, to learn about justice, you also have to learn about issues that people have to endure on their way. Law studies also incorporate a ton of interesting concepts, ideas, theories, and opportunities to explore. The paper ideas for law classes can be extremely interesting as they also give you lots of space to bring out your ideas and perspective. 

Here is the list of problems and essay ideas you can choose from when looking for topics

  1. How to tackle international cybercrimes?
  2. Gender crimes during war times.
  3. How to improve national judicial systems?
  4. Banking laws vs. cryptocurrency. The slow pace of accepting the new era.
  5. How to make the business environment legally safe?
  6. How to improve juvenile laws?
  7. Lack of awareness about mental health issues in the legal system.
  8. Legal vulnerability of indigenous people.
  9. How to transform prohibition terms from punishment to assistance?
  10. How to prevent illegal migration?


Healthcare is one of the most serious and important fields in the world. Doesn’t matter if you are pursuing a degree in Medicine, Pharmacy, or else healthcare is equally difficult to learn and exciting to be in. Yet, it also means that it always tackles the hardest and life-threatening issues in our society. Healthcare topic you approach here, you should be mindful, respectful, and careful, especially when it comes to listing your arguments. 

  1. Mental health issues among young people. 
  2. The rise of obesity among teens.
  3. How to popularize preventive medicine?
  4. The spread of PTSD diagnosis among veterans.
  5. Depression and lack of awareness around it.
  6. Lack of access to free healthcare.
  7. How to increase vaccination rates? 
  8. Ways to prevent teen pregnancies. 
  9. How to spread awareness about mental health?
  10. How to create the diversity of personnel in the healthcare system?

Political Studies

Just as Social Studies, Political Studies can offer a wide range of issues to cover. In general, politics is meant for solving all kinds of problems. First of all, there are dozens of political conflicts that are currently ongoing. Many of them last for decades already. Of course, it’s not like any college student will know how to resolve them. However, they are a perfect exercise for you to test your knowledge and imagination. 

Additionally, politics deals with economic, social, legal, and international issues that you can also take into account when deciding on topics for problem solution essays. Here are the examples: 

  1. Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  2. Donbass war and how to end it.
  3. Civil war in Syria.
  4. How to make voting more accessible?
  5. The starvation in Yemen and the role of international intervention.
  6. How to end political instability in Afghanistan?
  7. The refugee crisis in Europe. 
  8. How to establish new relationships with Brexit UK?
  9. Lack of legal cooperation in the international scene.
  10. How to help struggling democracies on their transition? 

Environmental Studies 

Environmental studies are growing in popularity and importance. These days, it’s hard to tell what our planet will look like in ten or fifty years from now, all due to the environmental issues we are currently experiencing and causing. Hence, there is a lot to talk about when it comes to problems and solutions. 

It’s also fair to say that having the proposal essay topics with solutions in this field is complicated. Many of these issues are either relatively new or have been silenced for too long. Hence, in completing your assignment in environmental studies, you have to be original, creative, and hopeful: 

  1. How to enlarge Greenpeace’s influence in the world?
  2. How to make businesses more responsible for environmental protection? 
  3. The slow protection of biodiversity.
  4. How to shift towards sustainable food?
  5. How to create more sustainable urban development?
  6. How to stop overpopulation to affect the environment?
  7. How to stop excessive waste issues?
  8. Water scarcity around the globe.
  9. How to end single-use plastic?
  10. How to engage global governments into putting more effort into solving the environmental crisis?

Visual and Performing Arts

Most problems art students have to endure during their studies can be summoned by the lack of inspiration or things like writing blocks. Yet, the visual and performing arts discipline is crucial for preserving the culture and bringing it to the next generations. Moreover, the art industry faces many obstacles these days that we should not hesitate to address. So, here are ten problem solution speech topics college students who pursue an Arts degree should consider:

  1. Lack of art education among children.
  2. Lack of support of inspiring artists on the governmental level. 
  3. How to make art schools more accessible?
  4. How to use art to enhance child development? 
  5. Commercialization of art and its effect on the industry.
  6. How to overcome language barriers in performing arts?
  7. How to combine digitalization and art?
  8. How to create more academic art. (Prob: the use of art for entertainment purposes only).
  9. Lack of diversity in the professional art scene.
  10. Lack of arts programs in schools.


All business essays have to be relevant and accurate. Quite often, business papers use certain companies or corporations as case studies. Thus, a student can learn from actual examples from the real world and apply the theories and skills they learn to analyze those cases. Thus, when it comes to topics for business essays, you can take real businesses and solve issues they may have. Also, you can use common social or financial issues that the business world may experience at the moment and offer your ideas to resolve them:

  1. The lack of diversity in Google.
  2. How to create more gender equality in global corporations?
  3. Mass demographic shift (fewer people of working age) and business.
  4. How to incorporate cultural values into multinational and corporation policies?
  5. The effect of the instability and uncertainty in the world.
  6. Technologies are transforming business before it manages to respond to changes. 
  7. How to resolve a gender pay gap?
  8. Poor leadership strategies at the workplace.
  9. How to have more female leaders in business?
  10. Different work ethics of new generations. 

Communication and Journalism

Students of journalism and communication have it the hardest when it comes to essays. Why? Well, writing for journalists should be their bread and butter. Hence, they have to show their best efforts with every assignment. Picking a topic for a journalist class can be tricky, as journalism should cover a little bit of everything. A good journalist must demonstrate their knowledge in social and political studies, law, criminal justice, sports, and more. Hence, when picking a topic in the field of communication and journalism, you can consider a broad range of industries and areas. Here are some examples:

  1. How to prevent the ruling elite from media ownership?
  2. Lack of ethics in modern media content.
  3. How to preserve traditional media over the popularization of social media?
  4. Lack of sponsorship of media outlets. 
  5. The spread of low-quality content online. 
  6. How to maintain a clear informational flow?
  7. How to separate media news outlets from the race for profits?
  8. Slow media adaptation to the modern world transformations.
  9. How to prevent the declining circulation?
  10. How to prevent political advocacy among news?