
How to Create a Thesis for a Twenty Five Page Term Paper

How to Create a Thesis for a Twenty Five Page Term Paper

Published by on August 9, 2021

You’ve spent years in high school learning how to craft a thesis statement to please your teachers, but college professors are tough nuts to crack, and they always want to get more from you. That’s why most of your thesis ideas are deemed weak or unsuitable for college. 

It’s high time things changed. So in this post, we’ll teach you how to create a thesis statement for a twenty-five-page term paper, a dissertation, or any other college assignment. If you use our tips, you will only get positive comments on your papers.

How to Write a Term Paper Thesis Your Professors Will Love

To help you take your thesis game to the next level, let’s talk about the concept of a three-story thesis statement that works every time and makes crafting papers much easier.

Good Thesis Statements Are Arguable

The Covid-19 pandemic had a serious impact on businesses. 

That’s a weak example of a thesis statement. It’s too obvious to make anyone interested, and no sane person would argue with that statement. And that’s the problem. You want your thesis to be exciting, intriguing, even controversial. This serves many purposes:

  • it shows your in-depth understanding of the topic;
  • it serves as a hook to draw the readers’ attention;
  • and it makes the readers curious enough to continue reading.

The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in positive changes to the employee experience and stimulated businesses to alter and improve their business models.

This thesis statement deals with the same topic, but it is not obvious. It provides plenty of opportunities to support the thesis throughout the research paper.

A Strong Thesis Statement Is Specific

The Covid-19 pandemic had a serious impact on businesses. 

The same example from before is too broad to be used in a college research paper. While it provides plenty of room for you to pick and choose your data and arguments, it is by far too obscure to be covered even in a 25-page piece. Besides, it shows that you haven’t put much thought into narrowing down the scope of your work.

To make it better, you can:

  • focus on a short time period, a single location or market;
  • specify the core points you will make in the paper;
  • emphasize the reasoning behind your idea.

Here are a couple of thesis statement examples for research papers that narrow down the scope:

  • The Covid-19 pandemic transformed restaurants’ business models and resulted in increased revenue despite the lockdown protocols.
  • The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated the downsides of remote work in the IT sector and encouraged software engineers to seek full-time in-house positions.

As you narrow down the scope of your research, make sure to leave enough wiggle room to find sufficient sources to support your arguments. We recommend combining the research and thesis writing steps to ensure your research is both specific and well-supported.

The Best Thesis Statement Includes Context

The Covid-19 pandemic had a serious impact on businesses.

This sentence is not only vague and obvious, but it is also pointless, as it does not include context or critical implications. It lacks significance, once again making the whole paper boring, especially if your conclusion includes nothing but a repeat of the obvious with a quick summary of the paper.

What you should do instead is include the big picture. Explain how the topic of your choice affects the world around us. What makes it so important that your readers should pay attention? Why do you care? And why should the reader? 

It all comes down to effects, consequences, implications. Examples of good thesis statements look like this:

  • The Covid-19 pandemic transformed restaurants’ business models and resulted in increased revenue despite the lockdown protocols. The changes may alter our takeout experience forever, reduce the popularity of home-cooked meals, and result in an increased amount of food waste. 
  • The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated the downsides of remote work in the IT sector and encouraged software engineers to seek full-time in-house positions. The home office distractions highlighted the receding ability to focus and remain productive in a familiar and comfortable setting without constant supervision that can be transferred to the office environment.

As you can see, both examples are longer than a single sentence, and that’s perfectly fine when you learn how to create a thesis for a twenty-five-page term paper. In most cases, your thesis will be at least a paragraph or two long, especially if you follow our advice and make it arguable, specific, and rich in context.