A Dog Looking Out a Car Window and All the Wonder He Finds - Descriptive Essay Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  5
Wordcount:  1130 Words
Date:  2021-07-01

Riding in my masters car, with my head looking out of a car window, I saw wonders and strange things that are rarely experienced by normal dogs. It was my very first time taking a ride in my masters car, and I wanted to know how it feels traveling in a moving object. I was very excited when for the first time, my master allowed me to get into his car. For many months I had been looking forward to the day that my master will allow me to get into his car. Never, did I know that it would soon come to pass!

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Immediately I entered my masters car, I went close to the car window and stuck my head out of the window. The road from my masters house to the main road was narrow, and I had to duck to the inside of the car as tree branches protruded into the car through the windows. I almost crushed into the opposite window as a huge branch penetrated into the car window. My master was left in stitches as he saw me fall with a thud onto the opposite window as I tried to save myself from the huge branch.

After driving for fifteen minutes, my master drove straight into the main road. My master then drove to the nearest pet dog store. To my excitement, he bought me whole chunks of fish, my favorite dish. He took my feeding tray from the car and placed the whole chunks of fish on it. In five minutes time, I had devoured the chunks of fish. Customers who were heading to the pet dog store kept staring at me with astonishment as I guzzled the food. I could sense that some of them chuckled as they stared at me.

Immediately I completed consuming the food; I jumped back into my masters car. I had no slight clue of what my master was up to that day. My master then drove to a shopping mall that was in proximity to the pet dog store. This time round, my master did not allow me to get out of the car. He opened the drivers door and once outside I expected him to open the backdoor for me. To my astonishment, he closed the drivers window, acted as if I was not in the car and walked straight to the shopping mall! He came back in fifteen minutes time with a paper bag full of items he had bought from the mall.

In thirty minutes time, we were in a park. Never in my life had I ever seen such a huge number of people gathered at one place. Never in my life had I ever seen such a huge body of water! People were gathered in small groups. I presumed that the small groups were family members or close friends. There were people who were a float on curved objects that were all over the lake in the park. Suddenly, a thrilling feeling got the best of me, and in a split of a second I sped off towards the lake. Never did it cross my mind that I was entering into a large body of water yet I did not know how to swim! Immediately I ventured into the lake; I felt my body becoming heavy. About fifteen meters from the edge of the lake, that is when it dawned on me that I do not know how to swim. I tried to stay afloat to no avail. I tried splashing water using my front legs, but the lower part of my body kept getting heavier. A man who was fishing in the lake, few meters from where I was, noticed that I was struggling to stay afloat. The man alerted people who were close to him, and in a few minutes, a large crowd was gathered close to where I was. In a few minutes time, I saw somebody swimming heading to where I was. I was almost losing my consciousness as the man approached me. I then felt, somebody, holding me at the dorsal part of my body. To my astonishment, it was my master! He carried me on his back and swum towards the edge of the lake. On arrival at the edge of the lake, I heard ululations and cheers from the crowd. My master was being applauded for saving my life! On arrival on land, I squirted a few liters of water from my mouth. A woman who was close by offered me her towel, and I was soon covered in warm clothing. The crowd then scattered and I was soon left with my master. My master allowed me to rest for some minutes as I recuperated from the fact that I could have drowned if the man who was fishing had not alerted the crowd.

I was soon back in my masters car. We drove from the park and with my eyes looking at the window, I could not comprehend my bitter-sweet experience at the park. On our way from the park, my master kept on speaking in a human language while pointing at me. He kept laughing as he pointed at me. I presume he was asking me where I got the idea of venturing into the lake in the park when I knew very well that I cannot swim!

My master then took me to an animal orphanage. Immediately I entered the animal orphanage, animals in the orphanage started to make chattering sounds. Apparently, the animals in the orphanage were excited to see me. I presume that they found it interesting that one of them could be allowed to walk freely whereas they were locked up in their cages. I felt the animals in the orphanage were jealous of me. Some of the animals kept displaying hand gestures at me. Some of the gestures suggested that the animals would have done everything in their power to give me some thorough beating had they been free. Some of the gestures from the animals suggested that they viewed me as an embarrassment to the animal kingdom. Some of the gestures that were made by the animals suggested that if it were within their power, I would have been disowned from the animal kingdom. Despite the hate and negativity that was being shown to be by the animals, I took a bunch of bananas that my master had bought and given it to a monkey that was in solitary confinement. After spending one hour walking in the animal orphanage, my master and I went back to the car. As my master drove with my eyes looking out the window, I thought to myself about the many experiences that I had gone through in a single day!

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A Dog Looking Out a Car Window and All the Wonder He Finds - Descriptive Essay Example. (2021, Jul 01). Retrieved from https://midtermguru.com/essays/a-dog-looking-out-a-car-window-and-all-the-wonder-he-finds-descriptive-essay-example

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