Benefits of Purchasing the Second-Hand Books: Speech Example

Paper Type:  Speech
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  642 Words
Date:  2022-09-15


How many of you get overwhelmed with bills to the extent that you cannot afford to purchase new textbooks? How many times do you find yourself in trouble because you could not finish your class assignment on time? Students face numerous challenges when it comes to paying off bills as well as purchasing of other necessities (Britt et al., 2015). No need to worry, I am here with an idea of how you can handle your assignments without relying much on borrowing textbooks from classmates and friends. The second-hand books are here to make it easier.

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The costs incurred in buying new textbooks every semester marks a higher percentage in our expenditure. The money would have otherwise used to buy other things and even in the paying of other bills. We sometimes lack enough money to buy such books given the fact that they are expensive in nature. In return, we get into trouble with our tutors and may even fail in our exams due to lack of those study materials. Some of us may end up losing our scholarship chances just because we fail to have the required study materials and we, therefore, fail to meet the required grades. Failing in academics displeases everyone (Flaxman et al., 2012).

By choosing to purchase the second-hand textbooks, you shall have not only gotten the same textbooks at a lower price but will also stand a chance of improving your grade. At a rate almost twice lower than the new textbooks, the second-hand books shall help you achieve a friendly and convenient budget. You shall have a timely submission of your assignments thus reduced pressure and stress .cases of poor grades which may come about as a result of late submission and lack of concentration shall be dealt with by the purchase of the cheap second-hand textbooks. Buying second-hand items help one save money while at the same time achieving the same purpose as the other individual who buys a new item of a similar type. As a student, one should always learn to be responsible in their spending, and should always ensure that they account for the monetary value (Jeacle & Carter,2012).

Imagine how you would feel when your grade changes from bad to best. Do picture how your parents and guardians shall react to the fact that you have improved in your academics. Think about that tutor who has often considered you a student with lower potential. Imagine how such tutors shall respond once you finally unleash your hidden possibilities. Imagine of much you shall have saved your time by having the textbooks at your disposal without having to borrow from classmates. Have you ever wondered why those who perform better invest in textbooks and other stationery?


Now that you have understood the benefits of purchasing the second-hand books, I urge you to reach for your copies and to be ready to have a mega change in your academic life. Come while stock lasts. There is a copy for everyone because all second-hand textbooks are cheap and pocket-friendly to not allow yourself to be left behind, grab at least a copy of a second-hand textbook and get to better your not fail when you can help yourself. Come and create a new journey in your not wait to be the failure in your class.


Britt, S. L., Canale, A., Fernatt, F., Stutz, K., & Tibbetts, R. (2015). Financial stress and financial counseling: Helping college students. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 26(2), 172-186.

Flaxman, P. E., Menard, J., Bond, F. W., & Kinman, G. (2012). Academics' experiences of a respite from work: Effects of self-critical perfectionism and perseverative cognition on postrespite well-being. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(4), 854.

Jeacle, I., & Carter, C. (2012). Fashioning the popular masses: accounting as mediator between creativity and control. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 25(4), 719-751.

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Benefits of Purchasing the Second-Hand Books: Speech Example. (2022, Sep 15). Retrieved from

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