Critical Essay on Harry Potter

Paper Type:  Literature review
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  518 Words
Date:  2022-09-26


Harry potters penchant for Quidditch and the scar located on his forehead has made him recognized locally and internationally. The seven provided book series has provided a solid base for readers worldwide to make themselves acquainted with the things people and places utilized within the storyline. Similar to the already existing fiction writings such as reading harry potter again allows readers to apply their reasoning on many levels. The essay aims at defining the essentialness of interpreting underlying themes and arguments depicted within the harry potter series and how reading harry potter again provides information directly about them.

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By interpreting the messages, readers can identify their modes of perception concerning the issue and how they alter how we coexist within contemporary society. The book acts as a compilation of a novel of essays covering the entire sequence of harry potter writings. The writer who took part in writing and editing the book considered some factors affecting the society and significant themes which prevailed (Anatol & Giselle 2009)Major areas addressed include morality, race, religious issues, and magic which mostly gave rise to substantial arguments within the text. Through the text fans and readers can understand better and appreciate the book and the impact the storyline has on our livelihood and the nature of our times.

"The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure. Thoughts are not etched on the inside of skulls, to be perused by an invader. The mind is a complex and many-layered thing." Rereading Harry Potter allows readers to unearth the theme and argument concerning religion which exists in all aspects of the book including charms, spells as well as enchantments. I consider harry potter as a Christian character and feel that according to the book the whole series can be viewed as a modernized bible version.

In his weird character, Harry resembles Christ in many ways, and Rowling utilizes his style to depict religious symbolism within the text. Harry Potter has undergone a lot of suffering and pain while covering and protecting the people he loved (Anatol & Giselle 2009). One of the major arguments presented by the book is the fact that religion appears to have two facets. The theme of conflict which exists between good and evil is a vital theme within all seven texts with its primary function being driving all action that takes place within the book. Voldemort, a complete antagonist, acts as the embodiment of evil within the society creating a visible and clear benchmark for all protagonists.


Through the novel, Rowling tries to depict religion as an excellent social factor whereas Voldermort challenges this through his evil character. Like most characters within the book, Harry cannot discern and control his life. Rowling utilizes his journey to discover his destiny and fate religiously thus recognizing the importance of religion within n the house. The people around harry just as if Jesus played a significant role in protecting the city against unnecessary beliefs an assumptions made by the people.

Works Cited

Anatol, Giselle Liza, ed. Reading Harry Potter Again: New Critical Essays. ABC-CLIO, 2009.

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Critical Essay on Harry Potter. (2022, Sep 26). Retrieved from

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