In the Lofty Daycare Center, the literacy and physical directions provided to the children had observable impacts on them. The surrounding in which the developmental process takes also have a direct influence on the child's final traits. From observation, a child displayed some extent of dormancy levels during the literacy activities that occur within the classroom and learning halls while the child was very active during the outside care periods. During the care, they displayed gloomy characteristics to the caregivers. However, he actively engaged in the outdoor physical activities where the child was involved in the events that naturally covered the grounds like running around the pitch with other fellow children. The involvement in the physical activities outsides the care halls was intense. On occasions when the child was engaged by the caregiver in outdoor activities, the child expressed discomfort and even tried to walk away from the group while the remaining followed the caregiver's directives on what to do. The child wanted to play alone without being guided by the caregiver while at a field.
Physical Development
The developmental norms in children provide that the adaptation process that subjects a child to a behavior, a specific language, the response to stimuli alongside the fine and gross motor skills follows the existing standard (Whitcomb, 2017). . The environment in which a child spends most the time has a great impact on the resulting traits that always persist up to adulthood. The traits of a child brought up within a daycare system will possess the prevalent qualities within the setting. A critical review of the children behavior in pre-school daycare systems is therefore necessary to determine the areas that require corrective measures in the process of development.
A game session with the caregiver, the child, did not actively engage his instructor. After the caregiver walked away, the child joined other fellows who were playing alone. From the response of the child during the outside care activities, it was noted that girls were spending more time before stepping out of learning halls if their caregivers told them the kind of games they were to play. The child's cooperation during a time when he was left to play alone was higher. Unlike the girls, the child engaged in other harder activities different from that of girls. The girls' games though revolved around less ground covering events. They majorly involved in walking in groups while holding hands and identifying some specific areas which were of no interest to the boy child.
The child's gross motor skills during the outdoor activities were running around certain obstacles like signposts in the school compound with other fellows after his group was left by the caregiver who was instructing them. The Daycare pre-school activities do not have a specified place within their area of operation. The action was frequent in boys than in girls. For the girls, they walked on lines while holding hands and singing together in a manner that suggests attempts of achieving unison. The child's engagement in the activities, however, did not last for long and so he kept shifting from different games to others. Amidst the games, the child took some rest at intervals and continued playing. For the girls always attempts to engage in the soft motor skills where most of them were involved in the continuous closing up of buttons and un-buttoning them again. The child under observation, on the other hand, stopped running around the field after few minutes of engagement and started other activities like balancing on one foot and competing with others on it (Bailey, 2019). Generally, the child did not engage in typical outdoor care activities for a long time; they kept changing from one game to the other.
In his communication with other fellows, the child always expressed the feelings through non-verbal cues like crying in situations where he had not been impressed by other members (Black et al., 2017). The common cases that made the child use the cues were while expressing his desires in the pitch and hoe he wanted to play. The child always showed his communication through non-verbal cues in most situations. He still uses communicative signs to complement certain information that could not be communicated. The child expressed the signs apparently through facial expressions, changing the tone of voice, showing the communication through the sense of touch. Also, the child expressed several communication cues like throwing their hands on the atmosphere and raise their shoulders to express anger.
While physically comparing the language skills between the child and others who were slightly older, there was inconsistency in the level of clarity and the nature of the communication. The communication patterns differs among the children. For the older ones, their language skills were more expressive as they made full meanings. In playing with the other children, they regularly instructed the small children in higher tones that even scared their fellows. Their pronunciation of words was more apparent and made meaningful sentences during communication. For the child under observation, the language skills were weaker and less communicative, and so, he expressed much information through cues. Both the girls and the boys possessed the same skills in their age brackets as was displayed in their playing groups. The child was always left behind in the playing groups since their fellows always addressed children of his age in harsh tonal variations. The child always strived to learn language skills during in-door learning lessons. During the in-door care services, the child repeated the vocalizations from the caregivers while communication to fully emulate the system.
The child's nature of interaction within the Lofty Pre-School daycare was inconsistent since the child lacked enough skills for the language use. The communication between the young children and older ones differed in a manner that the younger ones were always expressing their messages and concerns mostly through non-verbal communication, which the other older children did not like. The older ones were still seen to be rude to the younger ones, especially when they could not interpret their messages. Their nature of games was also incoherent to the younger ones since and so, there was some situational communication breakdown among children. The older children expressed feelings of egocentrism since they always instructed their fellows on what to do and where to go, especially during the outdoor care services.
From experience, I learned that environmental factors have a significant impact on the upbringing of children. From the behavior of children during in-door and out-door daycare services, it is paramount to state that children require the freedom to perform their activities better. The fact that in-door activities involved the caregiver's engagement, the children always appeared dormant during such events in a manner that suggest feeling restrictions. Also, friendship among children is determined by their ability to express themselves similarly. This was evident from how the older children addressed the younger ones during the outdoor daycare activities.
Cognitive Development
The child's ability to process information by evaluating and applying the learned concepts in the environment was significantly impacted the activities of Lofty-Day Care. The background of the daycare setting also influenced the language learning process in the child since it provided a platform for the development of the adult brain as cognitive psychology offers.
While undertaking the in-door daycare activities, the child asked questions on concepts that were not clear. For instance, when the caregiver instructed the child to join the other members in the games that they were playing in the field, he went closer to the teacher and asked for clarification. In the process, he was keener to hear the caregiver's instruction by getting closer to the teacher so that all the instructions could reach him. After getting the teacher's guidance, the child tried to justify his reasons for walking out of other members so that he could convince the teacher to allow him to stay out. The child's reason for not joining the other members was that he wanted to join another group that appeared to be having more fun in their group. Cognitively, the child was growing his reasoning skills. The process is always characterized by simple reasoning, and children tend to ask questions and clarification from confusing instructions (Hess & Shipman, 2017). This is a clear sign of cognitive development process since the child will develop language skills through the continuous process for the period that the child will be under the Lofty Day Care home.
During outdoor activities, the gross motor conducts of the child is observably developed though the child is used to playing for a shorter time every day since childhood (Bjorklund & Causey, 2017). The child enjoys playing without guidance since the instructors always explore their gross motor skills. Any time when the caregiver gets around to guide him in the gaming activities, the child always get gloomy and even agrees to get indoors to avoid getting engaged in his gross motor skills. The child only enjoys engaging the skills under personal supervision. When left alone during games time, the child tried running around the small pavement and kept resting at a regular stoppage to find time to rest. He is not used to exploring the gross motor skills, which later becomes his lifetime habit.
The child displays visual discrimination by getting selective on his company and only joins the group with children of his age according to his perception (Fort, Ichino & Zanella, 2016). When other younger children seek to join the group, he refuses and convinces the members that they do not need younger children and reasons that the infant need to join the group where he can find the age mates. The action is repetitive in childhood life since day care has conventional systems. This ingrains visual discrimination trait in the child that will make many children from the daycare settings develop the habit forever.
Social-Emotional Development
The child displayed the abilities to be emphatic and was always in control of self to be accepted into other children's group. The child expressed interests in the relationships with others and always reminded his new group members. The child even tried building a relationship with adults by greeting me and engaging during the research activity. According to social development concept, children always require cooperation skills, ability to follow directions as well as displaying the social-emotional skills (Ahmed, Abdullahi & Muhammad, 2017). The skills and abilities commence the social-emotional judgment.
The child displays an intense need for comprehending certain concepts. Through asking specific questions without precise meanings, it is evident that the child is ready to learn the existing trends and lifestyle. The level of interaction increased with the growing need to interact with the adults within the system (Hobson, 2019). The child displayed the desire to interact with a wide range of people in attempts to understand the environment that they exist. The language skills of the child at this point were weak. This was ascertained by how the child approached specific issues within. Besides, the fine and gross motor skills of the child were developed when the child was deeply engaged in physical activities - getting more interactive increased his level of friendship since he expanded his scope of the association.
The Lessons Learned From the Experience
The traits of the child emulated the existing characteristics of...
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