Ecology Essay Sample: The Theory of Apocalyptic

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  591 Words
Date:  2021-06-04

The world has been going through climatic changes in the recent years. The change has caused a change of temperatures, wind patterns, and the sea level. The changes have been caused by the human activities such as the release of harmful gasses into the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide leading to the destruction of the ozone layer, which causes global warming. These have posed a threat to the lives of human beings as the change is irreversible and has many consequences.

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According to the James Lovelock research, shortly there will be the absence of lives on earth since of the gasses been released in the atmosphere. He proposes the use of nuclear in generating power. Use of nuclear has much significance, as it is environmentally friendly. These would reduce the number of gasses released into the atmosphere, which covers the ozone layer causing global warming on the earth. He predicts that the number of bubbles of carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide will form a gaseous blanket that will cause the earth to be warmer. He says the effects of global warming would have affected the human beings before the scientist realize it has happened and before it becomes a political concern. In his research, he suggests most of the parts of the Europe will be desert and part of the London will be submerged in the water.

Most of the scientist have proposed other alternatives of using renewable sources of energy. These sources include the use of windmills and solar power in producing power. These sources have lower on the environment. It will reduce the causes associated with global warming like an increase in temperature increase change of the natural ecosystem. They describes the use of renewable energy as history as it has not been implemented fully were only a few people had impressed its effectiveness. They argue that even the windmills will not be enough to offer the amount energy needed in the world. Similarly, they propose people should start looking for the means of surviving as the global warming has reached a point where it is irreversible, and the planet is becoming too hot and been submerged underwater.

The biggest challenge is the invention of new technology that will help in solving the problems been experienced. Lovelock thinks if we can have, a technology that will produce food will be better as the biggest challenge that people will face is the production of food. He proposes that if quick measures are not put in place, by 2100 about 80% of the population would have been wiped off. These arose many critics that he was using more of personality than the scientific understanding of things. The greatest fear is that the appropriate technology will not be implemented at the right times which will lead to the termination of human beings. However, the invention of the new technique is compared to the times of 1938-9 where everyone knew the terrible ahead but knew nothing about curbing the situation.

A scientist should work together in finding the sustainable situation to ensure that the lives of human beings are put in consideration and protected from the consequences of climate change occur. Emission of dangerous gasses should be terminated by implementing measures of recycling the gasses to ensure they are not emitted to the atmosphere hence reducing the speed of global warming.


Hannigan, J. (2014). Environmental sociology. Routledge.

Lovelock, J. (2007). The revenge of gaia: earth's climate crisis & the fate of humanity. Basic Books.

Mannion, D. A. (2014). Global environmental change: a natural and cultural environmental history. Routledge.

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