Essay Sample on Supreme Court Judges

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  720 Words
Date:  2022-10-23

The Concept of Judicial Review and Its Constitutional Importance

Judicial review is defined as the capacity to evaluate and assess congressional laws by the Supreme Court Judges (CrashCourse, 2015b). It allows the judges to review actions that states may present in their respective courts as well as the behavior of bureaucratic agencies and the operations of the presidency. The primary importance of judicial review is to act as the watchdog and ensure there are checks and balances on the legislative and the executive arms of the government (CrashCourse, 2015b). The judiciary is the only regarded body that can provide checks and balances remain valid at all times. Initially, the concept of judicial review was not enshrined in the constitution, but the power of the US government ensured that its structure remained supreme and had to be followed to the letter.

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Judicial Selection Process and the Selection Criteria Adopted by Presidents

The US presidents use various tests while choosing Justices of the Supreme Court. The leading character is the virtues of fairness in their career profiles and neutrality aspects in the cases that they have determined (CrashCourse, 2015b). For example, in a democratic state, presidents prefer selecting individuals who are driven by democratic ideas. Therefore, in this case, the presidents prefer choosing a democratic judge who would be responsible for spearheading democracy in the legal industry. Experience is another criterion that presidents refer when picking such heads of the judiciary. Experience in this sector is crucial as one is assumed to have extensive knowledge of cases and expertise regarding the law (CrashCourse, 2015b). Thus, a president is obliged to select a person with whom the Senate would approve to head the judiciary.

Definition of Civil Liberties and Examples

Civil liberties are those rights and freedoms that individuals are given or entitled to by the US constitution (CrashCourse, 2015a). They are mostly embedded in the Bill of Rights. The privileges are essential in that they provide immunity to individuals against government harassment and mistreatments. An example of civil liberty in the United States is the right to own a gun. It began when many Americans expressed their desires to have gun controls. In their quest, the government responded by allowing its citizens to own a firearm. It, therefore, means that one cannot be harassed for possessing such a tool. Another liberty that is entitled to the citizens is the right to religion, expression, and petition (CrashCourse, 2015a). Another fundamental freedom guaranteed to citizens by the government is the right to protection from harm.

Are Rights and Liberties Absolute?

In the United States of America, rights and liberties are not absolute at all. Some rights and freedoms are limited and should be expressed up to certain limits (CrashCourse, 2015a). For example, the right to speech is only allowed for realistic things, and none is permitted to engage in statements that would undermine national unity or mislead people. When deciding a case, the Supreme Court judges balance competing values by voting (CrashCourse, 2015a). The casting of a ballot allows them to make a verdict.

Ted Nugent’s on Gun Control

Ted Nugent argues that gun control should be abolished (RTT: Guns, Gear & PoliticsTM, 2013.) He does not believe the idea of having gun control since people have the right to take care of and protect their life. When people are allowed to own guns, this hands them a power to exercise control over them and defend themselves in times of terror. However, the government knows that individuals need to be checked not to use their rights beyond the required freedom (RTT: Guns, Gear & PoliticsTM, 2013). Thus, Nugent asserts that individuals should not be subjected to gun control. In this case, he is off his rocker, and that gun control should be exercised to ensure that they are used in the best ways possible.


CrashCourse. (2015). Civil Rights & Liberties: Crash Course Government #23 [Video]. Retrieved from

CrashCourse. (2015). Judicial Review: Crash Course Government and Politics #21 [Video]. Retrieved from

RTT : Guns, Gear & PoliticsTM. (2013). Ted Nugent on Gun Control - Some Of The best Words Ever Spoken [Video]. Retrieved from

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