Literary Analysis Essay on Shakespeare's Sonnet 73

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  596 Words
Date:  2023-01-04


The term sonnet is derived from an Italian term sonetto. It denotes to a poem put down in iambic pentameter. It has 14 lines and uses rhyme schemes in a strictly arranged thematic structure. In total, William Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets. Sonnet 73 is one of the long series of his works. Shakespeare's sonnets have strong and suggestive romantic connotation portraying passionate imagery. Sonnet 73 has a total of 3 quatrains together with an ending rhyming couplet. Shakespeare's Sonnet 73 centers on aging and the sensation of the voice. The voice in the first stanza builds a metaphorical ambiance in order to bring forth the old age. All through the first stanza, the voice connects with aging and especially the first line "time of the year" (Shakespeare 1). Here aging is expressed as a fall whereby "yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang." The voice compares aging as seasons of the year. In the fourth line, Shakespeare notes "bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang (Shakespeare 1)." Here, the poet implies that the fall is a time when death is prevalent with the lyrical voice comparing the advancing years with nature. This was a time death was very prevalent especially among the aged.

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The expressive voice links the advancing years with twilight. Twilight here represented a period of a season. The voice is no doubt troubled and prefers to apply a different metaphor that describes the advancing years in the first line, "In me though seest the twilight of such day" (Shakespeare 1). The voice links the entire process of aging with twilight. In the next line a different description is given at a time the sun is fading (As after sunset fadeth in the west") and darkness sets in (which by and by black night doth take away") (Shakespeare 1). At the end of the last line, a relationship is created between death the precise daytime. Here it is described as one bringing up eternal repose ("seals up all in the rest"). The entire second stanza portrays death as a termination to a given cycle. In the first stanza, it was a representation of various natural seasons while in the second stanza; it is a representation by a time of day.

The voice in the third stanza relates to ashes. The voice sees remains of fire on him/her in line one. "In me, thou see'st the glowing of such fire (Shakespeare 1)." Here, the fire is a representation of the youth as the voice denotes in line two "That on the ashes of his youth doth lie." The lyrical voice asserts that the fire will be over showing the distressed imaginations concerning aging. At this point, the sentimental voice puts more emphasis on the ending of the fire. "As the death-bed wereon it must expire/consumed with that which it was nourish'd by" in the third line (Shakespeare 1).

At the end of the couplet, the sentimental voice explains the purpose. The voice identifies that his affection with the other is robust as he/she advances towards old age. "This though perceivest, which makes thy love more strong". In the second line, "To love that well which thou must leave era long" (Shakespeare 1). This explains what the lyrical voice has been trying to put across all through from the first stanza. Due to the chances of death in addition to advancing years, there is the need to be more affectionate, love more, than ever before, "to love that well", considering that either he or his partner may soon be gone, dead.

Work Cited

Shakespeare, William, and Richard J. Hoffman. Sonnet 73. Richard Hoffman, 2014.

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Literary Analysis Essay on Shakespeare's Sonnet 73. (2023, Jan 04). Retrieved from

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