Literary Analysis Essay on The Day of the Triffids

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  884 Words
Date:  2023-01-01


In the novel the day of the Triffids, the main character bill who is also the narrator is the protagonist of the story. He is a soft-spoken man who is about thirty years. Bill seems to over think about many matters and have a character of a real boon. He is a man who is able to think calmly through situations that would make other people freak out. Like when he gets out of the hospital he found havoc outside where he walked calmly and he was even able to solve some problems on the way. He is keen to what surrounds him and that how he was able to survive of triffid poison which caused other many people to go blind. I like that the character managed to escape permanent blind form the Triffids and meteor shower when he was hospitalized. This gives give him a chance to rescue a girl from the epidemic chaos and he became strong to adapt to the post-apocalyptic world (Stock 250). The author intended the reader to like him because of all the other people he made the character survive all the danger and he even helped and rescued people on the way

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What is the significance of the title? Choose two (2) passages to support your answer. Show how the author has indicated its relevance within the story.

The significance of the title is it clearly elaborate what the novel is all about even before reading the book. The characters in the novel had to survive the carnivorous plants making it the day of survival in the midst of disintegrating society. For example, in the story, the day is like a plague outbreak caused by the titular triffids which killed defenseless people and made them completely blind (Wyndham 28). This showed relevance to the title because the triffids plants made the day. Secondly, the story begins with the story of bill in the hospital after being blinded by the Triffids and later he saves the day which at the title say was a day of triffids among other things. The author started the story by a man who escaped triffid poison and later rescues some people and makes the triffids plant disrupt the day where they were killing people. The novel is about the triffid escae which relate to the title.


At what point is the tension highest? How has the author built this tension? Where is it going?

The highest point in the story is when the bill is separated with the Josella, a young woman whom he had rescued earlier. They are captured by another group of survivors who were led by Coker. Bill team up with Coker to find food and also he wanted to find Josella. This part keeps the reader in tension waiting for the time bill will find Josella. The author builds the tension by putting other stories in between before he finds Josella like when he rescues another young girl. Later, the bill eventually finds Josella where he rescues her and the friends. They survive many things together like menaced triffids which had killed and poisoned many people.

Literary Devices

Chose a passage from the work that uses imagery. Explain how the images support your understanding of theme or character

Wyndham has used the imagery in the book on the day of the Triffids (page 27). He narrates "when it walked I moved rather like a man on crutches. Two of the blunt 'legs' slid forward, then the whole thing lurched as the rear. At each step the long stem whipped violently back and forth... nevertheless, ungainly though it looked, it was contriving to cover the ground as something like an average walking space" the imagery helps the reader to understand the character of a triffids plants. How they moved as they were attacking innocent people. The plants were known to be dangerous and violent as shown by imagery description.

Additional Thoughts

Cite five (5) of your favorite phrases/sentences from the novel and explain why you like them. What do they demonstrate the author's writing style?

One of the favorite quotes is: "it is humiliating to be dependent anyway, but it's still poorer to pass to have no one to depend on."

"Anybody who has a great pleasure has always led a precarious existence."

"Children have a different connection of the fearful until they have been taught the proper things to be shocked at"

"The clock is the most sacred thing in the hospital."

"You don't seriously suggest that they're talking when they make that rattling noise." It demonstrates the author's skills to add the styles used to show emotions like fear. Loneliness and scared. Form the quotes it shows the authors technique of using a style of imagery to explain emotion felt at that time. The author uses the well-arranged word with simple quotes that are easy to understand and interpret.

Work Cited

Wyndham, John. "The Day of the Triffids. 1951." Ed. Edmund Morris. New York: Modern Library (2003).

Stock, Adam. "The Blind Logic of Plants: Enlightenment and Evolution in John Wyndham's The Day of the Triffids." Science Fiction Studies 42.3 (2015): 433-457.

Wymer, Rowland. "How" Safe" is John Wyndham? A Closer Look at his Work, with Particular Reference to" The Chrysalids"." Foundation (1992): 25.

Wyndham, John. The day of the Triffids. Vol. 5. Penguin UK, 2001.

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Literary Analysis Essay on The Day of the Triffids. (2023, Jan 01). Retrieved from

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