Nurses: Understanding Standard Nursing Terminologies - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  522 Words
Date:  2023-01-16


The objective of the nurses in performing their duties is to be compassionate and safeguard the health status of the patients. The need to have standardized nursing terminologies in nursing practice cannot be overshadowed. In this case, there is a need to familiarize the nurses to the standard nursing terminologies. The cornerstone of this is for the nurses to understand and appreciate the need of standardized nursing terminologies and by effectively dong that the following options can be used: (1) Use of the case studies: This involves giving of different scenarios where the standardized nursing terminologies were present and where they were absent. Then give an analysis of how the standardized nursing terminologies were advantageous in making the nursing practices effective. (2) Make the nurses familiarize themselves with the nursing codes that govern the nursing care both locally and internationally, which are the basis of the standardized nursing terminologies. (3) Expose them to the researches that will force them to apply the standardized nursing terminologies in seeking a solution, that way they will appreciate its role ((Hardiker, Hoy, & Casey 2000).

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The Benefits and Challenges of Implementing Standardized Nursing Terminologies In Nursing Practice


The standardized nursing terminologies have been characterized with different benefits. One, it eases communication, both locally and internationally hence making the communication communal, and essential especially when alerting the nurses of the helpful intervention. Two, it enhances patient care and competency at the same time. There will be a prompt reaction and sharing of information among the nurses and other medical specialists when it comes to the evaluation of the quality of the care of disease based on the infection control, identification of the signs and symptoms of the diseases, prevention practices, infection status, safety behaviours and precautions, control measures of the diseases as well as pain control of the infections. Three, it is also important for the documentation to record the nursing care, hence creating uniformity when it comes to the comparison of the quality of outcomes for different nursing intervention. Four, it makes the nurses abide by the standard of care, hence promoting competency and quality improvement in offering health services (Rutherford, 2008).


The challenges of implementing standardized nursing terminologies in nursing practice vary. First, some nurses disagree on how some of the standards were arrived upon hence refutes the existing one basing that they do not meet some particular standards. Second, much of health care communication will always be informal, for example, conversations and written comments that serve some short-term purpose. The challenge is to identify where formalization is not just feasible but desirable. Third, standardization is subject, of course, to more pragmatic constraints, in that it requires considerable resources and scarce expertise. This will necessarily limit the aims of the process. Fourth, once an appropriate scope has been established, the issue of granularity arises (Hardiker, Hoy, & Casey 2000).


Hardiker, N. R., Hoy, D., & Casey, A. (2000). Standards for nursing terminology. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 7(6), 523-528. doi:10.1136/jamia.2000.0070523

Rutherford, M. (2008). Standardized nursing language: What does it mean for nursing practice. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 13(1), 243-50. Doi: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol13No01PPT05

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