Operating Room Nurses: Review of Best Practice - Research Paper

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  591 Words
Date:  2023-02-07


Operating room nurse are the nurses who have specialized in the field of operation and provide care for patients before, during and after undergoing surgery. These nurses are required to have the same skills and knowledge as other registered nurses and more skills needed during procedures of operation. This paper will discuss a review of a journal that best discusses best practice in the operating room, providing an overview of how the findings were obtained.

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The best practice of the operating room that has been addressed in this article is that of nurse's perioperative care errors and related factors in the operating room. One of the most costly and complicated healthcare services is the surgical care and optimizing them should be given priority. Whenever an operating room nurse conducts a medical error, especially in the operating room as an adverse event, it can be perceived as a threat to the safety of the patients. When a fault is revealed, it is recognized as the basis for maintaining and improving patients safety. Hence it is essential to understand the pre-,intra- and postoperative care errors in the operating rooms and the factors that are related to them, that might occur in the room because that is the definition of safe surgery.

Certain research has shown that 50 to 70 of the errors that occur in the operating room happens before or after the surgery has been conducted. This calls for the attention of the nurses to all the levels of the operation process from the patient being admitted to the time he or she is being discharged (Zabihirad et al. 2019). Patient's safety can be protected through categorization of the errors and efforts of controlling and decreasing them in the surgery room.

The method that was used to conduct the study was the use of a descriptive-analytic process. It investigated the perioperative care errors in the surgical operations and the factors that are related, which affect their roles in the operating rooms of the hospitals which were selected in conducting the research. The tool that was used to collect data was a researcher-made questionnaire which was compiled based on the use of valid texts. The questionnaire was subdivided into three sections which contained demographic data, errors perioperative care and affective factors on those sorts of medical responsibilities. The collected data were entered into the SPSS software later analyzed through the use of statistical tests.

The study findings revealed that the mean error in the perioperative care was about 25%, preoperative care had the highest error mean of 31% followed by postoperative care, and the least errors were identified in the intraoperative care with a mean of 20 %. According to the results, the most effective factors were environmental, structural, individual factors and management factors in the occurrence of care errors in the surgery room.


In conclusion, the rate of error in the pre and postoperative cares were identified to be higher than the intraoperative care which the cause could be the nurses paying attention to the surgical procedures and principles of surgery and the zeal to perform their duty of first surgeon assistant having lesser attention to the care they need to give to the clients before and after the operation has been conducted. Paying attention to all forms of concern that the patient requires from their time of admission can reduce the cases of surgical errors in the operating room.


Zabihirad, J., Mojdeh, S., & Shahriari, M. (2019). Nurse's perioperative care errors and related factors in the operating room. Electronic Journal of General Medicine, 16(2). Doi: 10.29333/ejgm/9422

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Operating Room Nurses: Review of Best Practice - Research Paper. (2023, Feb 07). Retrieved from https://midtermguru.com/essays/operating-room-nurses-review-of-best-practice-research-paper

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