Research Proposal about Environmental Movement

Paper Type:  Research proposal
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  625 Words
Date:  2022-09-23


The things that surround or affect an organism during the period of living is collectively known as the organism's environment. The environment may consist of both abiotic and biotic components. Research has shown that human globalisation and civilisation are part of the dominant culprits that have attributed to a constant change in the global environment. Over the last few years, China's environmental issues have been characterised by the rise of advocacy in policy, the spontaneous alliances, the rise of environmental Non-governmental Organizations and protests which have occurred at different levels. The major concerns are on soil and water pollution, soil degradation and water scarcity and issues about desertification. The challenge experienced by China is extended globally with various processes being imaged to be the lead cause of the global problem, for example, global warming, pollution, acid rain, depletion of the natural resources, waste disposal, loss of biodiversity and pollution to mention but a few. Most of the mentioned processes have led to the use of the natural resource in a manner which may not be sustained.

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In China, the processes have led to a great impact on the environment with the major ones being on the release of large quantities of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. China, therefore, stands a chance of experiencing great temperature fluctuation, the ozone layer depletion and change in the general climate hence the currently experienced deforestation. Based on the discussed, it is explicit that the environmental issues experienced globally and in China specifically continue to cause disasters and tragedies and may cause casualties in case an urgent solution is on not provided by the responsible authorities and nations. The research proposal, therefore, focuses on a research proposal which seeks to give information about environmental movement globally together with a case study and an annotated bibliography.

Case Study on Environmental Dispute in China

Many scholars believe that environmental challenges have been playing an important part in shaping the political destiny of China. Some of the scholars construe that the development of serious environmental activism has been as a result of a direct outcome of the people's persistent frustration with the local authorities, particularly on environmental affairs. Most of the frustration is usually expressed through environmental organisations which in most cases take place through environmental organisations and in most events take the non-confrontational approaches to arbitrate state-union state relation. The discussed issues in the case study proved that there is a need for urgent measures to be taken as a way of addressing the challenges.

Annotated Bibliography of Three

Larson. C. (2008). China's Emerging Environmental Movement. Yale Environment 360. Retrieved from

The newspaper report documents the work of a journalist Christina Larson who visits Zhao Zhong, a person who is renowned for taking a major role in fighting for environmental conservation. The report goes ahead to acknowledge China as one of the nations which have been battling environmental challenges with at least 90 per cent of the country's cities have contaminated water.

Staller. P (2006). An Emerging Environmental Movement in China. Retrieved from

The article looks at the belief of the university students especially those in Beijing and realising the existence of little environmentalism among students who are in the process of transforming into an independent grassroots movement or even being a source of pressure at the time of political change.

Unger, J. (2016). The transformation of rural China. Routledge.

The book documents how the rural regions of China and how the development has impacted the environment. It seeks to determine whether the development of the rural areas has negatively impacted the environment or has led to the placement of environmental conservation measures.

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Research Proposal about Environmental Movement. (2022, Sep 23). Retrieved from

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