The Mystery of Human Existence: History's Agonies and Joys - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  574 Words
Date:  2023-01-27


History has as many agonies as joy. Self-consciousness, which is the main reason behind the existence of history, is the prime difference between humans and other species. This substantial difference is brought about by the capacity of the human brain. Philosophy of life has been a subject of debate to philosophers for quite a long time. Human existence remains a mystery. Nietzsche assertion, which other philosophers also agree, is that human existence is a task. The relationship between life and historical knowledge is a phenomenal topic of discussion in our contemporary world. In a humans' civilization, some truth and facts change concerning emerging accurate and rational knowledge. This can be due to the vast and drastic advancement in technology and science as well as philosophy input. There is an alternative. The alternative is not to believe to an obsolete truth. In the wake of the nineteenth century, history was discovered, and ideas, facts, and evidence articulated down in history books. History is merely a record of the past, which defines the present and predicts the future. It is indeed evident that history is indispensable and cannot be suppressed. It is important.

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Recorded historical activities can be dangerous when perverted. History should not be based on one's opinion, which could be awful. The conventional way of perceiving history is by subjecting it. Facts, evidence, and past historical beliefs should be subject to criticism. Otherwise, history can be of little or no importance in human life. If history is well understood, it can provide a good stepping stone in different niches of study. Different people in the world have found themselves in danger. A danger of disintegrating and perishing through historical records. A total chaotic and mystery of culture, beliefs, customs, morals, and even religion. On top of that, history provides humanity with an unhistorical power. Consequently, history can never, and most probably will never be categorized as pure science like physics.

History belongs to the chosen few. The few with love and loyalty and looks back to their origin. History is irrational and of no use to people who hardly look to their past. Additionally, humans have a vulnerable personality. There are several severe issues with the past. The relationship between the past and humans is a problem we strain to address. Humanity tends consuming fever of history and should acknowledge the problem that they are facing.

The contemporary misuse of history is broadly affiliated to humans. The fundamental difference between animals and us is that we can recall the past, an attribute that has remained a significant burden. Humans do worry about the past. What most people forget is that we have no power over our history. In regards to memory, the information we hold was attained through robust training and inhuman punishments.

History is an essential and beneficial discipline to the life of human beings. For instance, history has a good foundation in different areas of study. History has put the records straight on some controversial matters like morality, culture, the existence of humanity, religion, and customs. Contrary, some negative factors are associated with the presence of the same history regarding human life as well. Misconception about the past is dangerous. However, to those who never look in the past, history is of little value to them. The ability to remember is the root of all the problems.


Nietzsche, F. (1980). On the advantage and disadvantage of history for life. Hackett Publishing.

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