A number of measures taken are put in the formal construct to ensure equality among different groups in the society .affirmative action for instance as the political movement has been adhered to widely to ensure that persons with disability are able to fit in the society. Rules set out such in every elective body or form of employment there should be a representative of persons with disability marks as revolution towards social theory advancement.
A great deal of social role theory discourse covers the topic and issues related to gender roles and their effect on their expectations, characteristics, opinions, and behavior. Social role theories are implemented in this regard in order to narrow the gender gap and promote equality. Diekman & Schneider (2010) discuss the gender differences in political attitudes, which can be understood by attending to social roles of men and women. This study can be valuable as it provides insight on how gender differentiation in political attitudes can be determining factors in close elections (Diekman & Schneider, 2010). This study also a shines light on understanding gender gaps and highlight directions for new research. The prevalence of gender within social role theory discourse is appropriate considering the gender hierarchy that exists in which women are seen as possessing few resources and of being less valuable than men (Eagly, Wood, & Diekman, 2000). However, considering the shift in gender roles, womens position within the social structure is moving away from traditional regulations. In an article by Eagly & Karau (2002), they explain the prejudice that comes along with a woman being in a leadership role as it is incongruent with the typical female gender role. These prejudices include perceiving women as being less favorable than men in leadership roles or evaluating behavior that fulfills a leadership role as less favorable when enacted by a woman (Eagly & Karau, 2002). Suggestions to mend this include changing the norms of gender roles, changing the content of leader roles, and have organizations shift away from a traditional view of leadership and towards a more democratic and participatory view (Eagly & Karau, 2002).
A feminist approach to the social value helps to advocate on how different groups of women should be treated, this includes the view of their economic status, sexual orientation and their race. Actions that I could personally take would include ensuring that if I am for instance to hold a meeting that requires the attendance of different people, all measures of reasonable accommodation are met. Having a sign language interpreter on a TV station program will help the deaf not to feel actually left behind. In most western cultures, the Judeo-Christian value system and liberal democratic tradition are espoused and widely assented to ,despite being actualized in full. (Joe Osburn 2006).
The SRV is viewed as more to give more impact than just the renaming of normalization principle, it constitutes a major breakthrough concept which is based on the insight that; people with valued social roles will tend to be accorded desirable items, within the norm of the society and that the two major means to creating, supporting and defending valued social roles are to enhance both the persons image and competency.
The RSV is limited by the fact that there are numerous interpersonal identification and different social integration and valued societal participation. People vary differently in the importance they attribute to different social values, but some are found to be more important than others such as Benevolence, universalism and self-direction values .it is common human nature to have a hierarchy of standards and adoptive functions of values to maintain societies.(Schwartz & Bardi,1997) the basic use of values is to invoke certain behaviors in a society, putting in consideration people invoke various values which can be used to define behaviors as socially acceptable. (Parsons,1995).
The SRV helps in distinguishing what is needed versus how to meet the need and it, therefore, helps to prevent the common error of separating the two. Ones mind can be clouded on meeting the best needs of someone without thinking what the need to be met is. A further important construct of SRV is whether a service is relevant to the concerned person. Relevance requires that there is an exact match between what a person needs and what they will get. The assumption here is that the needs of an individual have been appraised and how urgent or exaggerated those needs are, if the service is relevant the persons needs ought to be exaggerated.(Joe Osburn 2006) .in the situation where a visually impaired student in a classroom has to take the examination with the rest of the students, there is a need to provide the special need student with brail note taker or maybe a soft copy of the examination. Due to his or her special need, the student also ought to be added more time compared to the non-visually impaired students.
Action items that need to be taken should be based on the motivation to prevent social segregation. We ought to be keen in ensuring we dont involve the socially devalued persons into negatively valued and competency diminishing roles. There should a clear thought on what one conveys to them through personal image, language and the activities which we use in the support and service we offer them. For instance, disabled persons should not be addressed with pity but with empathy since they are also capable.
There is need to rely on the model coherency as mentioned earlier which will help in determining who the people are and what needs do they have and how those needs can be addressed to them in the simplest manner.in the implementation of service to others, there is need to ensure that the programs correspond to the needs of the involved party to prevent causing harm or inflicting pain to the involved parties during the process of service delivery. For instance when a workshop takes place which includes using a lift. During meal services, the accessibility of these places should be simplified to prevent any form of discrimination or making others left out if they cannot reach the place of service. The story Ties that Bind (Ed Wilson ) it has been identified it is important to get to know the stories of the people we serve. These stories are alleged can help in weaving people back into the life of their communities. Ed Wilson notes that when making an introduction on behalf of people with disability, it is important to share what is important to the parties typical lives.
Part 2
In my palace of work as a law school lecturer, there seems to be a lack of SRVT application. A school socially involved with a variety of different mindsets, expectations and social values. The moral aspects of life can lead some members in the group to be discriminated against if their moral standards do not meet those of the majority. In concentrating with persons with disability, families with a child who is disabled know the commitment that is required to care for them. The level of dedication and care becomes part of their life, part of the family routine. But the same cannot be displayed in school where everyone comes from different context...
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