A Difficult Challenge in My Life and Motivation to Be a Doctor - Paper Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  558 Words
Date:  2021-06-04

Describe a time when you were faced with a difficult challenge. Discuss how you overcame it

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It was just a month after I joined UMD college park. During this semester, I came across a friend who joined the volleyball team. During the practice days, we used to challenge each other on different skills and at times making a lot of fun just to enjoy the sport. It was on a Saturday morning when my friend I went to the pitch for our regular practice. Just after some few exercises, he began to complain of chest pain and also he was experiencing difficulties when breathing. In this situation, I was confused on what to do. I didn't have any first aid skill to save his life. The biggest challenge was where to start and how to go about it. Since I had nobody to consult, I decided to rush to the college health Centre and call for help. This was the most difficult moment in my life because I had not experienced such a challenging situation. I didn't want to watch my friend passing away because I couldn't help and again, I was trying my best to save his life. After seeking help from the college doctor, the first blame on me was why I failed to do first aid. Although the physician's intervention was successful, I felt guilty of not having assisted in the recovery. The emergency challenge was difficult for me to handle, but out of courage, I decided to dig in-depth on sports first aid so that in the case of any other situation I could help.

Why do you want to be a doctor?

What motivates me most to be a doctor is my mother who is a nutritionist. My mom has been the best caregiver while at home and I used to love her passion for ensuring everyone is healthy and happy. Another motivation comes from my uncles who have achieved their goals in live and more so they have contributed a lot to the community. Since I was a kid, I used to love how doctors were determined and focused. From the motivators above, I want to be a doctor. The passion for providing the best medical support in the healthcare setting, as well as the community health, has developed in me. Another big reason why I want to be a doctor is that during my class I used to love anatomy and physiology. Studying the brain anatomy in my psychology class gave me the motivation to study more on human behavior and other brain pathophysiology. Regarding the anatomy and physiology class, I was also motivated to learn how the normal body functions and how to diagnose any pathophysiology. The love for this career developed from the class work, and now, I am determined to practice in the field. Another reason why I want to be a doctor is that out of my passion for studying cardiac anatomy I would like to be a specialist doctor in a cardiac surgeon. More so, in my live, I experienced a challenging situation on cardiac arrest that made me feel challenged of not having any helpful skill in the medical field. Being a doctor will make me feel that I have achieved in life and also am determined to provide health care in all aspects.

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A Difficult Challenge in My Life and Motivation to Be a Doctor - Paper Example. (2021, Jun 04). Retrieved from https://midtermguru.com/essays/a-difficult-challenge-in-my-life-and-motivation-to-be-a-doctor-paper-example

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