A Discussion on Interview Project

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  876 Words
Date:  2022-09-28


In this project, I choose my elder friend called Jason. Jason was a good choice since he is my good friend and I am comfortable around him. Also, I will be comfortable asking him personal questions which are beneficial for the completion of this project. The main reason why I choose Jason was that he is my friend who will be willing to share personal information with me. I am going to use Jason to complete the class project. The class project is going to cover differences between Jason and I, similarities, the outstanding part in the interview and what I learned about him during the interview.

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Jason is my good friend, but they are various factors which portray our differences. One of the differences between the two of us is language. Jason is a Chinese, and his English accent is different to mine to a certain degree. Another difference is the way he views things. Jason has a stronger personality than mine which makes him accept things. Jason is a person who accepts things just the way they are despite injustices. The difference between Jason and I is at time feel like everything is against me especially when subjected to any form of discrimination. Jason positively faces the issue and does not let it affect him in any way. Another is how his identity affects his daily routine(ZHU, 2018).

After interviewing Jason, I have learned he is an intelligent person who does not like to do something just because others are doing it. He is a person who has his principles depending on the situation and scenario that faces them. For instance, everyone wants to get remembered for what they have done in life or achievement. Jason is different the primary thing that worries him is enjoying his and doing what excites him. He wants to do what is vital at the same time enjoy life without worries. Also, I have learned Jason is a confident person. He is Chinese studying in the United States. He is a place viewed as the minority due. That is not a reason to lower his goals or ambitions. Jason pushes hard to achieve and do what is essential. Also, it has helped me to understand his personality. During the interview, Jason did not shy away from showing his character. He is a strong minded person who inspires courage and confidence to those around him. For example, Jason identity not only influences him but those around him. Hence, he encourages all those around him.

The only thing that stood the most according to me is his advice to younger people. His opinion was the most outstanding aspect of his story. Jason believes everyone should not copy the lifestyle of another person. The best way is to come up with his way of life to have a happy and mature adult life. Others are not prepared for the adult life due to over parenting and continuous use of social media. It is one of the main problems that is facing our generation which is referred to as iGen. The only thing they care about is phone over hanging out with their friends. Hence, we are somehow different to those other teens in other generation.

IGen's are unwilling to grow up, or the process is prolonged. Compared to other generation they are more likely to hang out with their parents, decline the chance to have a driver's license and suspend sex. The environment surrounding teens determines their growth. Also, life history theory argues that, but the main one is their surroundings. A hostile or competitive environment makes the teen develop "life strategy" that enables them to survive and adapt quickly. Such an environment helps the teens to grow up fast and take responsibilities. An environment that is safe and has a great investment to the kids makes them develop a "slow life tactic" which makes them unwilling taking responsibilities. Teens are growing up slowly compared to those of the other generations. Students admitted to college are over-parented which makes them afraid of trying something new and making mistakes (Havrilesky, 2015). Jason advice is to come up with own ways. His advice is trying to prepare young people to adulthood and taking responsibilities.


So far in this paper, I have only discussed the differences between Jason and I. However they are similarities between the two of us. One of the similarity is ethnicity. We are both Chinese studying in a foreign county. Also, just like Jason being a Chinese in a foreign nation does not lower my esteem or hinder my efforts to achieve my goals. Hence, we both have set goals we wish to accomplish in this life. I am a strong minded person who is driven by his own goals and ambitions every day. Also, we both like being who I am rather than copying another person behavior or character. I love being me, and I hate to copy another person habits which is similar to him.


Havrilesky, H. (2015). 'How to Raise an Adult,' by Julie Lythcott-Haims. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/21/books/review/how-to-raise-an-adult-by-julie-lythcott-haims.html?_r=0. Accessed 20 Oct 2018.

ZHU, Y. (2018). Interview Project [Video]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX4fnCWVEpw&feature=youtu.be.

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A Discussion on Interview Project. (2022, Sep 28). Retrieved from https://midtermguru.com/essays/a-discussion-on-interview-project

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