Assignment Example on Evaluating Grant Sources

Paper Type:  Questions & Answers
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  535 Words
Date:  2022-09-20

Beginning with the resources shown in Chapter 14, identify at least three grant/funding sources that would be appropriate to apply for, following the guidelines and recommendations in the textbook (this is the pre-application phase).

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  • Government agencies such as Human service.
  • Foundation such as Ford foundation.
  • Business and corporation such as General Motors.

Write a short paragraph for each source in which you evaluate it, note why it would be appropriate to apply for the grant, and what information you would need to collect to apply for the grant.

The government grant agencies generally provide grants to the public sector such as health and education. The government requires lengthy proposal and justification on why you need a grant. It is appropriate to apply for the government grant since it is easier to apply. They provide the public and interested parties with the request for proposal document that provides all the necessary information that is needed to apply. To apply for the grant, you will need the address of the agency, the name of the agency, purposes of the grant, budget and the deadline of the grant offer.

Foundations majorly operate in local areas where they do business. It is important to get information about the area of operation before applying for a grant from a foundation. Applying for a grant with the foundation is much easier as they can a time operate informally depending on their interest with your partnership. The issue with the foundation is finding the information about their grants since they rarely announce their grants to the public. It is good to know the area that the foundation has specialized in to know what to propose for in your application. Getting the right address and the name of the organization is important. Giving your idea to the organization for approval is advisable before writing the whole proposal for the grant.

Business and corporations are non-profit organizations that provide grants for a specific purpose. With corporate grants, an individual can discuss the idea with the corporate representatives before submitting the actual proposal. It is appropriate to apply for this grant because it is not necessary to give an idea that is related to the granting company. Finding information about these grants requires an individual to be close to the company's employee since they do not make a public announcement about their grants. Building the relationship with the company's departments increases your chances of getting proposal approval.

Apply the information to evaluate each grant or funding source.

Government grants require a well-written proposal, which will be enough to receive approval if all the instruction are followed as provided in the request for proposal document. As for the foundations, it is important to know the goals of the foundation to come up with the idea that will align with their goals. A foundation will approve grants for a proposal that will probably promote their idea in the society. For business and corporation, they will need a good relationship with their departments and prove that the offer for the grant will be used as intended. That is why they carry out site visits to ascertain the feasibility of the proposal before approving the request for the grants.

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