Chairman's Role in Designing an Organization's Framework

Paper Type:  Dissertation
Pages:  7
Wordcount:  1755 Words
Date:  2023-01-11

The Chairman of an organization needs to roll out strategies that enhance the smooth functioning of an organization's systems (Allison & Kaye, 2011). However, the designing of the plan is not the sole role of the chairman and requires an input of all stakeholders. The term input in this context refers to the expressions of the views and opinions of all workers, and this needs to be characterized by an aspect of liberty. Most organizations are unaware of simple ways of formulating framework that facilitates the establishment of the strategic plan. The level of knowledge depends on the nature of the systems thinking- a type of leadership, adaptation to external threats, technology, corporate values, and future leadership roles in upcoming projects (Arnold & Wade, 2015). Formulation of a strategic plan is different from implementation. It is easier for the management to roll out a paperwork plan earmarking ideal strategies. The strategies should make a non-profit organization move in a proper direction- a direction which is in tandem with the policies of a non-profit organization. This report aims to explore components of project management and how the identified elements can encourage utilization of available resources at a less expenditure meaning that the principal purpose of formulating a strategic plan is to promote sustained prosperity.

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Statement of the United Choice Purpose and Mission

The notion of sustained prosperity is likened to an aspect of profitability. The Governing Board of the United Choice must transform this organization. However, this will be complicated at a time of experiencing a business issue, both internally and externally. We are aware of some weaknesses hence the need to incorporate strategies which will help us to adapt to uncertainties, problems, and challenges in the market.

We know that our workers will find it challenging to embrace changes, but we will like to ensure that they are aimed to take this organization to a right direction, a direction which will shape our position in a competitive global market and give us a competitive edge over our fierce competitors. This organization prioritizes globalization, and for that reason, we will be changing some of the programs.

Our corporate culture is valued by most of our employees, but this is not the case for some of our customers. With globalization, we aim at bolstering customers' experience, which will be in the wake of demonstrating cultural awareness. We aim at expanding our marketing boundary, and this cannot be achieved without embracing and learning different cultural values. By this, our employees should be prepared to learn a foreign language like French, Chinese, and German. We are going to evaluate the weaknesses of our existing cultural and emotional intelligence strand. Besides, we have received cases of frequent absenteeism from several employees. This organization was set up to offer quality services to those living in deplorable condition, and the provision of services has not restricted the residents of Virginia. As members of the Governing Board, we aim to reduce this and replace absenteeism with determination, commitment, efficiency, and consistency from our team of workers. We also aim to integrate the program of Occupational Health and Safety. We value all our workers, and it will be realistic to demonstrate this through concrete initiatives which aim to motivate them. We have done so well so far, but we are yet to attain our goals. Incorporating and implementing new strategies require additional finances. After consultation with departmental managers and senior staff, we have resorted to changing our financial systems. The project will not be expensive since our organization already has a team of competent financial consultants.

Assessment of Weaknesses and Strengths

SWOT Analysis usually helps organizations to evaluate various weaknesses to improve on the identified issues (Allison, 2011). Through this analysis, the Governing Board can address identified challenges and concerns. The organization has 400 employees. Most of the employees are committed, but in recent months, the organization has started experiencing cases of absenteeism. Some interns and volunteers have lost interest in serving humanity, and this has derailed efforts in meeting our goals. The organization usually rewards hardworking volunteers, but this has not helped to resolve multiple cases of absenteeism and departure of some of our employees. Some emerging non-profit organizations have poached our best employees. Understaffing has derailed our quest of serving up to 120 clients per day. Present employees have been assigned responsibilities of the absent employees, a move which has to downsize the productivity level.

Our organization has been subjected to public scrutiny. Other nonprofit organizations are established to provide humanitarian aid in light of a complex emergency. The unfortunate events attract financial support from governmental and nongovernmental agencies. United Choice raises money through donations and investment. We have a team of competent financial officers who assist in managing our funds. However, with negative perception from the members of the public about functionalism of nonprofit organizations, we have been forced to explain our budget to some critics. This move has jeopardized our liberty. Everyone is a relevant stakeholder in this organization, and in most cases, we have decided to reserve our explanations.

Constructive criticism will help in improving the delivery of our services (Hall, 2016), but when the critics have a predetermined mind, it becomes tough to learn from the raised concerns. Recently, one of the critics questioned the origin of our stable growth, given that our organization was established three years ago. Some members of the public have accused the Board of Directors of funds embezzlement. From such unnecessary criticism, the management almost decided to dissolve the provision of humanitarian services to the residents of Virginia. Public trust to some more significant extent has diminished, and this has affected our relationship with our clients. We are not attracting investors and donors as we did before.

Learning and appreciating a new culture is challenging. With multiple recent cases of absenteeism, the Board decided to explode into a variety of contributing factors and discovered that some employees were bullied because of their cultural beliefs. Such intimidation has promoted negative results. Understaffing has made people question our commitment to providing humanitarian assistance. This is an internal factor.

The organization consists of millennial with little experience in humanitarian assistance. The staff members are self-driven. Many youths are unemployed, and this motivated us to give them employment opportunities. The management has integrated a team thinks, which has encouraged accountability and cooperation (Bryce, 2017). It is easier for the administration to notice some malpractices like complacency, indiscipline, and poor attendance. With a good communication platform, a relationship between workers and the board of directors has been improved (Bryson & Alston, 2010). Cultural and emotional intelligence strand has been useful in some instances. For example, the board of governors has demonstrated equality while resolving interpersonal conflict.

However, some of the employees have found it tough to learn about new cultural beliefs. Differentiation in traditional norms has triggered a rift, and this is the reason the board of directors has continued receiving cases of bullying. Besides, the organization recently partnered with United International. This partnership has assisted our senior managers in obtaining some donations. According to the views of some residents, philanthropy has lost its meaning in the 21st Century. United International is an organization which was established three decades ago. UI has an outstanding reputation, and this has once again improved our relationship with our clients.

Stakeholders Included in Plans and their Roles

Education experts, healthcare experts, Information Technology experts, employees, Public Relation experts, investors, donors, and clients are the relevant stakeholders of the United Way. In more than 98,000 public schools in the United States, students have access to quality education. The Federal government has rolled out a free education program in public schools, and still, many students are yet to enjoy such a privilege. While setting up this organization, health and education were critical areas of interests. Our organization seeks to improve the state of children from the low-income family background. Partnering with education experts will help us understand the actual plight of needy students. Principals and teachers of different schools, for instance, provide us with information concerning students who cannot afford school uniforms, textbooks, and exercise books. After acquiring the right figure, our organization supplies the required items. Also, our partnership with teachers has helped us to identify different talents. We nurtured these talents by assisting schools to build playing grounds.

Our partnership with various healthcare experts has helped us satisfy the healthcare needs of needy patients. Public health officers, for example, have played an advisory role. They have been conducting medical researches, and from their findings, we are made aware of an outbreak of new diseases. This organization has provided medical coverage to at least 1,500 people. The Governing Board discovered that some patients were denied treatment because of gender, cultural and religious beliefs, and social status. Healthcare experts have a better knowledge on this issue, and the Governing Board is convinced that they will compile an accurate report of inequality in our healthcare. The Governing Board calls for action from all relevant stakeholders in the healthcare system.

United Choice is a sizeable organization. The existing communication platforms are not sufficient, and for this reason, the Governing Board has decided to consult IT, experts. Incorporation of data systems is expensive. However, this project will become useful in the long-term. Here, IT experts will inform us about the ideal data system which will assist in managing risks. Installation cost will also be evaluated. Digitalization is one of the best ways of improving client experience (Parviainen et al., 2017). Our main objective is to help as many people as possible. The organization frequently receives assistance requests. However, it is the right time to reach to people requiring assistance. IT experts will assist this organization in creating a webpage that will respond swiftly to the questions of our clients. Also, digital marketing is an ideal method of attracting several donors and investors. IT experts will play a critical role in educating our staff members on the importance of technology while discharging administrative responsibilities.

Leadership Roles in Upcoming Strategies

Strategic roles are different from operational or functional purposes. Executive roles range from supervising daily activities to compiling reports on work development. The future strategies in this perspective resonate transition planning, which requires directors to demonstrate crucial functions like navigation (Appelbaum & Paese, 2001). In other words, a strategic leader is a navigator. Here, our leaders are expected to be swift when providing solutions to issues threatening to cripple normal functionalism. Emerging issues like competition are complex (Patterson & Radtke, 2009). Leaders are supposed to be role models. They need to reflect on several opportunities...

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