Characters Analysis Essay: The Hate U Give By Angie Thomas

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  548 Words
Date:  2022-10-10


Starr and Chris are a cute couple, with Chris making grand gestures to make Chris feel better. But on the inside, they have issues. Chris is from a completely different world to Starr. Starr describes his house as "too expensive to live in" when she visits it. Starr is thankful to have a place away from crime and gunshots. Chris's differences overwhelm her and she feels that they shouldn't be together. Chris's house may be a symbol Starr used to increase the differences between Chris, Starr and support the idea of two worlds she lives. Starr loves Chris, and even though he sometimes makes ignorant comments about race, she still loves him.

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After seeing Chris' reaction to learning all about Starr's past, we know Chris cares deeply about Starr. He wished she had been able to trust him with that information. Starr's thoughts are described by the author throughout the book using inner thought. Starr is forced to live in two worlds because she has to be different people. Inner thought allows the author the ability to reveal the true Starr and not the mask. Seven is a difficult child. Starr is his father, but Seven's mother is Iesha, a girl his father cheated with. Seven is a caring brother who takes care of his family. Seven is protective of his sisters to a point that he would give up his college scholarships and scholarship to be able to stay in Garden Heights to ensure their safety.

Starr has been a strong influence on Seven's life. He picks her up from school every morning, plays basketball with her, and protects her like a big brother. Seven took Starr to basketball when he saw Starr had to leave the house following Khalil's passing. Seven feels that his mother is constantly choosing her boyfriend over him. This is especially true after she kicked him from the house. The author shows Seven's mother's abandonment at Carter's barbeque. He screams at her and says he's ashamed of her. He also reveals that he has never told Williamson about Lisa, Mavericks wife, and Starrs mother. Seven's reveal supports the idea that sometimes people hide behind masks to show a different identity from their true self, despite the fact that they trust others and are afraid of being rejected or ashamed.

One song by Tupac that is often referred to throughout the book is "The hate U Give Little Infants **** Everyone", which stands for THUG LIFE. To me, this means that if you don't love your children it will only lead to them growing up in a bad way. Tupac might be saying that Thugs are what they are because of their upbringing. It all comes back to how it "(ruins) everyone" because they may become drug dealers, which is quite common in Garden Heights. This system of drug dealers and crime never ends as they often have no other options.


Seven would have been homeless if his father wasn't there. To support another theme, the author uses the song title. While people can make their own decisions, proper parenting and loving families can influence how a child grows up. This can help to avoid making the wrong choices in life. Although it is difficult to see, Seven clearly illustrates this theme.

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Characters Analysis Essay: The Hate U Give By Angie Thomas. (2022, Oct 10). Retrieved from

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