Huxley's book demonstrates a universe in which community is kept prudently balanced. All the means of reproduction will be closely monitored by the production means. Individuals and the commodities they produce are dependent to one another. According to Huxley human beings were made to accomplish certain purposes in the world, and therefore, they get encouraged to eat and drink to maintain this cycle (Huxley, p.90). On the other hand, the type of world portrayed in 1984 is not contentedly balanced. The number of human beings is managed with a moderately means such as the constant war. War has been mentioned all over the chapters of the book, and it is seen as a convenient method of maintaining the population and order in the society. Also, it keeps a close monitoring to the members of the society that disrupt the world.
Though demonstrates in Orwell's future, 1984 he does not stress on the use of technological advance. The advanced technology is not available in Oceania society. It has been depleted or outdated, and this is due to the techniques essential for appropriate scientific inquiry is antithetical to the strains of the Party. This abolishes real science, and therefore there are no technological initiatives. Orwell postulates a particular level of technological advancement. These technologies include surveillance equipment that will be available and watching all the time. They second level of technological advancement is the television screens which are two-way. The last technology advance by Orwell is the machines that are used to write a novel. The three technology advance was the only one emphasized by Orwell and no more. Orwell concentrated on the use of technologies, and he did not bother to imagine how they could be improved. Huxley does imagine scientific advance. He believed human are reproduced in artificial wombs and are endangered. He also believes that human beings were created to operate elevators and carry out tailoring in factories.
Both authors do not believe in the past, and according to them, it is not important. 1984 takes a more aggressive form in rejecting history since the past is written again to follow to the present. There is no concept of the historical truth since all history is abolished for instance Smith takes part is rewriting news. The family is also abolished when Huxley portrays a trend where human beings will not be able to bear more children. Motherhood concept is obscene. However, Orwell does not exhaust family but rather subverted. The children are misled by teaching the children to respect Big Brother and Party and to betray and pay no respect to their parents. The society becomes full of the untrusted individual since family becomes a surveillance means. It is horrible since children practice the erotic play (Lajtha, p. 3)
Sigmund Freuds portrays sexual behaviors to individuals. According to the Brave New World, there is a division between sexual intercourse and reproduction. Fertile women should wear Malthusian belts and carry out conception. There is no exclusive partnership, and they have a slogan that Everybody belongs to everybody. Every member can couple with every individual and even if a member tries to maintain a single relationship is not allowed like what happens to Lenina Crowne. The practice of absolute Promiscuity makes sex meaningless. In Oceania the act of treated differently. It is not an act of pleasure since it is an apolitical act to show freedom by individuals such as Winston (Peck p. 78) Julia has a different view when she puts her finger on it and explains that it makes individuals happy and be relaxed.
The two novels trivialize death in both worlds. In Brave New World, death is meaningless because the individuals do not mature to meet the stage of death. The children also are given awards, and they are forced to eat chocolate. In 1984 individuals stop to exist merely. For example, there was a day when Winston attended a job, and she realized former workmate no longer exist such as Symes who did not exist at the moment (Huxley,p 378). The people leave feel more persecuted with fear and distrust because of the fear they from being betrayed by the people they live with. The feelings are narrowed to unnoticeable level, and the people misuse others, for instance, Savage wants to make his world but are invaded by feelie and a crowd of sightseers who pays him a visit. On another instance, Winston demonstrates the lack of feelings and insensitivity when writing about a war film he had watched. He narrated how refugees were being bombed in a boat, and he laughs about it. He shows a lot of selfishness.
In 1984 the proles are lowered by their lack of aspiration and their capacity because they get contented with the little they get. They are not given the freedom to think on their own since if they do so, they are eliminated by the party members that controls them. Orwell grants the proles the potential but state that they do not bother to strive. Huxleys shows the same world but less terrible from that of Orwell. The party strives to achieve more power and make sure that it should never end so that they may continue controlling the ordinary class (Huxley, p.130)
The two novels were written as warnings of the future elements. 1984 can be compared to Soviet Russia although the party in this book is a bit rude than Stalin. When Orwell was writing the novel the state was full of television shows, spy surveillance to provide the government with information. The novel predicted the future technology with human cloning and nuclear productions. Huxley demonstrates a different future where sex is not practiced with everybody, and there is family meaning which does not become obsolete. The reality in this book is vivid. When comparing the two books, it can be noted that although the books are different, they address the same matters of the society which includes control, language, sex, and production. In the two novels, Brave New World is more real and shows a hopeful future for the people unlike 1984 which portray a dull future without hope.
Huxley, Aldous. Brave new world. Ernst Klett Sprachen, 2008.
Huxley, Aldous. "Letter to George Orwell." Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, 2nd. ed.,(New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983) (1984): 373-374.
Herman, Peter. "ENGL 220 Introduction to Literature." (2015).
Lajtha, Kate. "Brave new world." Biogeochemistry 133.1 (2017): 3-5.
Peck, Chris A. "understAnding freedom through science fiction." int r. 2015.
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