Connection of Black No More and Invisible Man - Literature Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  6
Wordcount:  1381 Words
Date:  2021-06-04

Most people have wondered what would happen should the black people in America turn white. Would each person be happy? In the hilarious book of Black No More by George S. Schuyler, the satire round up around a black rogue insurance man named Max Disher. After going through a scientific transformation, he finally becomes Mathew Fisher, a white man. After his transformation, he dreams of being the leader of the Knights of Nordica which was a supremacist group. Also, he planned on marrying the white girl who had rejected him when he was black.

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The book is a historical exploration of race and all the self- serving definitions of the fact that if one cannot beat them, then you turn into them. The book provides an opportunity for one race to be made extinct through the act skin pigment treatment. Max felt that as a white man he would have the power to go anywhere and be anything that he ever wanted. Being white entailed freedom but it also came with a price since one needed to erase who they were and the little sense of humanity that was left in a person. Although this is so, the idea allows one to have hope in the society that allows people to think that the black race is subordinate and that the white race was the right race.

The feeling with Max Disher to become white present him with a lot of opportunities and he was much enthusiastic to embrace them. As much as there were a lot of changes that would be positive in his life if he would lose himself, it might be just the most devastating thing to the natural ego as possible. Although Max is hesitant towards the change at first, he I overjoyed on the idea of having the world in his palm. While in operation he pictured his life as a white man and the fact that when he woke up, he would finally have what he wanted. In his sleep, he could see himself white, and to his dismay, he was able to notice the great cultural difference that existed between the whites and the blacks.

He noticed something lacking in the places of amusement of the whites that was there in the black and tan resorts in Harlem. The Negros seemed to be more happy, overjoyed and deeper although restrained. He was able to note that there was a difference in personality, excitement and also hospitality. It was then that he started to note how an issue it would be of his acquired race.

The invisible man is a story of a man who narrates of how he is invisible not just physically but on the sense that he could not allow people to see him. He claimed that due to his invisibility, he was hiding to the whole world and stealing electricity from the light and power company. By going underground, he had seen a great opportunity to write on the story of how invisible he was.

In his story, he tells the misfortune that he met when he was a young man as he was a gifted public speaker. After being invited to give out a speech, he was rewarded with a briefcase containing a scholarship to a prestigious black college but on the condition that he would fight a royal battle. In the battle, he wrestles against other black men all of which were blindfolded in a boxing ring. The white men later forced the youth to scramble over some electric rug so as they could snatch a fake gold watch. After this humiliation, the narrator starts having dreams about the scholarship he was offered, and he saw it as a way to make him fear and be on the run. After three years, the narrator joins a college whereby every day seems to be a day full of drama.

The narrator is expelled from the college after it was known that he was involved with Norton who was a wealthy white trustee. The Reverend gave the narrator seven letters of recommendation addressed to the white college trustees in New York sending him to find a job. After traveling for a while, he realized the letters are of no use, and he alienated himself with Mr. Emerson son who was his trustee. After so many racial injustices, the narrator decided to stay underground until the end of the story he had lied, was the beginning of another. His realization to honor his individual complexity and to remain true to his people was his priority. He needed to do this without having to sacrifice his responsibility to his people and community.

The two-story are more related than one could see the difference, both the Invisible Man and Black No more portrays the injustices that the black community has faced for a long time. With the use of race inferiority, both stories unfold to one goal, and that is to avenge their culture and save it from the prejudice. The two stories are formed under the theme of invisibility whereby they portray the individual characteristic of being invasive to their own course. Although both stories have got a different mechanism of presenting the familiarity of dual awareness, the application of the idea is more prominent.

Although in the Invisible Man, the narrator could exist behind the veil and his dual awareness was embodied over the obstructive approach of his other sight, he was unable to recognize the awareness at first, but as the story continues, he is able to increase his awareness in acquiring the black identity. Both stories are driven by racial discrimination and white supremacy whereby the black community decides that they need to change this injustice.

To do so, both stores resulted in a strategy to stop the rift between the black man and the white man. In the George Schuyler novel, the narrator offered to solve the problem by simply joining the white community. He can solve the problem of his skin pigment, and he is a lady to become a white man through changes in his skin color. Ralph Ellison s novel, on the other hand, has a solution to this problem, and that involved the narrator being invisible and instilling some measures to the community.

Both narrators have been betrayed by the community, and they wanted to make things right. They both had ways of making sure that they would emerge winners. The stories present themselves with an audible extant literary discourse which is compatible with the African-American modern rhetorical concerns. At the same time, the story is set up to test that it can be smarter to be shifty in a new country rather than earnest if one would claim the cultural authority to represent the experiences of modern America.

Both stories elaborate on the concept of race binary of the black and the white and how they both respond to the identity that seems to have the capacity to occupy only two forms. The story indicates how racial constraints and the possibility of choosing an identity is criticized by the two communities that are the black and the white. As much as both narrators are experiencing the acts of cruelty due to their race, they both realized in the end that their identity could not be changed. Max in his sleep during the operation saw how difference the blacks were from the white and were not certain that he wanted to give up his black identity.

It was clear that once he gave up that part of his life, he would join in on a parade where joy and abandon were merely forced unlike in his Negro resorts where hospitality and excitement were natural. In the story of the Invisible Man, the narrator finally realized that in his act of vengeance, he was missing the bigger picture whereby he would be in a better position to defend his people rather than hiding in the shadows. Both stories are about the invisibility of physical and identity. They are lured by anger and revenge, and in the end, they realized that they were in better position to defend their people not through division or fake presentation or being anonymous but by standing up and defending their humanity.

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Connection of Black No More and Invisible Man - Literature Essay Sample. (2021, Jun 04). Retrieved from

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