Critical Essay on Metamorphosis

Paper Type:  Literature review
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  969 Words
Date:  2022-10-14


Metamorphosis is a short story that describes the disgusting and helplessness that surrounds the nature of the human race. Gregor is trapped in the body of a vermin with no hope of change. "One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin" (Kafka 1). His family has let him sit alone in a quiet room, showing him no sense of gratitude for his past's contributions for the family. No ordinary family would be that cruel to the breadwinner of the house. It is just outright wrong to lock someone up and keep them hidden like that. All that has happened to poor Gregor has seemed so unreal. It has left Gregor living in a world that is real to him but has a perception as a dream. The family is very cruel to him even though that he was the only breadwinner in the family. The Black Mirror nosedive is a series which tries to paint out the entire society and what people does to their interactions with their colleagues and friends every time they have an encounter with them. This story uses ratings whereby the scale is from one to five whereby one is the least of all and five represents the highest percentage that an individual can get. Social media plays a huge role which is unfair.

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Gregor's way of thinking, like an insect, is not very logical which makes it seem as if he is still asleep and dreaming. When Gregor woke the morning of his transformation, he was not concerned with the fact that he was not in his skin. "The first thing he wanted to do was get the lower part of his body out of bed" (Kafka 3). He was more worried about how he was going to explain the entire situation to his manager. The average human mind would not process like that. His first concern should have been how did this happen and how can I reverse it. The thought never even crossed his mind throughout the story. It is not normal to think like that. He spends a majority of time circling the room and the walls. The story makes much use of eye implants as well as the use of mobile phones. Due to advancement in technology, the author tries his level best to ensure that the ratings are made well, and no biases are said to have been applied in the awarding ceremony. As we all know, everyone wants to be the best in every competition and would, therefore, wish to impress thus this is a good thing as neutrality will be achieved (Wilson, Anna, and Stefano De Paoli 78). Similarly, the human is to error, and thus judgments by people could attract some form of criticism and so advocating for technology is the best approach for the film. She Values rating and does not think about anything else.

Gregor death seems surreal. Gregor supposedly died from food starvation. It takes a bug longer to die than a human through starvation. Though the food was not the only thing, Gregor starved of. He was starved of any positive attention. Also, the death puts little to absolutely no harm or pain on to the rest of the Samsa family. He was just a burden to them. So much to the point, no proper burial was set for him. He was of equal importance as the trash. In which, the family never even removed his body from the house, but the maid did. They did not also respect enough to carry him out. The family became happier rather than be upset over his death. Mr. Samsa even gains a new found strength of courage once Gregor dies, author Goldfarb writes (33). He was able to take control of the family as he had before his business went under several years before. Mr. Samsa became a stronger husband and father for Grete through Gregor's death. No ordinary family would go without mourning or grieving the loss of a member. Gregor gave up with life and died of hunger. It shows how he was not willing to move on with life after failures.


For sure, human beings were born with the vigor and thus always find the extra energy to pick up their pieces and move on. Unlike animals that easily give up, men have the power, and the deep conviction to fight and the winning spirit is evident in the things they undertake. This is seen where Lacie takes up her pieces despite the frustrations and the misfortunes that came her way. After her ratings go lower than expected, she focuses on the wedding that she says she can never afford to miss as it is her friend taking the vows. This leads her to the airport where she hopes to get a flight and safely land at the party. However, she finds out that her flight is canceled and thus meant all her effort would not bear much fruit. Her ratings cannot help her either buy a seat. This does not end so well for her as she causes a scene at the airport (Xavier 61). The security, therefore, is forced to intervene to bring back order in the public environment. This leads to her losing two more points from her ratings. It shows she did not give up but picked up her pieces.

Works Cited

Goldfarb, Sheldon. "Critical Essay on 'The Metamorphosis'." Short Stories for Students. Ed. Jennifer Smith. Vol. 12. Detroit: Gale Group, (2001).

Kafka, Franz. The Metamorphosis.Ed David Wyllie. (2012):1-34

Xavier, Arthur Serra Carneiro dos Santos. "Black Mirror-Nosedive: ainfluencia da midiatizacaonaspraticassociais." (2018): 56-89

Wilson, Anna, and Stefano De Paoli. "Reconsidering online reputation systems." Proceedings of 16th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work-Exploratory Papers. European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET), (2018): 60-91

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Critical Essay on Metamorphosis. (2022, Oct 14). Retrieved from

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