Environmental Issues of Air Pollution in the South Bronx - Ecology Paper Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  453 Words
Date:  2021-06-14

Brief description of the problem

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The primary problem facing the residents of Mott Haven-Port Morris section of the South Bronx in New York is increasing air pollution caused by trucks. The high air pollution in the area has been to blame for the high number of respiratory diseases in the area. This problem is due to escalating if the proposed plan to relocate a truck company in the area becomes successful since it will increase the volume of toxic gasses released in the air around Mott Haven-Port Morris section of the South Bronx every day. This will cause an escalation of the respiratory diseases in the community and worsen the already existing cases of children and adults with asthma (Walshe, 2015).

Demographics of the community

The Mott Haven-Port Morris section of the South Bronx community in New York is a multi-cultured community comprising of many racial and ethnic groups. The most affected are the poor African and Hispanic community who are the residents of the Mott Haven-Port Morris section of the South Bronx a section of the Bronx that has many poor folks. The people in Mott Haven-Port Morris section of the South Bronx have been isolated and differentiated from the well to do white neighborhoods in the Bronx. The neighborhood inhabited by the white people and leaders do not have environmental problems because most of the polluting sources such as the garbage recycle station and sewerage plant are based in the Mott Haven-Port Morris section of the South Bronx (Walshe, 2015).

Actors addressing the problem

The environmental problems facing the Mott Haven-Port Morris section of the South Bronx are being addressed and championed by the local community. The local community has formed a community group South Bronx Unite that brings the people of Mott Haven-Port Morris section of the South Bronx to fight against the relocation of Fresh Direct which is a truck company that will increase environmental pollution in Mott Haven-Port Morris section of the South Bronx (Walshe, 2015).

Proposed recommendation

The South Bronx Unite should use the existing legal channels to address the issue of air pollution in the area. Public protests and online campaigns which will create awareness of the situation in South Bronx will promote the community campaign against the relocation of the truck company Fresh Direct into their backyard. Creating awareness of the problem will bring other environmental conservationist and environmental groups to show solidarity with the people of Bronx who can make their campaign more successful (EPA, 2015).


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2015, June 10). Environmental Justice. Retrieved from http://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice

Walshe, Sadhbh (2015, March 9). Environmental racism: Bronx activists decry Fresh Directs Impact on Air Quality. The Guardian. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/mar/09/fresh-direct-south-bronx-clean-air-environmental-racism

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Environmental Issues of Air Pollution in the South Bronx - Ecology Paper Example. (2021, Jun 14). Retrieved from https://midtermguru.com/essays/environmental-issues-of-air-pollution-in-the-south-bronx-ecology-paper-example

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