Islamic phobia is the negative prejudice, hatred and dislike directed against the Islam religion, culture and politics. Islam is one of the widespread and most practiced religion in the world. Many people around the world who practice different religions especially Christianity have negative views about the Islamic religion and its laws. It is therefore important to first know the meaning of terms as used in Islamic religion.
Islam; this is a religion of Muslims which is also defined as a monotheistic faith believed to be guided by the laws of Allah God and the teachings of prophet Muhammad and the holly book Quran.
Muslim; this is an individual who practices Islam and lives according to the teachings and guidance of the holly book Quran and the laws of Allah God
Mosque; this is a place of worship where Muslims converge to worship Allah, pledge their love and compliance with the teachings of the religion.
Many people around the world have developed negative attitudes and views towards the Islamic religion for various reasons. This paper will therefore focus on the reasons why many people around the world hate and dislike the Islam.
Promotes killing of non-believers
Many people do not chose to be Muslims but they are born in it. This religion through various verses in the Quran is seen to be promoting and encouraging the killing of non-believers who are seen as enemies of the religion and therefore deserve death. Different studies have revealed that the Quran has at least one hundred and nine verses that encourage the Muslims to declare war on the non-believers for the sake of their religion and laws. Muslims are advised by the Quran to find and kill those who are not complying with the laws of their religion by chopping off their fingers and beheading them. Those Islamic believers who fail to join the war against the non-believers are considered hypocrites and are warned of the wrath of Allah due to their non-compliance.
Unlike the Old Testament verses on violence, the Qurans verses are open-ended meaning that they are not controlled by the historical settings and backgrounds of the surrounding texts. Many modern Muslims always use their personal perceptions to justify the call of war by their holly book. Their conceptions of the messages brought out in the Quran make them to directly interpret the message of war and sees it as justifiable according in relation to their laws. Generally several verses in the Islamic holy book promote the killing and execution of the non-believers for example; Quran (2:191-193); And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah (unrest) is worse than killing
Then fight in the cause of Allah, and now that Allah heareth and knoweth all things Quran (2:244)
Quran (2:216); Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth and ye know not. This verse contradicts the knowledge that fighting is for self-defense.
Quran (3:56); As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.
Quran (3:151); Soon shall we cast terror into the hearts of believers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which he had sent no authority. This verse directly address polytheists like Christians who believe in trinity.
Quran (8:59-60); And let those who disbelieve suppose that they can outstrip (Allahs purpose). Lo! they cannot escape . Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy
It promotes terrorist attacks
Terrorism is one of the major threats that disturbs the global peace since it leads to various negative impacts on different sectors of the world economy. It is believed that the Islamic religion and its teachings promote these terrorist attacks. This belief is justified by the fact that the major terror groups like the ISIS and the Islamic Jihad have their roots in the Islamic religion. It is also evident that prominent and wealthy Islamic leaders are the ones funding terrorist groups and organizations hence making them more equipped and dangerous to human life and existence. It is because of this reason that many people around the world hate and despise this religion. The attacks launched by these terror groups result to loss of lives of innocent people with families and responsibility.
The Quran as the Islamic holy book encourages the killing of people. From the operations carried out by these terrorists it is clear that the religion tends to punish people for no reasons and the involved people in execution of innocent peoples may be enjoying the killings. The laws and teachings of this Islam have no regard for human life. People practicing Islam through their attacks tend to be forcing the non-believers of their faith to accept and comply with the laws and provisions of this religion, meaning they want to conquer and rule the world.
There are many terrorist groups around the world that threaten the global peace and co-existence of people. Some of these groups include: the ISIS, Al Shabab (Somalia Africa) and the Taliban group. Several attacks have been launched and carried out by these units. For example; in January 2016 the ISIS bombed a police training camp in Libya, on April 2015 Al-Shabab attacked Garrisa University in Kenya and killed one hundred and forty eight students leaving seventy nine people seriously injured, on March 2016 the ISIS bombed a tourist destination and a major commercial center in Istanbul Turkey, on September 2016 the Taliban group bombed Kabul Afghanistan leaving twenty four people dead. Most of these bombings are done by people who offer to commit suicide by planting the bombs in themselves. The suicide bombings further justifies that the Islam religion does not value human life.
There are many justifying verses in the Islamic holy book that talk about killing of people. The radicals have shown to the whole world that they are up against the non-believers of their faith. They view other religions as enemies of their faith and therefore no one should oppose their laws and religious guidelines. Many innocent lives have been lost due to the Dracula laws of Islam. The death of people around the globe have reduced the population. These attacks have also led to economic depression in the world since most of the bombings have interfered with major economic centers.
Discriminates women
Women are human and deserve to get equal treatment and privileges to those given to men. The Islamic religion through its holy teachings denies women many essential rights and privileges. According to the Sharia law, men are the leaders of families and are given high ranks in the society. Women are not allowed to do things that may undermine the position of men in the society. The culture and teachings of Islam restricts the responsibilities of the female gender. There are various verses in the Quran that shows the lower place of women for example;
Quran (24:31); Women are to lower their gaze around men, so they do not look them into the eye.
Quran (2:223); Your wives are as a tilth unto you, so approach your tilth when or how ye will. This means that men have dominion over their wives bodies just like they own lands.
Quran (4:3); Marry women of your choice, two or three or four. This verse shows that women are to be owned in numbers by men as opposed to the number of husbands women are required to have
Quran (53:27); Those who believe not in the Hereafter, name the angels with the female names. This shows that women are no people to be associated with hence angels are only to be called by the names of men. Angels are supreme and mysterious and therefore men being great are associated with the supreme nature of the angels.
Quran (4:24) and (33:50); A man is permitted to take women as sex slaves out of marriage. This is the most dangerous and unacceptable law of all the Islamic laws. Taking women as sex slaves is like detaining them. They should have the freedom of choosing who and when to marry so as to avoid being caged by the laws. Taking women in for sexual purposes is a direct way of interfering with and lowering the dignity of the female gender. Sex should be done at will and it should occur between people who are in love or those with serious understanding of their future social life. It is advisable and acceptable in the global culture that a woman should not be given restrictions on her social life. Forcing women to engage in sexual practices with married people is a crime and should not be allowed. This religion tends to undermine the role of women in decision making by not considering their views and decisions.
Sahih Bukhari(62:58); A woman presents herself in marriage to Muhammad, but he does not find her attractive so he donates her to another man. Islam considers women as objects which can change possession at any time. All humans are equal and therefore no one should be compared to the material objects just like the people of this faith does. According to the Christian faith, God regards his beings as special creations with equal responsibilities and favors. Christianity also forbids the disrespect of female gender and explains that people should live with respect and harmony among them. In the Christian holy bible, women are given equal opportunities with men. For example, women like Debora, Ruth and Naomi served various purposes who could be served by men.
(Tabari vol 9, number 1754); Treat women well for they are like domestic animals with you and do not possess anything for themselves. This is a negative knowledge on the roles played by women in the society. The global laws and provisions of human rights do not allow for such attitude towards the female gender and advocate for gender equality.
Entails severe punishments
In religion there should not be severe punishments on those who breaks the laws of religion. It is only God who judge and punish those who doesnt live according to his will. No human being is allowed to execute punishment and judge others. Many Islamic states practice punishment as a method of correcting those who break the religious laws . The most applied method of punishment by these states is stoning which is referred to as rajm in Arabic language. Stoning is a form of punishment where a group of people throws stones to an individual until he or she dies. This method is mostly applied on women since they are vulnerable to many problems caused by the provisions of the religion. It is improper for individuals to judge and recommend punishment for others because no one is perfect. There are different ways of punishing people with different crimes. For example;
Thieves; their hands are chopped off. This is done for some unclear impractical reasons which may include setting example to people.
Adultery and rape; the involved and guilty individuals are stoned to death in order to serve as a warning to the rest which is not the best way of combating such cases.
Falsely accusing others; the persons involved in this kind of mistakes are flogged thoroughly so as to prevent them from making such mistakes. Flogging is not an appropriate way of resolving such problems.
Where people commit serious offences like the ones discussed above, court trials are necessary so as to limit the rate of deaths of innocent people. Execution and killing of people is not an appropriate way handling and preventing future occurrences of the same crimes. The international laws that are adopted by many states advocates for equality and fair trial of people accused of various crimes.
Zero tolerance
Living in Islamic states have become difficult because the non-M...
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