Essay on Enforcing the Law: The Role of Civil justice

Paper Type:  Course work
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  521 Words
Date:  2021-06-04

Civil justice is a mandatory rule that every court in a country need to adhere to have a unitary baseline in providing justice. In the US, the Federal Court System has appointed judicial and judges administrators to monitor and be accountable for all the services offered by the court depending on the accusation of the respondent on the crime committed and an independent resolution of the dispute is analyzed.

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The police department plays a significant role in the judicial system as they keep peace and order in the society or can report law breakers for trials in court among other duties. At some point, the police officers and employees can turn to be defective workplace due to the insufficient materials for operation such as poor working conditions making them violate some of the human rights and dignity (Rani, 2014). Some of the unworthy practices they do to the citizens are:

First is rampant corruption in which they accept bribes from different people whose members have committed a crime for them not to proceed to court with the case filed. Another form of corruption that they engage in accepting bribes on highway roads from the touts whether private or [public rather than confirming the safeness of the travelers and the road worthiness of some of the vehicles.

Secondly, is the use of deadly force brutality to the citizens such as real bullets to disperse the congregation especially labor employees on strikes in fighting for their rights, for example, healthy working environment, proper equipment and an increase in their wages. It is illegal for the police to hold real bullets to people gathered without a state declaration and authorization in doing their operations. Furthermore, they violate the civil rights such as freedom of speech for the citizens through victimization, racial discrimination or sexual harassment especially the prison wardens looking after the prisoners.

Conversely, the police are also defective in community relations with the individuals in that they cannot freely interact with the society members denying them the freedom of association. Additionally, abuse of discretion is also a deficient act by the police to the citizens by making negative comments that makes one feel offensive when he goes to make inquiries at their administration for example procedure used in filing a rape case. The six area is severe brutality to the members of the society when they are doing operations, for instance, if two communities were fighting over economic resources they attack mercilessness when authorized to calm the situation (Newham, 2003).

In conclusion, to solve all these problems the government should ensure that all police force workers are offered a tidy environmental surrounding for conducting their duties, payment of decent wages. They should also be given training in ways to interact with the society and punish lawbreakers in a civilized way.


Newham G. 2003. Preventing Police Corruption: Lessons from the New York City Police. Retrieved from

Rani B. 2014. The Role of Informal Justice Institutions: An Overview of its Existence and Functioning in Justice Disbursement. Retrieved from

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