Indians gained their independence through negotiations; Africans are taking lessons from the great Mahatma Gandhi. He leads Indians to freedom and convinced other parts of the world that they could also be free. Ghana formerly a British colony known as Ivory Coast became the first African country to gain independence. Kenyans are still struggling; Jomo Kenyatta lead the struggle as young men from Kikuyu community forms a secret movement knows as Mau Mau.
European colonies are struggling for freedom; India took the leading role. Most freedom fighters were inspired by the Second World War where they met several people from other colonies. Kwame Nkrumah became the first black African president of free Ghana. Europeans are not willing to give up the African colonies after losing the Asian front. Mau Mau in Kenya kills several isolated Europeans and destroys European properties. Since European powers are no longer stronger, they struggle in keeping their colonies in Africa. Portugal and France are good examples of European powers that were not ready to give up their colonies. Most African states became independence within a span of 25 years. However, corruption, tribalism and lack of knowledge and skilled laborers lead to total failure of the majority of newly formed African states. In Ghana, Europeans could not settle due to the poor climatic condition. Kenya, on the other hand, had fertile soil and good climatic conditions. Several Europeans cam and settled in the fertile Kenyan highland displacing the Africans. Such actions were among the reasons African rose to demand freedom now. Deep
Skin deep is the 18th part of the People's Century series that focuses on racial discrimination in South Africa and the United States of America during 1990s and 1950s respectively. In 1948 an apartheid policy was legalized in South Africa by the ruling class of white settlers calling them the Afrikaners. Since then segregation became part of South Africans where blacks and whites could not mix. White settlers were empowered by the fact that even the United States of America were practicing racial discrimination.
Apartheid policy lead to several demonstrations in South Africa, but the most notable one was the Sharpeville Massacre in 1960 where several black demonstrators were killed by white police. After the massacre, several protests were organized leading to a chaotic nation in the 1980's. The policy was withdrawn when international and domestic pressure forced President F.W De Klerk to form a coalition government with Nelson Mandela the ANC party leader. Nelson Mandela became the first black president of a new South Africa without Apartheid.
In the United States Civil, right movements were on the verge of winning the equality war. Martin Luther King among other black orators were vocal, and their action pressurized the government to sign the Civil Rights Act. Additionally, freedom rides were organized by both white and black civil rights activities. In 1964 President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the civil rights act, the act outlawed the racial segregation law, and America became a free country. It is true that black American struggle for freedom took place through out the 20th century but by 1965 black American celebrated the breakthrough. Skin deep highlights memory of great African figures such as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther among other great minds. It also highlights the plight of black people during the dark ages of injustices due to someone skin color. Blood
Young Blood is a Television series that looks into the situations that arise after the World War II. It majors on the increased birth rate that had great impacted on the social, cultural and political welfare of United States of America and Europe. The children who were born during this period are known as baby boomers; they contributed a great deal to the current world trends. They gave fashion life as pop music become their way of entertainment to get them out of the harsh realities of life. Music became a way of life, and many people use their disposable income to grow the industry. Young people wanted a new identity that was different with their parents hence they embraced fashion. New trends in fashion made them unique and classy.
Civil rights movements were on the rise; black Americans were fighting for their rights to vote in the national elections. Maxis ideas were brought to life in several universities across Europe as the student went to the street to revolutionize their countries. The whole nation was deeply concerned with the state of soldiers in Vietnam. The same concerns on people rights were felt in France and Great Britain. For instance student revolution in France was a great motivation for civil right movement in the USA. After the withdrawal of soldiers from Vietnam young people were no longer interested in protest due to the music and fashion culture that was the trend. Young people became more rebellious and less interested in government issues creating a communication gap between government and the youths. Environmentalists who were anti-violence and vegetarian brought a new thought of how to live a peaceful life. Young people started involving themselves in drugs thinking that drugs will alleviate their suffering. It was a period full of social, political and economic transformation. the People
Half the People is a television documentary that explains how women struggled to have equal rights with men in political, social and economic issues. The documentary also highlights the plight of black Americans as the civil rights movements across the country gained momentum. During the Second World War, several women were enrolled in companies to take places that men fighting had left. As they worked in industries, they discovered their total potential. They realized that they were as good as men in job industry, this lead to the rise of feminism across the western world.
Events in Iran empowered women across the world to fight for quality; they were tired of exploitation. The struggle against gender discrimination gained ground as several protests were held in Europe and the United States of America. Africa was not left out as top women started fighting barbaric traditions such as female genital mutilation. The Chinese were not left out, although the government policies were discriminating women. Indian women also went to the streets to protest for their right despite the government rule against the protest.
The introduction of the pregnancy pill empowered women since they could prevent any pregnancy that would prevent them from working. Iranian president decision to allow all women to remove Hijab empowered the Islamic women. They realized that they could no longer fear anybody and have equal rights with men in the society. Women are truly half the people in the in the 1970s current generation of women are enjoying the fruits of feminism protest. Fights Back
The Islamic world is experiencing a radical change; the people have realized the need for religion. The most governments in Islamic countries such as Iran and Turkey had given Western civilization more priority than their religion. Initially, the government had allowed women to remove the veil and embrace the western way of life. However, when the Shah regime crumbles the new leader who was a cleric reintroduced staunch Islamic government. Shah exits his country, and that is when an Islamic revolution began. Western way of life was deemed demonic by the new regime; Islam was given the top priority.
Turkey had also undergone the same transformation that Iran had undergone under Shah Leadership. However, the people felt that they needed spiritual guidance thus an Islamic revolution began. It began in Tehran and spread through to Pakistan, Egypt, and Sudan. The new Islamic government under cleric reintroduced the veil; sharia law was introduced and sex segregation in the mosque.
Apart from the Islamic world, other religious countries such as Israel also underwent through a spiritual revolution. Christians in the United States of America also abhorred secular modernization also it promotes evil vices. However, Jews and Islamic revolution were more radical, and it leads to the establishment of strong Islamic states and the Jewish nation. Iran went from being a secular society to total Islamic law governed by sharia law under the supreme leader. The supreme leader declared all other religions and western countries were demonized and branded enemies. The turn of events in late 1970s was a true story of God fighting back. Shah brought development but eroded the countries religious belief, the believers fought back and voted supreme leader.
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