Essay on What Makes for Good Leadership

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  611 Words
Date:  2021-07-02

The main point is not to become a leader. It is to become yourself and to use yourself completely all your gifts, skills and energies- to make your visions manifest. You must withhold nothing. You must, in sum, become the person you started out to be, and enjoy the process of becoming (Warren Bennis). I believe that leadership most useful if self-realization, personal growth, and expressiveness are incorporated in the whole process. A real leader should be able to help others, and self to do the right things, set appropriate direction to be followed, build an inspiring vision, and create a new thing. In the process of setting direction, I also believe that a leader should use managerial skills to guide the people to the right destination, in a smooth and efficient way. Through self-realization, a leader will be able to apply personal expertise and values in the process, and thus boosting effectiveness (Katene, 2010). A leader can also influence and motivate those under them using their natural charisma and appeal, and also through other sources of power. As a leader, I believe that realizing ones gifts, skills, and talents can help in the achievement of set visions and goals (Puccio, 2010).

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As the leader of my class, representing a group of sixty adults could be a bit challenging. All these individuals must be controlled, directed and encouraged not only towards achieving good grades but also to have good morals. As the class representative, my vision is to provide excellent leadership to all irrespective of their backgrounds. I believe that equality is one of the basic and fundamental principles when it comes to leadership. This vision guides me when allocating class duties as well as incorporating other students views during decision making. I make sure that each student in my class is comfortable with the procedures I set, and if not, there is always room for complaints and suggestions. I can clearly say that this has helped improve the relationship I haven with my fellow students and has also assisted me in realizing my strengths as a good leader.

I believe that an effective leader continuously takes record of his or her personal strengths and shortcomings. Knowing my areas of weakness does not usually make me weak, but it allows me to delegate to others who have those abilities. For instance, I know Im not so good at forming soccer teams for games class, and so I delegate that duty to one of the best players we have in our class. Good teams will be formed through this, and thus we all move towards the primary goal. By recognizing my areas of weakness as a leader, it makes me more human and also improves my leadership skills.

I also believe that an effective leader should know how the other members of the team think or feel about them. I, therefore, maintain an accurate communication channel with my classmates, through which I get to know how they feel about my leadership. This shapes me by promoting my self-esteem as well as challenging me and thus putting more effort. Being a class representative has taught me a couple of skills that will even help me in future if Im ever a leader elsewhere. I have learned that real leadership is not only about leading other people but also realizing ones strengths and weaknesses. Being oneself and enjoying the whole process of leadership is important as it promotes self-realization and maximum use of ones potential.


Katene, S. (2010). Modeling Maori leadership: What makes for good leadership? Mai Review, 2, 1-16.

Puccio, G. J., Mance, M., & Murdock, M. C. (2010). Creative leadership: Skills that drive change. Sage Publications.

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