Essay Sample on Path to Occupational Therapy by Geraldine Carpentier

Paper Type:  Personal statement
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  570 Words
Date:  2022-09-17


After considerable contemplation, I confidently decided to pursue the path of becoming an Occupational Therapist. Motivated by my past experiences, current endeavors, and future possibilities. The had the worst career experience in 2017 when I got rejected for an OP program. I felt disappointed because I had put in the work in academics and research to qualify for the role. Living in denial, I developed depression and natural feelings of disappointment and frustration. After meeting up with peers and mentors, I got encouraged to soar higher and keep working on my dreams. I also derived motivation from going down the memory lane on my journey in occupational therapy.

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To start, I first gained interest and exposure in the field of healthcare early in my academic life while attending Clara Barton High School of the Health Professions. During that time I participated in the Nursing Assistant Certification Program, where I had the opportunity to train at Kings County Hospital Center in various departments and the center for nursing and rehabilitation. Throughout the Program, I Developed strong abilities to work with others in a team capacity and on an individual level along with having a sound understanding of the impact Illness has on the family and individual. The experiences I had felt emotionally rewarding, and from that point, I knew I wanted to pursue a career that gave me the same feeling but with the ability to do more.

As I proceeded with Higher education, I attended The City College of New York in pursuit of a degree as a physician assistant. Simultaneously, The Decline of my grandmother's health after suffering a stroke led to a substantial need for assistance in an array of activities in her daily living. As a Certified Nursing Assistant, I Provided her with direct care and support throughout her recovery process. Therefore leading to, the observation of her OT sessions which eventually led to my deep interest, heightened appreciation, and new inspiration to change my course of study and career focus in the field of Occupational Therapy. Going forward, I began gaining volunteer experience At the Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Center, where I observed specialist in hand therapy, lymphedema, brain, and spinal cord injuries. Volunteering was an Enriching Experience, I followed the gradual progression of patients, learned about their stories, and I got to observe amazing people across all levels in the healthcare industry.

The grit and growth model has also been fundamental in improving my career pursuit in OT. The model has increased my knowledge on he need for perseverance and passion in my ambitions. I am now a firm believer that a successful career results from consistent effort and sticking to the long-term goals. I learned to perceive setbacks as temporary distractions which can be avoided by focusing on my vision. I have also learned that gratitude exercise is vital in building a grit and growth mindset and hence, I set 15 minutes each day to reflect on the day to access my progress.


At this point, it is apparent that I made the right decision to pursue the field of OT. The field directly correlates with my long-standing career goal of entering into a distinct role in the healthcare field in which I can empower disenfranchised individuals and communities through the difficulties of illness along with my aim of living a life in which I can regularly practice being a compassionate and supportive human being.

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Essay Sample on Path to Occupational Therapy by Geraldine Carpentier. (2022, Sep 17). Retrieved from

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