Exploring Cultural Diversity: A Nurse's Perspective

Paper Type:  Course work
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  654 Words
Date:  2023-01-25

Identify at least three (3) points of information from this module that you have limited previous exposure and/or were unfamiliar with the subject matter? Provide an explanation/description of each point you identified. Answers should be reflective, succinct, and individualized.

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The most important thing that I have learned as a person is Cultural diversity. Under APN, it is always good for nurses to be aware of the difference in culture. This will assist them in the handling of patients. I never knew that patients from different culture could affect you as a nurse because they have different beliefs (Jett, 2007). The other important thing is that it enables patients to know the people they are administering care. The other thing is the theoretical basis for cultural competence. Different theories can be used in determining the competencies of a person.

As a nurse, their many things that are expected to be done. The first things are ethics. According to the nursing society, any nurse who is found to be violating one of the ethics could be fined or even his or her license revoked (Jett, 2007). The ethical consideration can slightly vary depending on the place in which a nurse lives or situated. I never had detailed information about ethical consideration until I read the article on ethical consideration. The people who are always affected by any breach of ethics are the patients.

The other thing that I was not familiar with is the APRN requirements. To be a member of the many things that a person needs to consider (Jett, 2007). This includes advanced training in the field of nursing. Nurses who are not well-trained face a lot of challenges while administering their duties to society. This thus forces the nursing community to come up with a platform that can sustain all advanced nurses like the ones pursuing masters in nursing.

Question #2 (10 points)

How do you plan to incorporate this information into the socialization of your future advanced practice role?

In my advanced practice role, their many things that I would apply in the future. One of the things is appreciating cultural diversity (Morse, 2007). As a nurse, I meet many people each day. Some have different, and the best thing is to appreciate them rather than being a stereotype. Cultural diversity also helps in ensuring that you can work in any area without feeling bad ("Win: Advance Nursing Practice", 2015). The other thing with appreciating a culture is that you can be able to communicate effectively. Culture vary in the way they speak or communicate (Morse, 2007). They're a lot of cultures in America and across the world. The other thing that I would also apply in my future career is always having to be up to date with the current technology and other advancements. This will help me become the best in my career path.

Ethical consideration is also an essential thing in nursing. This is because a nurse deals with the life of a person and it is crucial if the person can live in a way that can help a patient recover peacefully without having to feel his or her rights are violated (Morse, 2007). An example of ethics is that a nurse cannot be allowed to take a picture of a patient without his or her consent. In case a nurse violates this, then in some cases, he or she might even lose his or her license. So the best thing is always to ensure that ethics are followed to the later. The other thing I can apply is still being kind in the way I deal with my work as a nurse since the service is always about helping people.


Jett, K. (2007). Did You Know? Tidbits of Information for Advance Practice Nurses. Geriatric Nursing, 28(1), 42-43. doi: 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2006.11.010

Morse, C. (2007). Advance Practice Nursing in Heart Transplantation. Progress In Cardiovascular Nursing, 16(1), 21-38. doi: 10.1111/j.0889-7204.2001.00799.x

Win: Advance Nursing Practice. (2015). Nursing Standard, 30(3), 32-32. doi: 10.7748/ns.30.3.32.s43

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Exploring Cultural Diversity: A Nurse's Perspective. (2023, Jan 25). Retrieved from https://midtermguru.com/essays/exploring-cultural-diversity-a-nurses-perspective

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