Find the Perfect Roommate: Tips to Consider - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  728 Words
Date:  2023-01-10


College is exciting and fun. However, apart from the lectures and numerous activities and resources offered by a college, one still needs a place to settle and company. Getting a good roommate is often stressful to many as it is very crucial. A proper roommate will mean that you will enjoy your down time in your room as you have a company that you appreciate and understand. To help you get that perfect match, a few things need to be put into consideration.

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You have to decide what you want out of the cohabitation. Some people want a friend they can confide in. Others just want someone who will be able to pay their half of the rent. Others want a person whom they will go to parties and camps with, a best friend. While others want someone who will simply be quiet and fill the room. Choose a roommate who best fits your goals and aligns with your idea of mutual benefit.

You have to get someone whose temperaments match. No one is like the other, however, in order to live harmoniously. Some people are vibrant and energetic and will not mind going for a party every night, having music blaring in the room and having friends over every day. However, some are more reserved, their idea of downtime is sitting alone in the room, listen to music or watch a movie or even read a book. They even prefer to stay indoors mostly. Choose a person who your character accepts to reduce the amount of conflict.

When looking for a roommate, start with friends and those who you may know. This is because it will be easier to choose from the people whose characters you may know. You have a ground on which to select your roommate based on your past experiences. Even better, you could move in with your friend. However, you might choose to have a total stranger so as to get a new experience, new ideas and basically have a new person. You might have to search online, or in Facebook groups or even fill in a questionnaire and submit to your respective college in order to be matched up with an appropriate roommate.

Ensure your roommate can pay their half of the rent. Having n economically unstable roommate could mean that you will more often get in trouble for delayed rent. It is worse if he or she has bad money spending habits. It will fall upon you to clear the rent, keep the room stocked with food. You will have to clear the different bills that tend to pile up if not cleared. Get a roommate who is responsible and who can handle their cash so as not to overstrain your budget as you take care of them. It will be burdensome especially you are not the type to confront people even when you are the one getting affected by their poor choices.

Choose a roommate whom you can communicate with effectively. Effective communication is the only way to clearly understand each other. You need a roommate whom you can sit and talk with and set ground rules for the room. Also, you need to understand each other in terms of responsibilities, who will do the dishes, who will clean up, how often you clean up. It also fosters a better relationship with each other if you both agree and respect the boundaries set by each of you.

You could place flyers around campus. This might sound extreme with all the internet and websites and on-campus community groups. However, the act in itself reveals a character of yours and it will impress a few like-minded people. An added advantage is that it is fun since you will get to meet many people personally unlike online where you meet after you move in. It will also expose you to many people and you might even change the qualities you had stated in the flier once you meet different personalities.


In conclusion, a roommate is a crucial part of campus life as they end up being part of your network, your best friend, some become business partners. It is important that they match your temperament, that they can pay their rent, that you can both communicate comfortably with each other. Have fun on campus and have a fun companion through it.

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Find the Perfect Roommate: Tips to Consider - Essay Sample. (2023, Jan 10). Retrieved from

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