Jensen Pharma Announces 3-Month Investigation of Dekanor - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  599 Words
Date:  2023-02-11


Jensen Pharmaceuticals to reduce the marketing and mass sale, advertising, and promotion of DekanorJensen Pharma is pleased to announce the decision of the board member concerning Dekanor. The drug will not be sold in the market for the next three months to open an investigation period and declare the drug free from its accusations. Meanwhile, doctors who request for the drug will be given access.

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According to the CEO, the drug was introduced in the market a few years ago. It medicine was doing well until a few months ago when negative comments about the drug hit the news. People believe that the pill was causing severe health problems, especially cardiovascular-related issues. Other people think that the medicine was causing premature deaths among other topics. It is therefore in the best interest of everyone to conduct and report findings regarding these accusations

A meeting was held, to decide the fate of the medicine, Dekanor. Jensen's senior management team presented to the board additional; findings concerning the drug and selected the best alternative method for the drug. According to the side, there were three alternatives for Dekanor. One, to stop its sales and recall all inventory until an independent clinical trial has satisfactorily proven that Dekanor is not causing patients to die prematurely (Press Statement Lecture, n.d). Two, Add a warning label which clearly states that taking Dekanor may lead to adverse cardiovascular events that may result in death. Stop all direct advertising to consumers and promotion of Dekanor to doctors, but continue to sell it to those doctors who request it. Three continue efforts to market Dekanor aggressively and take any necessary legal, political, and other actions to prevent the FDA from banning Dekanor (Press Statement Lecture, n.d).

Besides, the CEO mentioned that medicine had surpassed its use in the human body. It cures and offers relief from discomfort. Recalling all the inventory will bring about a significant loss to the company because all the medicines have a shelf life. After that, it might all go to waste, which is not good. He promised to ensure satisfaction to prove the drug is not causing premature deaths or leading to adverse cardiovascular events. As a result, it will restore its confidence in the market to both the doctors recommending the medicine and patients using the medication.

Putting all factors together, it is best if the company stop all direct advertising to consumers and promotion of Dekanor to doctors. These will give the company time to do all the investigations. However, the company will sell Dekanor to doctors who feel the medicine is fully fit for administration in the human body (Press Statement Lecture, n.d). Medicines help reduce pain, cure, and bring relief to patients once taken.

Drugs have minor side effects, such as stomach problems, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, etc. Adverse side effects that lead to death, such as cardiovascular problems, require serious investigations before use. It is essential to help cure disease and not cause more health problems in the end. Therefore Dekanor should reduce its marketing and mass sale, advertising, and promotion. These will help reduce more cases and give them time to carry out enough investigations. In the meantime, studies will be done to ensure the medicine is safe for human consumption. According to the team, this alternative will give the time to do enough research and prevent the FDA from banning Dekanor (Press Statement Lecture, n.d).


Press Statement Lecture. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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Jensen Pharma Announces 3-Month Investigation of Dekanor - Essay Sample. (2023, Feb 11). Retrieved from

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