Kerry Group: Market Demand, Environmental Factors, and Consumer Profile - Research Paper

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  668 Words
Date:  2023-02-05


Kerry group organization is a food business firm which supply added-value branded chilled foods. It is one of the leading suppliers of food and beverage products in America and Europe. The success of the company was as a result of so many factors, including market opportunity factors. This paper discusses the market demand, environmental elements, competitors, consumer descriptions and complimentary substitute's products and how they relate to the organization.

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Market Demand

The company has a wide market of its products. The company's products have won the markets in Asia, America and of course Europe where it is located. The test profile of the products is exemplary. The company achieved the demand for its products due to its leading expert market team (Odell, 2017). The facilities of the company enable it to develop unique products that meet the consumer's needs. The company operates on a high level of technology and creations center almost in the whole globe.

Environmental Elements

Kerry group environmental elements include political, economic, social, and technological among other factors. These factors in one way or another affect the organization. For instance, the changes in these factors affect the competitive landscape. The company might gain advantage or disadvantage depending on the landscape. Political factors such as political stability create a favorable environment for the company to prosper. The level of corruption in the government regulates the consumer goods sector. Likewise, social factors like society's culture affect the organization in an environment. Different cultures of people share a lot to organizational marketers. The social factors that the marketers need to analyses include skill level of people, governance of the society, and literacy level and entrepreneurship perception of the society. All these social factors affect the competitive market.


Other competitors who produce products in the industry of foods, beverages, and pharmaceuticals just like Kerry. These companies pose a competition to Kerry in terms of sells, quality, efficiency, and supply (Pretorius &Sherwin, 2017). Therefore, the company needs to work hard in making sure that it improves the quality of its products to maintain the trust of their customers. It also has to be more efficient in its supply to meet the demand of its products to shut its competitors from getting into its market.


Kerry has been able to perform its businesses quite well. The organization has bought several companies making the part of it. Kerry sells food, beverage, and pharmaceuticals making it the major business (Anselmo, 2017). The company buys the time to process products into more convenient and quality products and sale them to their consumers after making them available to the consumers.

Consumer Description

The target consumers of the Kerry group range from people who are seeking medical solutions, children, and adults. The consumers of the group are average. The prices are fair, and everyone can afford. The organization has a widespread of consumers around the world. Its products flavor and taste are made to fit the different consumers around the world (Crawford et al., 2015). However, the company follows the trends showing the diets, sustainability, and health which the preference generates the innovation opportunities trying to meet the market preference.

Complementary and Substitute Products

Other products that are an alternative to products like Denny, Low, Dairy gold, to mention a few which are produced by Kerry. The complementary products include cooked meat, frozen meals, cheese, and other dairy products.


In conclusion, there is a relationship between the aspects discussed above with the opportunities in the market of Kerry organization. They contribute to the factors affecting opportunities of the group in the competitive market. Each factor has either negative or positive impact on the market.


Anselmo, M. (2016). Research on the foodservice environment and trade conditions in Iran (Doctoral dissertation).

Pretorius, A., & Sherwin, C. (2015). From Scotch to Sausage Rolls: Digesting Recent FMCG Control Cases in the UK. Competition LJ, 14, 169.

Crawford, K., Director, F., Rowberry, W., & McDonald, N. (2017). NOTES TO EDITORS.

Odell, K. (2017). Capital Mobilization and Regional Financial Markets: The Pacific Coast States, 1850-1920. Routledge.

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Kerry Group: Market Demand, Environmental Factors, and Consumer Profile - Research Paper. (2023, Feb 05). Retrieved from

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