Lesbian Care: Political, Social, and Sociocultural Impact - Research Paper

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  527 Words
Date:  2023-01-16


Lesbian care has a significant impact on political, social, and sociocultural factors. On the political side, some of the legislators are elected to represent the interest of minorities, including lesbians. Due to discrimination that lesbians face in the society, the lawmakers tend to push for the law that protects couples of the same sex. The proponents of lesbian care claim that lesbians also deserve the same care as other people (Lim, Brown & Kim, 2014). As a result, it instigates activism to protect their rights from violation by other people. On the social factors, lesbian care creates a negative perception in the society due to the social identity of same-sex couples. The societal norms accept a romantic relationship between couples of the opposite sex. Lesbian care distorts social order by recognizing and accepting individuals of the same sex as couples. It has an effect of changing marriage institution that has been accepted by society. On sociocultural factors, culture is determined by beliefs, values, and people involved in the community (Carrillo & Houston, 2015). Culture helps to create a sense of belonging to a group and enables people to know where they belong while with others in different social structures. In most communities, caring for lesbians has not been generally accepted. Therefore, people are required to respect the diverse cultures in various social settings to accommodate the lesbian group.

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How Personal Perceptions of Providers Might Influence Their Ability or Willingness to Care for Women in Relation to Lesbian Care

A majority of states have no laws that prohibit discrimination of people such as lesbians (Lim, Brown & Kim, 2014). A negative personal perception may prevent providers from offering quality care to such individuals. They may feel that such people do not have the same rights as others due to their sexual orientation. Sometimes lesbians do not want to reveal their sexual identity due to the fear of rejection in the provision of care. Research shows that lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender (LGBT) community face discrimination even in the provision of care (Carrillo & Houston, 2015). As a result, a negative perception among care providers may prevent them from helping same-sex couples. However, a positive personal perception may help to provide quality lesbian care. People who take care of minorities have been taught on the importance of recognizing and accepting distinct characteristics of individuals (Levounis, Drescher & Barber, 2012). A positive perception may help providers to realize that lesbians have equal rights and others and hence deserve the same treatment. Therefore, providers might be willing to take care of lesbians that may be beneficial in their lives.


Carrillo, J., & Houston, J. M. (2015). Exploring Cultural and Linguistic Aspects within the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Youth Community. Retrieved from:


Levounis, P., Drescher, J., & Barber, M. E. (Eds.). (2012). The LGBT casebook. American Psychiatric Pub.Lim, F. A., Brown Jr, D. V., & Kim, S. M. J. (2014). CE: Addressing Health Care Disparities in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Population A Review of Best Practices. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 114(6), 24-34.

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Lesbian Care: Political, Social, and Sociocultural Impact - Research Paper. (2023, Jan 16). Retrieved from https://midtermguru.com/essays/lesbian-care-political-social-and-sociocultural-impact-research-paper

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