Literary Analysis Essay on Dracula by Braham Stoker

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  5
Wordcount:  1179 Words
Date:  2022-12-27


Dracula is an epistolary novel that was written by a famous author known as Braham Stoker from Irish. In 1890, Braham visited a specific coastal town of Whitby, and it is said that tour is the one that inspired him to write Dracula. Dracula was written as an assemblage of realistic letters, newspaper clippings, diary entries, ship's logs and entries of diaries but they were utterly fictional that added a level of complete pragmatism story. Studies tell us that Dracula represents the struggle between the rise of modern science and the continuation of a superstitious world in the England Victorian. Braham Stocker wrote this book when in a period when the reasoning of scientific started to bring a significant influence on English Community. Although Dracula is not involved with the science concept, the texts of Braham Stoker about science versus religion is seen through the characters in the play.

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The modern science and the influence of new technology communication show the difference between the phonograph of Dr. Steward, the reputation that a train is given while Dracula shows about monsters, superstitions ancient traditions and ghosts. Thus, people consider Dracula as a menace to the English society, but some still prefer to read the Dracula novel than to follow the enactment of modern science. Braham Stoker describes Dracula as a military commander from Transylvanian who survived physical death but to survive and to endure his supernatural strength and youth power, and he requires to feed of human flesh blood. He had authority and wealth, and he was proud of his ancestors, and therefore, he seeks to reaffirm his life as a vampire. Dracula is seen as a new species, and at other times he is viewed as a teenager who is learning new things. Those who hunt and eventually silence Dracula are the ones that put him together.

The story of Dracula tells us about men in a small company and a woman who was led by Professor Abraham contests against of tally Dracula, who migrates from Transylvania to England so that they can manipulate people. While Jonathan was staying at Dracula's Castle, he interacted with no one except Dracula because the place was a very isolated location. Since Jonathan did not have any ways on how he could disclose his thoughts and journals, he continued to write his memoirs so that he could record about the experiences he has gone through and also bear his central state. On June 29, Jonathan wrote a biography that overhears a conversation between three women who were vampires and Dracula and that is when he realized that the next day was his last day to be a person. At the end of his journal, he decided to skulk down the wall of the castle to go home and bids goodbye to Mina and others.

In the United States, many arguments have going on for centuries and decades about the issue that is related to religion, science and others it is a combination of both science and religion. The film of Dracula addresses many contentious issues such as religion, superstition, xenophobia, and science. In this debate, Dracula speaks about, and it is revealed all over the novel. Dracula is attempted to be stopped by the Protagonists many times, but the only in which they can defeat is by religious objects. The wafer communion and the cross are the only two religious kinds of stuff that can be used to harm Dracula. The Christians use the communion wafer to represents the body of Christ while the cross is a copy of Jesus Christ. A study shows science cannot be used to harm Dracula, but the two objects (cross and communion) can injure Dracula. This indicates that religion has more power than science. In the analysis of the mental illness of Renfield, Science is seen to be insufficient because it does not cure the disease, but religion does.

The doctor's decree that Renfield is zoophagous, a mental illness which affects his behavior but people did not believe what the doctors were saying. The influence and control of Dracula is the one that made him act zoophagous. The scientists created a diagnosis that made sense, and they would be acceptable if they were considered in other cases but the film of Dracula continues to try and show that science is not enough itself to cure Renfield's mental illness. According to the movie of Dracula, the role of Dr. Van Helsing tries to explain and show how the power of religion is more powerful than the power of science.

Dr. Van Helsing believes in Christianity, and he is also a scientist, and he is trying to show how he combines both to try and heal the patients (Harris,2016). The characters of Dr. Seward and Dr. Van Helsing explains how they have to overcome their blind faith in modern technology, science, and logic so that they have the power to conquer Dracula. They confessed to the people that vampires still exist and they have knowledge about superstitions and traditions so they have techniques that they can use to kill Dracula. Their roles in the film encompass a bridge amongst exclusive knowledge of both West and East and the understanding of superstition and science, even unintelligible and they conclude that they are the only two information that can be used to free the evil world entirely.

In the final fight section, Quincey Morris comes with great Winchester rifles that he uses to fight against Szgany, but he also confessed to killing Dracula you need something that is more primeval- a big sword and a palisade inside his heart. In the other scene, the blood transfusions do not save the life of Lucy. Lucy was found on her bed while she was losing a lot of blood that nearly caused her death. To get revived, Dr. Van Helsing suggests that he should replenish the blood of Lucy with his own, and the blood donations from her fiance. The novel does not mention if the blood that was donated was compatible with the blood of Lucy, but Dr. Steward and Dr. Van Helsing believed that the power and energy in the blood of a man would energize her up and she will become strong again. This shows that science and technology does not all answers to cure illnesses but knowing superstitions can also help in saving lives. Van Helsing believed that science and modern technology is defective because it does not account the need to concede history in precise religious beliefs and the impacts they have on contemporary society. Van Helsing utilized both religion, science and technology depending on which type of statement he was going to create.

Works Cited

Shmoop Editorial Team. "Technology and Superstition in Dracula." Shmoop. Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 15 Apr. 2019.

Wilson, Alexander. "Techno-optimism and rational superstition." Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology21.2/3 (2017): 342-362.

Harris, Jason Marc. Folklore and the fantastic in nineteenth-century British fiction. Routledge, 2016.

Elmessiri, Nur, and . "Burying Eternal Life in Bram Stoker's Dracula: The Sacred in an Age of Reason/ : ." Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics (1994): 101-135.

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Literary Analysis Essay on Dracula by Braham Stoker. (2022, Dec 27). Retrieved from

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