Literary Analysis Essay on Etgar Kere's "What, Of This Goldfish, Would You Wish"

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  637 Words
Date:  2022-10-10


We will be analyzing and researching this book in the paper "Etgar Kere’s "What, of This Goldfish, Would You Like?": Theme Essay. Sergei needs a companion (the goldfish) because it is his only friend. The goldfish must stay with Sergei for three wishes. Etgar Keret's short story, "What, Of This Goldfish, Will You Wish?" states that Sergei will not have the option of choosing after the last wish. He will have to let go of the golden fish. His magic goldfish. His friend.

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This statement shows that Sergei didn't want to spare the child by considering his last wish, since it would have meant that he would lose the solitary friend who would communicate with him every day. He would feel desolate once more if he lost his fish friend, but the fish would not mind his freedom. Keret says, "I've been saving them." It was saved for some purpose. But Sergei won't answer". Sergei won't answer. The fish is happy to be released, so he attempts to persuade Sergei to let him go.

Sergei is reluctant and hesitant to answer the question. His silence suggests that he doesn't want to reveal the reason why he didn’t use his last wish. He may have felt embarrassed by it and therefore did not respond. Sergei's two wishes show that he cares about others despite having many difficulties. He used one of his desires to save his sister. This shows that he loved her and didn't want her to die from lung cancer.

His sister did not know that he granted his wish to her, and the goldfish was there for him to be encouraged and to fulfill his desire. Sergei's next wish was for his girlfriend and her son. According to the text, Sergei's second wish was used five years ago on Sveta’s boy. The child was still very small, just three years old, but doctors knew that something wasn't right. He had another wish for Svet, his lover. He used it to him because he was suffering from a condition that prevented his brain from developing fully. Also, because he loved Svet and wanted to save her son's life, he did so because he could see all the pain she was going through. Sergei was a selfless person who put others first. He must decide whether he will use his last wish to save Yonatan. He is conflicted as he doesn't want to use his final wish, since then he will lose the companion who talks to him every day. Because he had sacrificed the other wishes to save the others throughout his life, he needed to keep the last wish for himself. Etgar Keret's short story, "What, Of This Goldfish, Will You Wish?", says, "You killed Sergei,'" the goldfish replies. "You killed someone, but you are not a murderer," the goldfish said.


Since Sergei is not a murderer, the goldfish tries to get him to grant the wish. It becomes a question of whether or not the wish should be used. Sergei would like to correct his error, but it is difficult for him to choose between taking a risk and keeping friends, or keeping his good reputation and losing them. Sergei wanted the goldfish to be free and able to roam freely. According to the text, Sergei can tell when the fish is truly excited by the way he swishes his tail in the water. The goldfish already enjoys freedom. Sergei can feel it in him. Sergei didn't want to make the wish because he had to try to keep the fish around longer so that he could have someone to talk to every day. The fish attempts to persuade Sergei to grant the wish because he sees the goldfish eager to finally get his flexibility.

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Literary Analysis Essay on Etgar Kere's "What, Of This Goldfish, Would You Wish". (2022, Oct 10). Retrieved from

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