Literary Analysis Essay on Graphic Novel Maus by Art Spiegelman

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  6
Wordcount:  1526 Words
Date:  2023-01-05


The graphic novel Maus by a cartoonist Art Spiegelman is writing that delivers an engaging and rich narrative particularly in consideration to its plot. When going through the details and context of the book, it is up to the reader to consider and figure out the landscapes described within since a well-delivered narrative describes the images clearly. Maus is presented in a graphic form as it portrays the involved characters as animals with Jews as mice, Germans as cats, and Poles as pigs. Through this presentation, it offers a comical view intended to render a simplistic relation to the subject as well as develop a cryptic mood in the story. It included the story of Art Spiegelman's parents' story in Poland within the 1930s as well as describing the experiences as the Nazis invaded and persecuted the Jewish population. Through such occurrences, they deliver the need to internalize the book and determine its significance in the contribution to personal knowledge and culture which could also define the value of the book to readers. However, Maus establishes a story of survival through an ambiguous time and shows humanity that to outlast the difficult and hard times one must be a valuable asset in the society as a whole.

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There has been a massive buildup of academic research around Maus as various educational institutions have used the book as course material in a range of fields ranging from language arts, social studies, dysfunctional family psychology, to history. It is evident that Maus surpasses the volume of academic content in any other comic literary writings; however, there is a variety of books taking part in the description of Maus bringing out the validity concerning the significance of the book in contribution to knowledge and culture. For instance, Art depicts the obsessive-compulsive involvement of Vladek with high intensity. As one listens to the story about Vladek, it develops the understanding concerning his driving urge to preserve and keep everything (Rees, 1). The occurrence of living in an infested prison with little drink and food derives that Vladek had to learn survival. In as much as the story touches around the issue of survival by involving Auschwitz, it evident that as the reader gets into much detail of the novel, their knowledge and understanding of culture increases (Levi). Moreover, as one takes the story of Auschwitz, there are various occurrence designed to delivers a specific recognition of Maus. Such circumstances play a prominent role in making Maus a decisive contribution to the culture and knowledge of the readers.

One of the primary reasons as to why Maus is valuable and ought to be read is its ability and capacity to provide a second-generation perspective. Maus offers two stories simultaneously with one about the survivor while the other is about the survivor's child. The incorporation into an individual's life and profession is a natural occurrence; however, the second generation utilizes the Holocaust in alternative and distinct ways. For instance, the experiences of the parents have instilled themselves in the lives if the second-generation individual as occurrence delivering the occurrence of confusion and feelings of inadequacy. Within the involvement of the two stories, they offer a significant insight particularly in the understanding of the various participations of history to other individuals. With such occurrence, it delivers a dominant contribution to culture and knowledge which equally elaborates the reason as to why the book should be read.

The occurrence of deep memory and external memory in Maus is a happening that delivers a significant reason as to why the book should be read and depicting is as valuable for modern readers. For instance, as Charlotte Delbo describes "deep memory," as the memories retrieved from Auschwitz that preserves its' physical imprints and sensations. In most of the cases, these compartmentalized memories occur through in daily life and disturb the activity of the survivor in one way or the other (Delbo). It means that, when Vladek discusses mainly discusses a painful memory, it reaches the surface which is one of the ways to ensure tabs on the human consciousness. A specific example of this is when Vladek tells Spiegelman that he used to call him "Heil Hitler" and this painful memory delivered an effect to him that causes him to knock over his well-counted pills (Maus, 30). Through such occurrence, it provides a relevant elaboration especially in terms of culture which in various aspects expands the involvement of the book rendering it as value to the readers.

Correspondingly, in consideration of the contribution of our knowledge and culture, Maus is presented in such a setting whereby it reflects on the hardships and difficulties of representing the Holocaust. The occurrence of art and culture can be attributed as an intensely personal way to preserve knowledge and memory particularly for the individuals involved in the Holocaust. In as much as there are questions concerning the value of the book, this book is valuable for the modern readers since it tackles the issues of trivializing the Holocaust by reflecting on the ambivalence towards the success of the literary work. Moreover, through this, Maus offers the ability to inspire to write based on the validity of culture since the literature considers the various exploitations of other peoples' suffering (Ewert 87-103).

Similarly, as Maus explores the difficulties and consequences of the Nazi ideology that plays a significant role in the reduction of Jews to the status of animals and sub-humans that are not worthy of ethical consideration, Spiegelman does not fail to generate the numerous occurrences depicting how frail morality can be when tested. Through such, it means that Maus is a proper representation of culture as it derives that the standard bonds that hold human together such as community and family can disintegrate as one considers their options in the face of enormous human suffering. Thus, this increases the validity of the content in the graphic novel as modern readers can relate the content delivered with the present even though it is based on the past which equally offers a significant contribution to the knowledge and culture of the people. It points out one of the primary reasons as to why the book should be read.

Furthermore, Maus is valuable and should be read because it carries a significant portion of history and testimony. The occurrence of mythologization is meant to define the American approach towards Holocaust memory and history. Moreover, it even outs the complexities of numerous Holocaust accounts whereby, instead of carrying and growing the readers desire and need for one all-comprehensive story, Spiegelman presents them with a different story that entails unique experiences and characteristics. Primarily, Spiegelman delivers and assigns a voice to both history and survivor testimony since they add significant insight to one another, an occurrence that contributes to knowledge and culture. Despite the incident that there are challenges associated with history and memory, the existence of an oral testimony ensured the continuation of two stories (Smith, 1-13). In this, the reader understands and acquires knowledge regarding the personal tragedies and enormities of the collective one.

Maus is a valuable Holocaust resource whereby it reveals insights into dominant issues in the study of the Holocaust today and provides an accessible platform through which they can be discussed and understood by the readers. For instance, there is the involvement of Holocaust humor in Maus which is relevant in providing the knowledge to the readers as well. However, Terrence Des Pres questions the Holocaust humor appropriateness, when the consensus is to approach this particular event with explicit seriousness. Evident from Vladek's story, the use of jokes and laughter assisted him in dealing with challenges and horror that surrounded him (Grunwald-Spier). Moreover, as Dominick LaCapra notices the existence of different humor in Maus, it is meant to enlighten certain situations whereby Spiegelman provides details in some of the significant approaches utilized by Vladek an occurrence that serves primary importance in historical discourse and understanding of the book. Thus, deliver another reason as to why the text should be read as well as advocation the book as valuable.


In conclusion, the various conversations in Maus provoke the different theories that the book represents which in one way or the other prove that Art Spiegelman has played a significant role in drawing a valuable price of literature. Most people could perceive the comic medium as an occurrence that diminishes the worth of the book in representing the significant issues surrounding Holocaust study in the present; however, the comics enhance the readers' ability to interpret and understand the text. Moreover, Maus benefits the reader by equipping them to participate in complicated Holocaust issue as well as adding to the valuable pool of valuable Holocaust resources.

Works Cited

Ewert, Jeanne C. "Reading Visual Narrative: Art Spiegelman's" Maus." Narrative 8.1 (2000): 87-103.

Grunwald-Spier, Agnes. Women's Experiences in the Holocaust: In Their Own Words. Amberley Publishing Limited, 2018.

Levi, Primo., et al. Survival in Auschwitz: the Nazi Assault on Humanity. 1st Touchstone ed., Simon & Schuster, 1996.

Rees, Laurence. Auschwitz: the Nazis and the final solution. BBC Books, 2005.

Smith, Philip. "Drawing Vladek, Staging Shylock: Art Spiegelman's Maus in American Holocaust Discourse." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (2018): 1-13.

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Literary Analysis Essay on Graphic Novel Maus by Art Spiegelman. (2023, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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