Literary Argument on Social Issue

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  5
Wordcount:  1158 Words
Date:  2022-09-13


The narrative "Isabelle" revolves around a handicapped girl her name Isabelle. Her parents' hard parted ways and she was leading a miserable life with her father Split Lip. On the other hand, her mother, being unable to bear with costly needs of her daughter nicknamed "Boneless", and the father being unable to provide, she had fallen in love with another man and they were leading their lives happily at St. Caspian. They lived in a society where poverty, racism, fighting and killing were the major social issues facing them. Consequently, other issues such as hypocrisy as well as all sorts of social injustices were prevalent to a larger extent. People could be killed and the killings go unreported. However, the fate of split Lip is his death while in sleep leaving her daughter being taken to an in an orphanage for further caring. From the Narrative, poverty is amongst the most prevalent issue. In the story, most individual struggle to ensure they make a living people. The essay seeks to provide a detailed account of poverty as one of the social issues as well as providing a concrete solution that could solve the problem.

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From the beginning to the end of the story, lack of resources is one of the key issues for most of the families ranging from the narrators family to Isabelle's family among many others. Taking Isabelle family into consideration, maintaining of Boneless was costly. This was even the cause as to why of Mrs Cavendish, Boneless mother hand abandoned her. Mr Split was consequently unable to provide for the family. This shows that there was a lack of resources. Mr Split Lip hard a poor paying job. He only served as a cop and commercialised in the selling of water purifiers of which hardly provided enough money to meet the basic needs of the family. Furthermore, striving to make both ends meet, Split Lip had resolved to sell poor quality water purifiers of which were even rather some form of scam.

As quoted "the blacks didn't care what kind of poison they put in their bodies." "Inside the purifiers was just a sponge and an electric motor connected to do nothing." Basing of this two assumption, it is clear that the water purifiers had no capacity of purifying the water but rather just for formality. For the case of the blacks who bought them, the purifiers neither helped nor affected them although they hardly complained since they never knew what really the purifiers were. In the same context, despite the fact that Mr Split Lip was a scammer selling poor quality products to people, Mr Split Lip led a miserable life in abject poverty often unable to afford the masseuse to ease the Boneless bad pain. When he went to work he could only afford to leave Boneless with a bottle of water with some little food and could not even employ a servant for taking care of Boneless, for instance, to change her soiled and wet pants for some penny. However, Boneless new the reality of life "in her simple ways she understood what poverty is and never asked him to leave work." This really showcases that poverty had indeed rocked the family and even at her tender age Boneless new the reality of life.

The Narrator's family is consequently left out as far as poverty is concerned. Poverty remains looming and they hardly led a promising life. With the collapse of the industries, most individuals were left helpless inclusive of the Narrator's Dad who resolved to engage in miserable and low paying job of pushing gut cart. "The stockyard downscaled and Dad was reduced to pushing gut cart for a minimum." Her mother, on the other hand, served as a grocer at Trini market. These shows that indeed poverty had sunk deeply in the society and getting a penny was through struggling and fighting as observed from the narrator's words. "Then one night Ma came home from Trini's Market with a broken arm and no groceries." From this, it is clear that the Narrator's mother experienced had experienced some fights of not getting battered to what had led to her hand being broken and the groceries taken away. This openly shows that life was indeed a struggle in society and insecurity was amongst the major causes of poverty.

The aspect of poverty consequently comes out clearly basing on the fact that the Narrator's parents could not agree on taking care of Isabelle after the death of Split Lip because of their poor lives they were leading. This is can be vividly seen when the Narrator's father begged Ma to allow Boneless as a family. She readily provides a rowdy answer "Look at you, look at me, look at our son who's got no life, let her go where she can get proper care." This openly showcases that their lives were in jeopardy due to poverty and did not want to add more problems that is why she decided not to accept. They were already filled with enough problems and could not want more.

Moreover, after the death of Split mouth, Dad hard pledged the Narrator to Split Lip after the shooting, in which he was to take responsibility for taking care of Boneless as she could hardly settle in the absence of anybody. Therefore, every morning the Narrator was to travel to Boneless's home using a bicycle to prepare for her eggs. Ideally, if the Narrator was coming from a well-established, he could afford other means to reach Isabell's home rather than riding on a bicycle. "So every morning I biked over and made her eggs and Split Lip went off to work." In addition, preparation of an egg daily without change of diet shows that Split Lip family was so poor that could get a balanced diet. However, the goodness is that Isabelle had a good understanding of the situation and would not complain.


In summary, from the short Narrative "Isabella," a number of social issues have been portrayed. However, poverty amongst the people is one of the greatest issues prevalent to a large scale. As observed, poverty comes in due to the fact that there is no justice within the society, there are killings like for the case of Split Lip who is a murderer, fighting and stealing from victims like the incidence of the Narrators Ma without action being taken, and poor economy. Two most important things that can be done to alleviate and reinstate a better life in the society, is by improving security and making adjustments done on the economy. This could lead to the perpetuation and development of business ventures without fear that some invaders might invade and steal or rob business ventures. Moreover, a supply of quality products could as well improve the livelihood of the societal members. Like in the case of Split Lip selling nothing but rather just stealing from people.

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Literary Argument on Social Issue. (2022, Sep 13). Retrieved from

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