Arguably, living on campus have numerous benefits for students during college because it saves time, money and provides conducive environment for studying. College students are faced with a challenge of choosing whether or not to stay on campus houses. College housing is better than staying outside the campus because students will have an opportunity to have enough time to study since they would not consume time moving up and down from their outside residences. Colleges housing have got all expenses such as electricity and water bills paid by the college. On the other hand students might choose to stay off- campus which have also various advantages just like the college housing (Brubacher 259). For instance, off campus decision makes students to increase their independence, they have freedom and more space to do what they want. It also teaches students to be responsible in terms of servicing their electricity and water bills. They also learn to purchase food as well as cooking for themselves. Therefore, Los Angeles County needs to form an affordable housing for college students who desperately need and deserve accommodation.
Los Angeles County should develop affordable housing for college students to increase security of students (Seelman 625). Ideally, student security is enhanced when they stay at the college house because they do not mix with the public and therefore criminals threatening their security could be easily identified. It should be noted that college housing are more secure than the off campus housing because colleges are able to contract security companies or rather get security personnel form the government to ensure security of students unlike in the off campus housing whereby the surrounding do not have security and if it has, it is not as tight as it is in the colleges housing. On campus housing is very essential in enhancing security of students because it has rules and regulations that should be adhered by all students. For example, the colleges in Los Angeles county beef their security by locking all doors and windows when they leave for other places, travel within the campus premises and to report any suspicious individuals to the police. On the other hand, off campus housing do not have enough security for students as it is found in the on campus houses and therefore, los Angeles county should provide affordable housing for students to guarantee them maximum security while at school. Students living off campus are vulnerable to insecurity because they do not know whether those surrounding them in their residential houses are criminals or not. Those in campus houses are aware that they are surrounded by their fellow students and that they are less likely to be attacked. On campus houses are more secure than the off campus ones hence the need for Los Angeles county to invest in providing affordable housing for students.
Los Angeles County should develop affordable housing for students to ensure that the less fortunate ones get cheap accommodation (Nicolazzo and Susan 311). It is believed that on campus housing is very cheap when compared to the off campus housing. The on campus housing provides the neediest and deserving students with affordable houses to live in during their studies in the college. It helps student to save on the little funds they have until they reach to the end of the semester unlike when they are off campus where they have to meet all their bills. The Los Angeles County should start providing affordable houses to ensure that students do not drop out of school due to lack of enough accommodation fees since the off campus houses are very expensive to rent. Most students in Los Angeles County have found it difficult to survive in colleges due to increased rent rates hence they defer or drop out of school. It will serve the interest of the needy and deserving students if the county forms affordable housing. The off campus houses only accommodates the rich students since they can afford the rents charged by landlords. Precisely, the college housing will arguably help the needy students since they will only pay the accommodation fees which guarantees them a house with paid electricity and water bills hence cutting their monthly expenses as opposed to when they are in the off campus houses. Affordable college housing is essential to students in that, other than the reduced expenses, they will not travel for long distances to attend their lecture halls, libraries and cafeteria hence saving on time and consequently improving their performance. Students within the college house get food and other substances under subsidizes prices hence making life affordable and conducive for learning.
Nevertheless, students living in college houses demonstrate good moral behavior unlike those living in off campus houses (Kremer et al. 199). Building affordable houses for colleges in Los Angeles will help the society to raise responsible people. The on campus houses have strict rules to be adhered to by every student living in them unlike in the off campus houses whereby they engage in all sorts of immoral behavior like taking hard drugs such as alcohol, bhang amongst others. The Los Angeles colleges have rules that prohibit immoral behavior hence ensuring students grow to be responsible people in future. The off campus students demonstrate high level of indiscipline because they are not controlled at their residential places. Providing affordable houses for needy and deserving students incessantly boosts their moral behavior because they are closely monitored by the college staff. Research shows that colleges that accommodate all of their students in the college houses produce people of good integrity because they are not influenced by strange behavior from the general public. Therefore, it is the high time for Los Angeles County to embark on providing funds for colleges to set up more structures for students to spend their time during their studies in the school environment.
There is need for Los Angeles County to develop affordable housing for needy and deserving students in colleges. Colleges require these houses to ensure that security of students is guaranteed, the less fortunate students get cheap accommodate within the university, and improving the moral standards of the college students through keeping them from the other people in the general public. Provision of affordable housing to university students will further improve the economy of the entire state because many students who failed to join colleges for further studies will gain access with the reduced costs hence increasing the number of people in the workforce. On campus housing realized when the county develops the affordable housing will reduce the criminal activities perpetrated by students living in off campus houses thus making the society a safe place to live and invest.
Works Cited
Brubacher, John. Higher education in transition: History of American colleges and universities. Routledge, 2017.
Kremer, Michael, and Dan Levy. "Peer effects and alcohol use among college students." Journal of Economic perspectives 22.3 (2008): 189-206.
Nicolazzo, Z., and Susan B. Marine. "" It Will Change if People Keep Talking": Trans* Students in College and University Housing." Journal of College & University Student Housing 42.1 (2015).
Seelman, Kristie L. "Recommendations of transgender students, staff, and faculty in the USA for improving college campuses." Gender and Education 26.6 (2014): 618-635.
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