Paper Example on Delinquency Among the Minority Races in the United States

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  552 Words
Date:  2022-09-28


A demographic analysis of the rates of delinquency in the neighborhoods that are inhabited by the minority races. The research will look towards proving the hypothesis of the research and ensure that there is an enhanced way to look into the activities that could count as a sign of delinquency in the community. Hence, these activities ensure the growth of a modest appeal for the actions in the community. The alternative hypothesis for the research is that the neighborhoods that are inhabited by the minority races have a high rate of delinquency. Meanwhile, the null hypothesis of the research states that the neighborhoods inhabited by the minority races do not have a high rate of delinquency.

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Research Question

What are the demographic rates of delinquency in the neighborhoods that are inhabited by the minority races?

This research question seeks to look into the issue of delinquency within the minority neighborhoods. While the research attempts to take a great tackle on the general topic, a development of the content from the point of view of the black neighborhoods will be undertaken to ensure that there is a proper value determination in the long term. Hence, these activities ensure the growth of the development in the course of looking into delinquency within the communities.

Disciplines Incorporated

There are diverse disciplines that are incorporated in the study. Primarily, this looks into a legal study as well as a sociological study. The use of these two studies makes great heed into the development of a modest appeal at delinquency in the society. More to the point, this will look into the development studies, which will seek to learn about the differences in the black communities. Hence, by looking into these disciplines, it gets to a great extent of unveiling the series of issues within the community that has to be handled. By looking into the issues related to delinquency, it gets to an extent whereby the society can be treated to a level of lowering the rates of delinquency within these neighborhoods.


The high rates of incarceration and juvenile detention of the minority communities call for the growth of a modest way to look into discovering the underlying issues. The research is therefore instructional in getting to point out the factors that potentially lead to higher rates of incarceration within the community. The use of these actions will ensure that there is a better system to handle the minority communities in the society and to unveil better ways to ensure that the youths and juveniles in the community get better activities to do apart from engaging in crime. On the other hand, this research will get to look into the major factors for delinquency and reasons that could lead to correcting the issues in the community. Therefore, the use of these factors makes a great implementation of the major paths towards curing the society from delinquency and leading to engagement of the members of the community on more instructional activities. More to the point, the research points out to the issues that affect the youths and could be introduced to help in servicing the society to change their course. These initiatives will make the research to be of a great benefit to the community and help in instructional reduction of delinquency in the society.

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Paper Example on Delinquency Among the Minority Races in the United States. (2022, Sep 28). Retrieved from

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