Paper Example on Stress Reduction Techniques

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  606 Words
Date:  2022-10-19


Stress is basically categorized as a health hazard. The aspect of being a hazard calls for an immediate solution to reduce it since it has extreme repercussions such as suicide as a long-term effect (McEwen at all, 2015). However, finding a perfect technique has emerged as a challenge. Most of the existing techniques work differently whereas others work perfectly. To ensure that perfection in stress reduction; categorizing of the stress type and applying the various stress technique is a must. This paper entails a profound discussion on the four main categories of stress and various techniques that aid in stress reduction.

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Acute Stress

Acute stress is a common type mainly caused by increased pressure from the recent past and the future. Trauma experiences can be used as the best example that causes acute stress. Acute stress is known of its quick existence and short lasting. Breathing exercises are considered the best since it works quickly upon implementation. Cognitive reframing helps in changing situation view to manage the stress levels. Progressive mussel relaxing, on the other hand, involves a combination of breathing exercises and PMR which aids in providing a moment to calm down and regroup. Mini-meditation involves breathing exercises with an addition of five minutes to clear the mind and calm down.

Chronic Stress

Chronic stress is another category known of its draining aspect. Individuals are experiencing chronic stress experience burnout if its management is not done immediately. Proposed techniques that deal with chronic stress include; regular exercises, healthy diet maintenance, cultivation on supportive relationships, regular meditation and music listening. Exercises are known of their strong capabilities in managing stress especially by keeping the brain busy. Maintaining a healthy diet helps in dealing with the overall stress as the body is fueled and the system functions great having a supportive relationship aids in the establishment of a caring environment which is crucial when dealing with stress. Meditation and music listening helps in mind alienation from the stressful moments to a zone of peace hence the help of creating calmness of the mind.

Emotional Stress

Emotional stress has a greater impact on people than all types of stress. Betrayal of feelings is the reason for the huge impact created by this stress type(Scott, 2018). Best techniques for dealing with emotional stress include; journal writing, friend talks, music listening, and therapy help. Journal writing and friend talks, help in reducing stress since they provide a platform for sharing the hard feelings trapped inside. Listening to music helps in mind switch whereas therapist guide individuals in getting away from emotional distress.

Battling Burnouts

Burnout exists as a result of the prolonged chronic situation. This stress type makes individuals feel a lack of control in their lives. People who get to this stage, motivation to their lives becomes an issue. The most recommended techniques of dealing with this stress include; taking some time off, feeling more laughter in life, indulging in hobbies and getting more enjoyment at the job.


In summary, stress-reducing techniques can only become effective if the category of stress is identified. Some of the techniques such as listening to music and meditation apply to different stress types,but it all depends on personality. Dealing with stress is however vital as the long-term impact are chronic. Deploying of the discussed techniques are therefore suitable in promoting health


McEwen, B. S., Bowles, N. P., Gray, J. D., Hill, M. N., Hunter, R. G., Karatsoreos, I. N., & Nasca, C. (2015). Mechanisms of stress in the brain. Nature Neuroscience, 18(10), 1353.

Scott, E. (2018). Not All Stress Is the Same-Here's How to Manage It All. Retrieved from

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Paper Example on Stress Reduction Techniques. (2022, Oct 19). Retrieved from

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