Recent Trends in Health Care Sector: Indian Perspective - Research Paper

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  803 Words
Date:  2023-02-07


A research article by Kataria, Saini, and Gupta (2015) looks at the current trends in the Indian health sector. The report, Recent Trends In Health Care sector: A study Of Indian Perspective, discusses the transformation and impact of technology in the health sector.

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The article looks at patients' needs in terms of services and attention. It implies that most solutions can be brought by improving technology in machinery and equipment use. The efficiency and improvement of the health care system to satisfy the needs of the population call for attention in India. The government of India has allocated funds to ensure the up-gradation of healthcare amenities and capacity enhancement to provide efficient and effective services for its people.

The Indian healthcare sector faces challenges and issues which hinder growth. The government views the solutions of most healthcare issues as equipping centers with medical equipment which are updated with the latest technology. Through improvement of technology, it aims to improve treatment, timely decision, diagnosis, and quality of services. Implementation of technology systems will also increase its productivity leading to the creation of employment opportunities to support other sectors of the economy.

A transformation of the health care sector will lead to the generation of revenues to boost economic growth along with information technology sectors, and education. Implementation and planning of a system requires maintained logistics for delivering quality medicine. It requires an adequately paid and well-trained workforce. It also requires timely information for implementing decisions and formulating policies.

Improvement of medical equipment satisfies society needs and leads to better health services being offered. A nation must have effective and efficient health facilities. A country that has excellent medical facilities for its people, has secured its future.

MN573 Discussion

Social media use is adversely associated with the psychological status of adolescents (Kim, 2017). It also has a profound effect on the development of adolescents. The internet and social media have created more opportunities and challenges for adolescents (Bryant, 2018).

Social media has generated positive and negative outcomes. Media exposure is associated with substance abuse, eating disorder, and the development of a negative self-perception. Media advancement in technology has created cyberbullying, which enhances a form of antisocial behavior. Heavy use of the internet makes adolescents vulnerable to cyberbullying.

Social media is associated with distress, poor psychological functioning, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and loneliness (Kim, 2017). However, online socializing is beneficial to many adolescents. The internet and social media have enhanced greater access to health-promoting information and has increased learning opportunities. Social media use has also created a sense of belonging and has raised the self-esteem of adolescents.

Social media has brought an adverse effect on the psychological status of adolescents. It has created over-dependence of the internet, made adolescents lazy, and enhanced cyberbullying, which affects the self-esteem of the teenagers.Health Informatics is associated with development, design, and assessment of technology systems to acquire, process, and interpret patient data. Health informatics provides tools for acquisition, preparation, and distribution of medical knowledge and data (Imhoff, Webb & Goldschmidt). It provides a mechanism for patients to provide their doctors with critical information (Snyder et al., 2011). It also enables them to share their knowledge with other patients, friends, and family members. The information provided enables the patients to exert control over their medical care.

Several benefits accompany informatics; greater access to health services and information, better coordination of care, improved patient care, and empowered patients (Snyder et al., 2011). Informatics has also enhanced the patients and clinicians' interactions. It aids clinicians to have quick access and can make recommendations regarding the symptoms, treatments, and diagnoses.

Healthcare systems through health informatics, become more efficient and meet the demands of patients' needs. Health informatics aims to offer solutions to issues related to data and information processing. It also aids health professionals to provide cost-effective care and proffer better services.


Bryant, A. (2018). The Effect of Social Media on the Physical, Social-Emotional, and Cognitive Development of Adolescents.

Imhoff, M., Webb, A & Goldschmidt, A. (2001). Health Informatics. Intensive care medicine. 27. 179-86.

Kataria, B. G., Saini A. K., & Gupta Sangeeta (2015). Recent Trends In Health Care Sector: A Study Of Indian Perspective. International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology.

Kim, H. H. S. (2017). The Impact of Online Social Networking on Adolescent Psychological Well-Being .A Population-Level Analysis of Korean School-Aged Children. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 22(3), 364-376.

Snyder, C. F., Wu, A. W., Miller, R. S., Jensen, R. E., Bantug, E. T., & Wolff, A. C. (2011). The role of informatics in promoting patient-centered care. Cancer Journal (Sudbury, Mass.), 17(4), 211.

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Recent Trends in Health Care Sector: Indian Perspective - Research Paper. (2023, Feb 07). Retrieved from

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