Reducing Smoking Among Teens: School-Based Prevention and Cessation Programs - Research Paper

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  664 Words
Date:  2023-02-02


The most significant preventable public health challenge for many nations is tobacco products, especially cigarette smoking. There have been several attempts through many research to reduce smoking among teens. Below are some of them;

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School-Based Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation: Where Are We Going?

This article presents the potential preventive measures to help teens in schools to stop using smoking. It advocates for social influences programs and mediation to help teens stop using tobacco (Sussman, 2001). Analytically, this would be of great help as teens respond positively when counselled in social groups.

Smoking Cessation Between Teenage Years and Adulthood

The study found that most teens smoke because of social influences. They do so at the adolescent stage since, at this stage, they are highly influenced by anything (Paavola, Vartiainen & Puska, 2001). The best way to put an end to it is to equip teens with skills that would enable them not to fall prey of evil influence.

Modifying The Smoking Behaviour of Teenagers: A School-Based Intervention.

This article is about research which focuses on physical impacts of smoking on youths and the immediate remedy. Topics on tobacco were introduced in specific subjects to create awareness on the dangers of smoking (Perry, Killen, Telch, Slinkard & Danaher, 1980). The school intervention method can be successful since teens respond quickly when they hear the resultant effects of smoking.

Teen Smoking Cessation: Making It Work Through School and Community Partnerships.

The researchers here used an N-O-T program that was developed as an intervention measure to smoking teens. The program is conducted for ten weeks, where awareness is created on the dangers of smoking (Dino, Horn, Goldcamp, Kemp-Rye, Westrate & Monaco, 2001). Analytically, it is the perfect intervention, method since it entirely creates awareness on teens to help stops smoking through several pieces of training.

Tobacco Use: Prevention, Cessation, And Control

This research shows that school-based interventions on smoking and self-help strategies are not effective among teens (Ranney, Melvin, Lux, McClain, Morgan & Lohr, 2006). Rather, it approves of population and community-based. Realistically, when school teens are mixed with community members for health education, they pay more attention since it is not the usual faces (teachers) pushing for it.

Consensus Report: 2nd European Workshop On Tobacco Use Prevention And Cessation For Oral Health Professionals

The study focuses on using oral health professionals to facilitate tobacco use and cessation among teens (Ramseier, Warnakulasuriya, Needleman, Gallagher & Lahtinen, 2010). It advocates for training oral health professionals on how to create awareness on youths and the dangers of tobacco. Usually, teens value oral health. Using oral health professionals would help significantly in reducing tobacco use among teens.


Conclusively, cigarette smoking can destroy the lives of teens. Coming up with a remedy and appropriate interventions for smoking among teens is called for. Government and researchers alike must work together to ensure this comes through.


Dino, G. A., Horn, K. A., Goldcamp, J., Kemp-Rye, L., Westrate, S., & Monaco, K. (2001). Teen smoking cessation: making it work through school and community partnerships. Journal of public health management and practice: JPHMP, 7(2), 71-80.

Paavola, M., Vartiainen, E., & Puska, P. (2001). Smoking cessation between teenage years and adulthood. Health Education Research, 16(1), 49-57.

Perry, C., Killen, J., Telch, M., Slinkard, L. A., & Danaher, B. G. (1980). Modifying smoking behavior of teenagers: a school-based intervention. American journal of public health, 70(7), 722-725.

Ramseier, C. A., Warnakulasuriya, S., Needleman, I. G., Gallagher, J. E., & Lahtinen, A. (2010). Consensus report: 2nd European workshop on tobacco use prevention and cessation for oral health professionals. International dental journal, 60(1), 3-6.

Ranney, L., Melvin, C., Lux, L., McClain, E., Morgan, L., & Lohr, K. N. (2006). Tobacco use: Prevention, cessation, and control.

Sussman, S. (2001). School-based tobacco use prevention and cessation: where are we going?. American journal of health behavior, 25(3), 191-199.

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Reducing Smoking Among Teens: School-Based Prevention and Cessation Programs - Research Paper. (2023, Feb 02). Retrieved from

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