The issue of abortion has had different opinions from people. Everyone has a different contribution to the topic with some either supporting abortion or other condemning it. The ones against base their arguments on the health concerns and jeopardy associated with the process of abortions. Others do so associate themselves with the religious matters terming the process as ungodly and against Gods intention on the natural way as life starts at conception (Steensland et al. 2000, pp 302). The complication and the aftermaths of the process would make such kinds of people be against the process. On the other hand, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. (PPFA), or Planned Parenthood is an organization that promotes the healthy reproduction in the US. Planned Parenthood has a different approach on the issue of abortion by suggesting that each lady should have access to the whole service of the reproductive care which includes access to the safe abortion. This research is objected at critically analyzing the issues affecting the abortion and Planned Parenthood in the America society. This would be approached by understanding effects of unsafe abortion, the role of Planned Parenthood and the birth control regulation.
There is the urge to understand what is abortion and the events that may lead to any woman being involved, before criticizing whether it is wrong and unsafe or justifiable. Abortion is the medical procedure that is followed in the termination of a pregnancy. The process may use either the surgery or medicine approach to get rid of the embryo and the placenta from the mother's uterus (Paul et al. 2002, pp. 409). This decision is personal and dependent on the victim, although the advice of a qualified practitioner is very crucial. The process is carried out by a physician who is licensed which is critical in reducing the risks involved with the age of the pregnancy. Abortion can be as a result of the pregnancy complications or induction in the humans and other species. In most cases, the abortion term can be referred to as either pregnancy induction whereas the spontaneous abortions are typically defined as a miscarriage. The abortion can be inducted at 20 weeks when the fetus has been developed and most body parts are already formed.
The law in America permits the physician to conduct an abortion before the baby is born and does not term it a crime. The law is clear that it cannot prohibit abortion if the health and safety of the mother is to be held paramount. This comprises of the psychological, physical, emotional, and the age of the mother as the constituting factors of the health of the mother. The other necessity for the conducting of abortion on the woman is the child could pose as a danger to the welfare of the women life as they would be not contented with the obligations and the responsibilities that would be associated with the taking care of the child once he or she is born. As a result, this would be a psychological concern as the child born into the family may be an additional challenge; therefore, an abortion may be necessary. In such cases, the performing of abortion is allowed in the U.S for any reason at any period of the pregnancy (Cook & Bernard 2003, pp29). The law states that the mother can terminate the unborn child who is not wanted even at the stage where it is over six months of pregnancy.
It is estimated that over one million seven hundred thousand surgical abortions are conducted each year in the US. This is an implication that there is a child who dies due to abortion after every three conception. However, more than 90% of the reported cases are not crucial ones which may have been necessitated by the circumstances of incest, rape or the health of the mother's protection. Most of the women who are involved in the abortions argue that the unborn child would be a hindrance, interfering with their normal routine such as school, work alongside other responsibilities (Ferree & William 2003, pp.45). A study conducted in regards to the abortion rate showed that America leads in the number of abortions in every thousand women of the age of childbearing. More than 25% of the abortions were on adolescents of the age brackets of 12-20 years with most of the young adults' performing the process without the consent of the parents. It is estimated that there have been more than 30 million unborn children killed as a result of abortion since 1973 when the Supreme Court legalized abortion. This is more than 20 times the number of civil war deaths victims in America with the inclusion of both the world wars. America has one of the best rules across the globe, with only one nation that can be compared to it, China. China allows the abortions practices any period of the pregnancy to control their population hence uphold the one child one woman policy.
Out of the performed 1.6 million surgical abortions in the US, the rape or incest accounts for only 1% whereas 7% accounts for the overall health of the mother. The rest of the 92% is associated with the economic, personal and social reasons which are well covered broadly in the health act of the Supreme Court. More than 10% of the conducted surgical abortions in the US are done in the second and third pregnancy trimester whereas about 1-2% is performed in the third quarter. Against all excuses given, at least more than half of the women who have done an abortion earn more than $35,000 annually, which is an indicator that poverty is not the core reasons for the high rate of Abortions.
A research conducted on the post-abortion patients two months after abortions revealed that more than 45% of the patients had adverse health side effects linked to nervous disorders. 37% had developed sleep disturbances whereas 30% had regrets as to why they killed their unborn babies, and 11% were prescribed with psychotropic medications (Cleland et al. 2013, pp. 166). Over the recent past years, there has been an increased use of psychiatric and medical services among the women who had abortions. Moreover, there has been some health concern that more than 35% of the women who had abortions reported both long and short sexual dysfunctions, which rose as a result of the process. To be specific, some signs and symptoms are exhibited which includes decreased pleasure in relationships, increased pain, sex, and general male aversion and the promiscuous type of lifestyle development. Additionally, some studies have identified some connections between suicide and abortions. The researches revealed that in one year, at least 75 suicides on pregnant women were caused by the abortions, which would not have been the otherwise natural cause of death.
The religion principle, on the other hand, has a different perception on the issue of abortions. For instance, the Catholic moral law has a problem that is against abortions. It terms it unlawful for the attempt to kill innocent life, even if it is on account of saving another one. The human life is valuable and innocent as it is a gift from God, which no man has authority over it(Maguire 2016, pp.3). The Christian teachings argue that life starts at conception, and God is the beginning of life, therefore is the custodian and caretaker of everyone. In this case, the women should not worry about how to raise the unborn child.
The male gender plays a significant role in the issues to do with abortions. The U.S Supreme court accords that the father; husband or boyfriend has limited power to stop an abortion. He is not even entitled to being notified in case the girlfriend or wife is to get abortions. The court has taken into it that the woman has the ultimate power to decide, as the issue exclusively involves her life and health. This implies that she is not only the decision maker but also her boyfriends or husband's input is of little significance. Nonetheless, the attitude of the father of the unborn father is vital in the determinant of the woman's decision to go ahead with the abortion (Berer 2009, pp.60). In case the father of the child is caring and is concerned by emotional and economic support alongside the required necessities provision during the pregnancy time, then the there is a close likelihood that mother is likely to forego abortion and keep the baby, especially in the case of marriage. On the other hand, if the father shows an attitude of hostility and indifference to the pregnancy, then there is a high probability that the woman may facilitate an abortion as she feels she is rejected and abandoned. Moreover, the issue of abortions creates a lot of unseen problems for the most couple in their relationships. There is a high probability that a divorce or separation will occur among the couples who have had an abortion. The ties and bond between the man and woman break therefore in case the woman aborts, she develops a challenge in sustaining the bond with the partner.
Planned Parenthood is objected at ensuring the women have the required access to the safe and legal abortion. Their main aim is to prevent and reduce the occurrence and number of unwanted pregnancies. The primary targets are the teens that fall victim of the highest and repeated birth rates, which creates enormous tasks to be done. This establishes the significance in the campaign on the women access to the cheap and quality birth control by availing all the possible methods for her to choose any that suites her..This is because the decision to keep or get rid of the child depends entirely on the woman, in the counsel of her health provider. Planned Parenthood argues that abortion access is legal and well outlined and supported in the constitution (Devins 2008, pp.1318). However, the people opposing the women's health are adding more challenges through the policy proposals, battles in courts and the legislative regulations on the abortion services. Some go to the far extents of harassing, intimidating and being violent on the women alongside the health providers. However, Planned Parenthood is tasked with the fight and protection against all this at every level. This includes in courts rooms, Capitol Hill and every other grassroots channel all for the sake of ensuring the women have the required reproductive health. As a result, have some ways that sort them out which includes the provision of education to the elected members, mobilization of the over seven million planned parenthood activities and the various partners they have made.
The issue of abortion has no consultable solution. It presents the most significant challenge with the inquiry to fix something that questions the most valuable thing, life! This clearly shows that abortions is and will continue being a dilemma whose solution is not easy to solve. The best approach would be to offer education and element from the sexuality point of view. This will play a vital role in the appreciation and respect of sexuality.
Works Cited
Berer, Marge. "Provision of abortion by mid-level providers: international policy, practice and perspectives." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 87 (2009): 58-63.
Cleland, Kelly, et al. "Significant adverse events and outcomes after medical abortion." Obstetrics and Gynecology 121.1 (2013): 166.
Cook, Rebecca J., and Bernard M. Dickens. "Human rights dynamics of abortion law reform." Human Rights Quarterly (2003): 1-59.
Devins, Neal. "How Planned Parenthood v. Casey (pretty much) settled the abortion wars." Yale LJ 118 (2008): 1318.
Ferree, Myra Marx, and William A. Gamson. "The gendering of governance and the governance of gender: Abortion politics in Germany and the USA." Recognition Struggles and Social Movements. Contested Identities, Agency and Power (2003): 35-63.
Maguire, Daniel C. "Abortion and Religion." The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, 2016, pp. 1-5., doi:10...
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