Antony was an Egyptian who came from a noble, respected and wealthy family. Antony came from a Christian family and therefore he also professes the same faith. Antony lived with his parents at the infancy stage and therefore he knew much about their parents and home alone. When he was growing up and becoming a mature boy he tried to associate with other members of the society by engaging in the community with other boys. His main desire was to live a life of a plain man at home as established by Jacob. As mentioned in Genesis 25:27, Antony attended the house of the lord not as only a child but as a child of God. He, therefore, grew up as an obedient and respectful child for both his father and mother. In most cases, he remained attentive to what is being read and taught in the house of the lord and in most cases, he mastered only what could profit him in his head but discard what could not make him an important person in the society. Because children grow up in an influential environment, Antony did not grow under the influence of other children. He, therefore, he did not disturb his parents in any way even for luxurious fares or did the influence of other children became a source of pleasure to him. He grew up as a simple boy who could only use what was available to him but had no desire to seek other worldly pleasures.
After the Death of Antony's Father
Antony remained with his younger sister after his mother and father had died. His father died when he was between the age of 18 years and 20 years and therefore he had the obligation to take care of their home with the help of his younger sister. After six months after the death of his parents, he continued going to the house of the lord as his custom. He conversed with himself and had a reflection upon his life and decided to walk a life similar to the Apostle Mathew 4:20 who left everything and decided to follow Jesus. He also followed what is in the Act 4:35where he sold all his wealth and brought and laid them at the feet of the Apostle to be shared among the needy and to how great hope awaits them in heaven. Antony entered the church after pondering through these two bible verses and at that time the Gospel was being read. At that time, he heard the Lord saying to the rich man Mathew 19:21, 'For you to be perfect, go and dispose all your riches and share them among the poor: then come and follow me and at the end, you shall enjoy heavenly treasures.' As God had commissioned him to become a saint and what was being read was for his account, he left the house of the Lord immediately and distributed all his belongs to his forefathers to share them with other members of the society. He did this for the purpose of being blameless in the eye of the Lord. He only reserves a small portion of the wealth to his sister and distributed all the movable goods to the poor.
Early Ascetic Life of Antony
When he continued attending church services, he heard the Lord saying, be anxious not for tomorrow according to the Gospel of Mathew 6:34. He went ahead and distributed his riches to the poor. He also encouraged his sister to understand and believe on the faith of virginity, he also ensured that she stayed in a convent to grow into a devoted Christian, he remained in the World as a disciplined person. At that time there were very few monasteries in Egypt but there was no Monk in any part of Egypt or neighborhood. It was necessary then that those who desire to heed for themselves accomplished the discipline in seclusion adjacent to their vicinity. Antony had to see an old man who had to live his entire life of a hermit. Antony copied him in piety and decided to abide in areas outside their village. At the time Antony gets any information about a godman in any part of Egypt such as a prudent bee, he went ahead and see him. He returned after receiving good information from the good man as if it was provided in the manner of the virtue. He stayed there for a while and decided not to return to their homes where his kinsmen were found. He was mainly focused on perfecting his discipline. He also decided to work using his hands after hearing that, 'he who does not work should not eat.'2 Thessalonians 3:10. He used part of what he earned from his sweat and shared the rest with the needy. Throughout his life, he was prayerful with the knowledge that a man should pray in secret. He took heed for everything had to follow them to the latter.
Everybody loved Antony. He was a sincere man and decided to stay close to good men only. He could not allow these good men to make him move away from his zeal and discipline. He was gracious, prayerful, respect the dignity of others and he was very loving and kind. Furthermore, he was endurance and ready to help those in need. Antony went back to their village so that she could show the virtue in him to all. He also did not compete with his age mates but he wanted to make them enjoy. As a result, people in his village called him the beloved son of God. He was also being referred to him as a son while others a brother.
Early Conflict with The Devil
Because the devil does not want to see a good thing, did not like to see Antony growing as an upright man and God fearing man. The devil, therefore, devoted himself to see Antony turn away from his discipline. The devil made several attempts to leave his discipline by reminding him about his wealth, entitlements of his kindred, desire for money, relaxation of life and the care he should provide to his younger sister. The devil, therefore, had a purpose of obstructing him from his settled course. Because Antony had a very strong faith and prayerful, the devil could not overpower him hence felt very weak in relation to the determination and commitment of Antony. The devil put his strength in the weapon and use some people to attack the young man during the night and harassing him at daytime. The villagers could observe the struggle between Antony and the Devil. Other people counter them in prayers while other fire him with lust others with fasting. The devil also took the shape of a woman and copied all his behavior in order to entice Antony. The mind of Antony was occupied by Christ and the graciousness enthused him and considered the holiness of the soul and discourage the deceit. At the same time, the devil also showed him the ease of pleasure, he also rejected the thought of the devil and passed the temptation. Antony, therefore, shamed the devil as he was deeming himself like God. When the devil realized that it could not change the mind of Antony, he decided to appear to him like a black boy to deceive him. He replied to him, Many I deceived, many I cast down: but now attacking you and your labors as I had many others I proved weak.
Life of Antony During 271-285
This was the period when Antony first met with the Devil. The victory was not his but it was the lord's Victory. Antony had taken several lessons from the Bible, he believed that the war was not his but for the lord according to Ephesian 6:11. He remained committed to his discipline despite the fact that the devil had been making several attempts to deceive him with the bodily pleasures. He would, therefore, continue ensnaring him with through other means. Antony, therefore, developed the tradition of leading a severer way of life. Most people laughed at him but he could not abandon his course of purpose. He stayed for several nights without sleep to prove his capability to other people. He was eating a single meal in a day and sometimes he could take two days before eating. Heat bread and salt and could only drink water. He was marveled by a Rush man that he was sleeping on the ground. Furthermore, he did not anoint himself with oil on the belief that it behooves young people to be earnest in training and not to seek what would enervate the body. they, therefore, must have accustomed themselves with labor. During this period, he could not remember the things that took place in the past because he passed through painful things when he was a young boy.
Life in the Tombs
Antony also came out of the Tomb which was within the neighborhood of his village. One of those who believes in him could only bring meals to him at a given interval. He decided to get into the tomb and other acquaintances shut its door. He remained there alone for a while when the enemies were looking for him that Antony would spread his discipline in the entire desert. Antony was tortured with the enemies one night but he could not change because he believed that the torture had been so severe to the extent that there was no blow inflicted by man that could Couse him more torment. Through the provision of God and a strong belief that God can never abandon his people, he had hope that he would receive bread from his acquaintances. When he was seen lying down as if he was dead, he was lifted up and taken to a nearby church in the village. He went back to the tomb when other church members were asleep.
St. Athanasius. (2005). life of St. Anthony. Early Christian Biographies, 127-216. doi:10.2307/j. ctt32b1rx.7
.Gragg, G. (1998). The Letters of St. Antony: Monasticism and the Making of a Saint. Samuel Rubenson, St. Antony. The Journal of Religion, 78(1), 108-109. doi:10.1086/490131
Athanasius (1998). Life of Antony. 3. Caroline White, trans. London: Penguin Books. p. 10. ISBN 0-8146-2377-8.
.Baynes, T.S., ed. (1878), "Saint Anthony", Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2 (9th ed.), New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, p. 106
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