Slavery, human trafficking, and prostitution are social, moral issues that have been in existence since ancient times. When they are done to individuals, they affect society greatly. Despite their physical injuries and effects, human trafficking, slavery, and prostitution leave a long-lasting psychological impact on the victims. In almost every country, the three vices are illegal although people practice them in hiding (Ling 2018, p.67). However, there is a growing concern over how to fight it and eliminate from being exercised. Different movements have been formed to fight against social injustices among people in society. The study will employ questionnaires research design to collect data. The collected data will be analyzed using Microsoft Excel for analysis of standard deviation, mean, variance and T-test. This aim of the proposal is to evaluate the slavery, human trafficking, and prostitution moral issues and the practices used to eliminate the vices worldwide.
Literature Review
Many organizations and scholars have defined the word human trafficking in different ways, However, according to Bassiouni et al. (2010), human trafficking "is the unlawful, clandestine movement of persons across national boundaries, whether coercive or consensual, and irrespective of gender, age or reason for the trans-boundary movement (p.418)." Elsewhere, United Nations Human Rights describes human trafficking as a process where people are used exploitatively for economic or personal gain. Statistics show that 24.9 million people are affected (Dunbar 2018, p.6). Women and children are the most vulnerable, although men are also subject to the vice. The perpetrators of human trafficking force the victims to work as sex workers, farm laborers, domestic servants, and sweatshop workers among others. Human trafficking involves practices such as prostitution, forced labor, and slavery. In this regard, prostitution and slavery ensue from human trafficking. The perpetrators assert maximum power over the slaves and ensure that they are greatly oppressed and do whatever they are told to do without questioning (Dari-Mattiacci, 2013 p.81). Human trafficking is not for the selected few but affects many people of all gender from all over the world.
According to the Global Survey Index (2018), the practice of slavery is highly prevalent having affected 40.3 million people living in modern day life. The women victims of slavery account for 70% making them the most widely affected by modern day slavery. Slavery benefits the perpetrators at the expense of the slaves (Warren 2018, p.10).
Prostitution is a social injustice that is done on women, children and also men; however, women and children are the most vulnerable (Dottridge 2002, p.31). The vice is commercialized, and although some people willingly engage in the action for money, others are forced into it by perpetrator drove by the need for money. In this regard, Dottridge (2002) posits that prostitution is the sexual act that is done for a reward or to gain profit (p.30). Statistics show that out of 207 trafficked women, 76% received physical assault from a trafficker, boyfriends, and brothel club owner among others. In the same study, it was established that victims forced or intimidated to have sexual acts amounted to 90% while 91% reported having been pushed to the sexual act without their free will (Bassiouni et al. 2010, p.425). Prostitution is related to human trafficking because the victims of human trafficking are subjected to suppression where they are forced to work as prostitutes. Bassiouni et al. (2010) posit that commercial sex is practiced in the context of human trafficking and is an issue of sexual exploitation (p. 424).
Measures to Eliminate Slavery, Prostitution and Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is commercially done to engage people in vices such as slavery and prostitution among others. Fighting against human trafficking would significantly reduce the levels of prostitution and slavery worldwide. Several efforts have been put forward to address the social vices that the severe effects of human smuggling bring forth to society (Corrin, 2004). Numerous initiatives have been adopted to remedy the three vices. Measures put in place have addressed the issues of protecting the victim, forming collaborations, and a greater focus on the victims (Riswanda, and Corcoran-Nantes 2017, p.217). One of the most pronounced movements that have radically fought human trafficking and its associated adverse effects is the human right movements (ETI and Ergon 2018, p.45). Human right movements fight for the rights of those who are voiceless and cannot save themselves from the bondage of human trafficking (United Nations Human Rights). Through activists, the human rights movements have achieved milestones in combating the crimes. Different measures of fighting and eliminating prostitution and slavery include anti-prostitution or slavery treaties among countries (Bassiouni et al. 2010 p.439).
According to various scholars, several measures have been used to combat human trafficking although they have not been satisfactory. Santos, Gomes, and Duarte (2010) identify border control as one of the measures that have been used to control human trafficking (168). When the borders are not controlled, anybody can move from one country to another irrespective of the reason for crossing. Hence, by monitoring and guarding the border, people traveling would be assessed, and the transportation of people prevented (Corrin, 2004). The second strategy to fight human trafficking as identified by Santos, Gomes, and Duarte (2010) is the fight against terrorism. Terrorism involves the mass recruitment of individuals who are used to perpetrate whatever the terrorists want (168). In the process, the recruited individuals may be raped, used as slaves or they are sold to human traffickers. Conversely, sometimes the terrorists are human traffickers; hence, fighting them would greatly help in eliminating slavery and prostitution in the world. Thirdly, Santos, Gomes, and Duarte (2010) posit that changing the way each country deals with prostitution would be a great way to eliminate human trafficking, slavery and human trafficking (168). Human trafficking occurs because there is a ready market for a prostitution business. Hence, if there were no business in prostitution, there would be no room for human trafficking. In this regard, controlling prostitution in countries is a great way to fight human trafficking.
Specification of the Research Question, Aims, and Objectives
The research questions in s research study guide the research towards the aim and objectives of the study. Hence, through the research questions, the research remains on the cause to accomplish the objective and achieve the aim of the study.
To evaluate slavery, human trafficking, and prostitution moral issues and the worldwide practices used to eliminate the vices.
The research questions of the study will be as follows:- What is the prevalence of human trafficking, slavery, and prostitution?
- Is human trafficking the leading cause of slavery and prostitution?
- Are women and children the most susceptible to prostitution?
- What are the worldwide practices for eliminating human trafficking, slavery, and prostitution?
The objectives of a study define the course of action for a study. For this research proposal, the objectives will be:- To explore the prevalence of human trafficking, slavery, and prostitution
- To identify if prostitution is the leading cause of slavery and prostitution
- To find out if women and children are the most susceptible population to prostitution
- To investigate the worldwide practices for eliminating human trafficking, slavery, and prostitution.
Methods and Methodology
The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of slavery, prostitution, and human trafficking and assess the worldwide practices of eliminating the three voices. Methodology in a research paper involves the various ways that will be used to achieve the objectives of the study. It should, therefore, be well organized and oriented towards achieving the objectives of the study. As a result, the methodology section is organized into study design, data collection,
Research Method
A suitable research method enables the researcher to complete the study comprehensively without delays or challenges. Hence, selecting an appropriate research method is suitable for every study. A study can either employ a qualitative or quantitative research method or a mixture of the two (triangulation). The choice of the method to use is determined by the nature of the phenomenon, questions and the objectives of the study. While the qualitative method of research seeks to figure out a holistic view of the topic on the study, the quantitative method of study seeks to establish the relationship among the variables being studied (Park, J. and Park, M. 2016, p.4). Besides, the quantitative method puts emphasize on numerical data that can be measured through statistics while qualitative method entails making observations and drawing inferences. In this regard, and based on the variables for this study, the method of study will be quantitative study.
Research Design and Data Collection
This study will employ a questionnaire research design to gather data from the population and hence aid in unraveling the mysteries underlying human trafficking, slavery, and prostitution. Moreover, the questionnaires will be used to collect information on the worldwide practices employed to eliminate the three vices. Questionnaires will be designed articulately so that the questions contained therein are not confusing or wordy.
Conducting trustworthy research is essential and to accomplish it, various measures are adopted (Hodis, and Hancock, 2016, p.305). Data collection is the reason for designing a questionnaire. This study will collect data using questionnaires which will be administered randomly ensuring proper adherence to the scientific procedures. The research design allows the researcher to provide information that is necessary for the research analysis. Besides, the tool enables the researcher to cover a wide range of instructions and information that are vital in designing a questionnaire.
The sample population will consist of 200 participants to whom the questionnaires will be administered. The population to whom samples will be obtained will be the victims of prostitution, slavery and human trafficking. Hence, the study will be conducted in the streets and brothels where the prostitutes are widely found. It will also cover farms where the slaves work. In addition, the researcher will administer questionnaires to the vic...
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