The development and adoption of human rights have enhanced the development and governance of humans in the world today. Human rights have influenced the freedom of people and their unity to work together and influence their social and economic statuses. LGBT rights are known and have been accepted in many countries to govern the freedom for sexual orientation and gender identities that differ according to the individual's preferences. The LGBT community have faced many challenges in the current society (Holzhacker).
Challenges of the LGBT Community
There are numerous challenges that the LGBT community identify with on their lives and interaction with others in the society. They are:
Violence; there have been prevalent hate crimes against the LGBT individuals. In the recent past, there has existed a big challenge of violent crimes against transgender people especially women of color. They have been killed and others injured in violence across the world. Trans women are the most vulnerable whereby due to the fight against sexism, poverty, racism transphobia, which often puts them at high risks of violence.
Parenting; very few nations and a handful of states in the United States today have passed the right of gay couples to raise kids. This has denied the LGBT community the basic right of raising kids. In the United States, a major supporter of the LGBT community has some of its states denying the adoption of children by same-sex parents.
Gay conversion therapy; the American psychological association has condemned the process of gay conversion therapies. Kids are still be sent to have this harmful process. In the United States, this practice has completely been banned from minors.
Discrimination in employment; currently, the gay and transgender individuals are still fired from their jobs on the grounds of their sexual identity or gender orientations. This will mean that regardless of the performance or abilities of a person in the place of work, that person can still lose a job if their boss finds out their orientation and they disagree with it. The United States has had part of the states pass laws to stop discrimination of workers in their place of work base on their sexual preferences (ULifeline).
Housing discrimination; if the LGBT community can succumb to be fired from their place of work based on their identities, ways to earn and support a decent life becomes hard to find. This problem is magnified when the LGBT people are denied housing due to their identity. The United States LGBT people have become victims of housing discriminations because of lack of laws in specific states to govern the unfavorable or unfair treatment in renting of houses.
Schools, bathrooms and other public accommodations; this is a fight over bathrooms that seeks to find whether the trans-gender and the gay individuals have the right to use facilities I the schools, bathrooms and public accommodations like any other person to accommodate their needs. An example is a school trans-kid that will advocate for using the bathrooms in a way that suits their identity as a trans-kid and not what is in the certificate. This has elicited mixed reactions in whether the LGBTs are safe in accessing privileges, goods, facilities and services in the public sphere.
Unequal healthcare; the LGBT community has had fights in the quest for better healthcare services access and for the access to equal treatment by the health insurance organizations, doctors in the hospitals that have blocked individuals access to healthcare needs challenges that the LGBTQ Community. Due to substance use and mental health issues, the youths are likely to experience health issues. The trans-gender individuals have always received discrimination from insurers due to their identity. Based on the United States statistics, 37 states have no laws to stop discrimination of persons based on their identities to be sexually transgender (Xijia Tang).
Criminal justice issues; the queer individuals have regularly faced discrimination in prisons. The trans- inmates have specifically had issues of abuse including being confined in solitary points for their protection. Many crimes surround the LGBT communities that have made them easy targets for long term periods of imprisonments.
Acceptance; outside the legal systems instituted, the LGBT still face a lot of hate, discrimination, and abuse. This has resulted in their emotional, physical and mental harm. Many LGBTs have ended up in the streets because of being rejected by their families at home. The young LGBT people have encountered trauma that has affected their lives completely. This is because the society has not accepted the practices of LGBTs. This has made governments like the United States protect the rights of LGBTs.
The sexually active LGBTs are banned from blood donation. This began in the early period when HIV/AIDS was inexplicable, the FDA an administrative organization in the United States banned men who had sex with men to stop donating blood. This ban now stigmatizes the many men who wish to donate their blood to supply shortage. According to the LGBTs, this law passed in the 1980s is an outdated policy and therefore is both homophobic and threatening to life.
Education on sexual health does not offer education on LGBT content. In many classroom setups, students are not taught the habits of sexual health. According to the LGBTs, this is important because when they get romantic, the relations may involve same-sex encounters. This lack of inclusion of the syllabuses is a message to the LGBTs that they are not relevant in the open for discussions in the public spheres.
Heterosexual spouses can visit one another in the hospitals without the fear of being returned. Unlike the LGBTs who have no rights to protect them in case of hospital visits. On the other hand, it is expected that one should go and see their partners in the hospitals. This has not been practical for the LGBTs because most of the medical providers have not embraced the LGBT rights and practices (Anat.).
Effects of Discrimination
Numerous LGBTs frequently report dealing well with the discrimination they face and many have not encountered depression or any mental condition. Nevertheless, discriminations and stigmatization easily lead to the likelihood of emotional distresses, depressions and anxieties.
The LGBTs often feel the pressure to fit into a society that does not embrace ideas as the LGBTs do. Those who are not able to fit the group can easily be ridiculed, intimidated or even physically abused. This experience has caused the LGBT families to be lack self-esteem and the capacity to face the public and demand for their rights. The pressures have become the cause of diseases like high blood pressures, heart attacks, and mental illnesses. On the extreme, the pressures have caused insanity and stroke as the LGBT individuals face much hatred, isolation, and abuses.
Even though there is increased acceptance of in the society, the LGBT people still encounter discrimination, violence, and harassments at school, social places, and work. This lowers their performance and effectiveness in their everyday activities. In school, this has caused a lack of concentration which eventually leads to failure to excel in examinations. According to studies done in the United States, Thailand, and the United Kingdom many LGBT students are bullied in school even upon the third skip to escape the chances of being harassed (Beyond Blue).
LGBT Discrimination Should Stop
Every person has equal rights to live free of persecutions, stigma, violence, and discrimination. The international laws of human rights establish the legal permission on the individual nations to ensuring that everyone without any distinction enjoys the rights provided.
The failure of the people to upholding and protecting of the LGBTs human rights against abuses like discriminations is a serious international human right violation problem, and it has a consequence on the society. These serious consequences would include the contribution of vulnerabilities of these people to infections, exclusion in economic and social matters and straining of the affected families hence affecting the nation's economic growth negatively. Therefore the nations bear a primary role under the international human rights and laws to protect every person from violence and discriminations. These rights protections, therefore, needs an urgent response to ensure equal opportunities and protections for everyone. Human rights based on religion, beliefs, cultures and the moral practices are universal. They are easily disrupted when the sexual orientation and gender identities of people are violated. This calls for protection of LGBTs rights by the governments and the international bodies governing human rights protection (CARE2).
The LGBT persons are often faced with violence or discriminations when they seek refuge from being persecuted. There has been documentation made by the United Nations based on the psychological and physical violence that the LGBTs go through in every region of the world. Such violence and discriminations include rape, kidnappings, abuses, and murder; all these are against the national and international laws on human rights (UN HUMAN RIGHTS). Therefore, just like any other human, the LGBTs need to be protected against this violence and discriminations that they always go through. Currently, in many countries, the government responses have not reached the threshold because the LGBTs plights are not investigated or prosecuted as a homosexual person would receive. This has enhanced impunity and lack of remedies and justice to support the victims of violence and discriminations due to their sexual preferences.
Stopping the discrimination will unite the nation in the development and economic growth agendas. When all the people regardless of their choice of sexual identities or orientation are respected for their choices, they embrace others especially in areas they least expected to be embraced. A united people will always work together and make a better nation together just like people of different religious practices can be united and work together for the common good (UNAIDS). Discriminations of these people have detrimental health effects on them; they include mental health which is important for their progress and development of self and the nation.
Ensuring That Discrimination has Stop
Governments need to safeguard the right of expression as an exercise of freedom, associations, and assembling of peaceful LGBT people. This will send a message of acceptance in the society as part of them. Apart from this, it will build the esteem of the LGBTs. If there be anyone who has been discriminated, they will be able to speak out freely when they are together as one.
The laws need to be repealed to stop the criminalization of homosexual and transgender people. This will ensure theta the authorities will not discriminate them and their rights will be protected by the authorities themselves for the good of the LGBTs.
Creation and enforcement of laws that protect the LGBTs and their rights is the primary and most important step to protect the LGBTs and punish anyone who will be found guilty of discriminating these individuals. Often, because they are not accepted in the society, they are discriminated and go through a lot of violence and unjust experiences. As the government comes up with acts, policies, and laws to protect them and their rights, the LGBTs will have better lives in the public spheres of their lives; in school, place of work and social places...
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